kieran rdr2

Kieran rdr2

Kieran Duffy is a supporting character kieran rdr2 in Red Dead Redemption 2. Kieran's father was an Irishman with a dream of farming west in California, but both he and Kieran's mother later died of cholera. This left the young Kieran orphaned, and the stables where he worked threw him out shortly after, kieran rdr2.

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Kieran Duffy is a supporting character from the video game Red Dead Redemption 2. He is the newest member of the Van Der Linde gang, where most distrust him for being with the O'Driscoll Boys, the rival gang.

Kieran rdr2

As the title of the game suggests, Red Dead Redemption 2 is about redemption and salvation. The game takes the player through a tumultuous ride with Arthur Morgan and the notorious Van der Linde outlaw gang. One of the Van der Linde gang members that never saw a proper redemption is Kieran Duffy. Unlucky for him, he's always on the wrong side of history, having rolled with the O'Driscoll boys and thus finding himself trapped between the two gangs' rivalry. These are ten interesting and often overlooked facts about him. Be warned that spoilers do follow. Although the latter wasn't precisely Irish and was born with another surname, he changed his name to Duffy in order to fit in with the Irish Mob. During one of the late-night conversations at the gang's campfire, Kieran told Sean MacGuire that his parents died of cholera when he was very young. Back in the days, especially in the s, the world was hit by at least eight cholera outbreaks, ranging from to , claiming millions of lives. Before his death, Kieran's father wanted to be a farmer in California, but unfortunately, nobody from the family has ever reached the Golden State.

Even little Jack liked to throw rocks at him while he was busy with the horses. Kieran rdr2 and Arthur head into the new spot pointed out, kieran rdr2, where Arthur can catch the Legendary Bluegill. Kieran is later seen with the other gang members when Pinkerton agents Milton and Ross approach the gang at Clemens Point.


Whipping boy and general dogsbody for the rival gang O'Driscoll Boys , Kieran was captured on a raid by the Van der Linde Gang , and coerced into turning on is own people. He later became part of Dutch's gang in his own right but remains somewhat trapped between a rock and a hard place; the O'Driscolls want him dead and his new associates will never fully trust him. A scraggly, toady individual of dubious personal hygiene, Kieran has much more of a connection to horses than he does to people. In alternative, we created a VIP Membership that allows you to browse the site without ads and get some extra features, for a small price. By becoming a VIP Member, you support our work and allow us to create even more amazing features and content for you. Sign Up. Kieran Duffy. Anders Helgerson. Alberto Fussar.

Kieran rdr2

As the title of the game suggests, Red Dead Redemption 2 is about redemption and salvation. The game takes the player through a tumultuous ride with Arthur Morgan and the notorious Van der Linde outlaw gang. One of the Van der Linde gang members that never saw a proper redemption is Kieran Duffy.

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Before Jack is retrieved from Angelo Bronte , he can be seen confronting Abigail and apologizing for misreading the situation when Jack was kidnapped. The O'Driscolls would later attack the gang, but the gang would survive the shooting. His night clothes consist of a white cotton shirt and white shorts. No one made a big deal out of it except Mary-Beth. Start a Wiki. This outfit will also serve as his winter gear. Charles also remarks that he was starting to like Kieran. Back in the days, especially in the s, the world was hit by at least eight cholera outbreaks, ranging from to , claiming millions of lives. Jack even throws rocks at him. Kieran's father was an Irishman with a dream of farming west in California, but both he and Kieran's mother later died of cholera. Kieran and Mary-Beth during a random dialogue. Revolver Redemption saga Redemption Redemption 2. Kieran talking to Abigail.

Fishing is a companion activity in Red Dead Redemption 2. It becomes available after completing the mission "The New South" in chapter 3.

She offered him a drink when he was still tied into the tree, and even called him " Sweet, nice, but O'Driscoll. Despite all that, Kieran managed to form some friendships in the gang. After his death, he and Arthur felt the most guilt. Charles also remarks that he was starting to like Kieran. However, in reality, the O'Driscolls found out where Kieran was and kidnapped and tortured him into telling them where Dutch's gang was. I still love horses. Fantasy Sci-fi. Kieran being chased by Arthur. It eerily foreshadows the side quest from the first Redemption game where John Marston finds a man named Sam Odessa, whose dream was to move his family to California, yet never made it. Kieran and Micah are left behind to watch over camp while the others ride out to retrieve Jack.

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