kings raid jane build

Kings raid jane build

In this post, I will summarize key features of each hero so you can easily choose who to build without having to go through all their skills.

The previous version got so crazy popular I cannot believe how many views it has; this version is a more concise and hopefully more useful and updated version. This guide will separate heroes by role, unlike the previous guide. I will still separate physical and magic. There is also an FAQ at the end of the post to answer the questions I get most often. For an overview of every hero until Shakmeh, check here.

Kings raid jane build


Black dragon can be used for both DPS and kings raid jane build including tanks so you can focus on that one first. Notes: Most notable for her flame stacks, which can deal a lot of damage and reduce heal rate.


Vespa Inc. As unique as each of the heroes are in terms of stats and skill sets, so too does each of their strengths and weaknesses vary. The idea that each of the available heroes can be used to come up with your own unique team and strategy without being disadvantaged or overpowered as much by higher rarity or higher class heroes makes it all the way fairer for everyone playing it. As such, deciding on which heroes are the best, even specifically to the roles they are designed for, can be a contestable issue. Most tier lists also consider picking heroes based on their class. For us though, we value roles over class so while classes may be specifically built for certain roles, only priests and knights are exclusively considered for support and tank roles in our list. Erze is our first pick for main damage-dealers in PvE combat. As an assassin that deals decent AoE damage and designed for a bit of survival, Erze is even a considerable character for PvP battles.

Kings raid jane build

The previous version got so crazy popular I cannot believe how many views it has; this version is a more concise and hopefully more useful and updated version. This guide will separate heroes by role, unlike the previous guide. I will still separate physical and magic. There is also an FAQ at the end of the post to answer the questions I get most often. For an overview of every hero until Shakmeh, check here. For a guide on specific content, check here.

Floating picture frame gold

He is good for long term investment as well, since he is still relevant in late-game content. Most players will tell you to choose your favorite character and build your team around that. Stacks faster with more block. Plus, she can mess up enemy lines or attack enemies that are messing with your backline. Key feature is her stun. Q: Are there any heroes that I should absolutely stay away from? She only needs standard DPS gears and no specific support heroes. You might read somewhere that magic is more beginner-friendly. I will still separate physical and magic. Q: Who the hell is Kirze and where do I get her? Glenwys is a very general tank.

After the first 6 chapters of the main storyline, everything gets much harder.

All hail the Empress! Niche: Shakmeh, Technomagic raid Siegfried , Trial of Earth with her immortality , anywhere you need block reduction. Lava gear is not as relevant since many supports has cri damage boost already. Already have a WordPress. Thanks for reading and I hope it helped. She can be used for both single and multiple targets, although her kit is more useful against single targets. Notes: General starter tank, ok-ish for magic teams, increases team survival in exchange for his amp not being as good as others. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Has self def stacking and a decent damage boost for the team. I will still separate physical and magic. It makes your life much easier. He has some CC and damage amp but his signature is being able to boost physical def for you team.

1 thoughts on “Kings raid jane build

  1. Unfortunately, I can help nothing, but it is assured, that you will find the correct decision.

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