kiara moon

Kiara moon

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NA Localization: A beautiful, mysterious woman who claims to be the Pseudo-Servant of the legendary nun Yaobikuni, who was said to have gained immortality after consuming the flesh of a mermaid and then went on a pilgrimage across Japan And nobody knows anything about her beyond that. Step into her realm, leaving behind your worries, and her beauty will make you lose all sense of time. Fan Translation: A mysterious Pseudo-Servant claiming herself to be Yaobikuni, a nun from legend who ate "The flesh of a mermaid", and wandered throughout the country in perpetual youth and immortality. Nobody knows further than that about her.

Kiara moon

Kiara, nombre dado por su madre. Es de origen americano. Es una variante del nombre italiano "Chiara", que deriva del latin, y significa 'clara', 'brillante. Cabello rubio, su cara es como un "triangulo invertido". Posee tez clara, nariz corta, ojos azules, labios rosados. Es de complexion delgada, tiene piernas largas, no usa piercings ni tatuajes. Forma lobo: tiene ligeros toques de color marron, negro y blanco, sus ojos de color amarillo, tirando un poco a oscuro. Su estilo suele depender segun su estado de animo, y a veces le gusta vestir de negro. Es tranquila, amable, inteligente y un tanto sensible. Se enoja facilmente y es poco rencorosa.



Apply Guts to self 1 time, 5 turns. Remove debuffs from self. Restore own HP each turn 3 turns. Increase own NP Gauge. Gain Critical Stars. Apply Evade to all allies 1 time, 3 turns. Remove Sure Hit buffs from all enemies. Decrease DEF for all enemies 3 turns.

Kiara moon

Things have changed dramatically over the last 10 years. We continue to explore how social media companies change the way business is done in a new interview. Kiara Moon is a leading model who has worked with several large brands in the United States. She granted us an interview to talk about her journey in modeling and her thoughts on social media's influence on the modeling industry. I worked as an auditor and analyst for a while before deciding to quit and follow my dreams. I've always been free-spirited, and modeling was something I wanted to do since my early teens.

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Anti-Caster Attack Damage Aptitude. Mermaid's Flesh EX. Fan Translation: Ascension 1 For her first swimsuit, and first summer event, the usual Kiara wears an outfit focusing on grace and innocence. For information about returning faulty electronics please see Returning Faulty Items. With the presence of Yaobikuni, she may have acquired some extent of "self-restraint". Step into her realm, leaving behind your worries, and her beauty will make you lose all sense of time. Even should such love seem to be salvation in the eyes of its object, an outsider will see that it is no more than the hell of being manipulated. This Noble Phantasm is a variation of that act. This change of mind return policy is in addition to, and does not affect your rights under the Australian Consumer Law including any rights you may have in respect of faulty items. Get to Know Us. En-route back to the surface, she incidentally ran into a school of mermaids and took their aspects as well, saying, "While I reform, I could do my childhood over! What's more, for some reason, this High Servant had a truly outlandish thought: "If I'm going to revive, I might as well start from my youth! Servant Summer Camp Rank A. They are only available during special summoning campaigns.


Start a Wiki. More details. There, she found a fossilized Shen, took a nibble of it, and fused with it. NA Localization: Sessyoin Kiara changed into a swimsuit Spirit Origin quite casually after saying, "my, a swimsuit Spirit Origin certainly sounds amusing. If you thoughtlessly swim into her fishy situation, you'll find yourself sunken in her beauty. Or so they thought. Get to Know Us. Mermaid's Flesh: EX Legend has it that anyone who eats mermaid flesh becomes immortal. Whomever they are, I will tend to them, soothe them, love them, and more…" The "Love" Kiara speaks about is solely for her own pleasure. This is why, while she was Lily, she believed herself to be a Yaobikuni Pseudo-Servant. She mercilessly tortures nasty pigs gender irrelevant for the masochists they are, and if that wasn't enough, has the image of a terrifying police Queen. Some claim to have spotted a rare juvenile form as well, but it may just be a summer illusion. Product Information Technical Details.

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