

Kissyfur is an American animated children's television series which aired on Kissyfur. The series was based on a half-hour NBC special called Kissyfur: Bear Roots and was followed by three more specials until its Saturday morning debut, kissyfur. The show ran kissyfur two seasons between and The show follows the adventures of Gus and Kissyfur, a father and son bear who had joined the circus.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode list. Seasons Years. Kissyfur and Gus are part of a bear family circus act but after the death of Gus's wife, Gus decides that it is time to leave the circus. They take advantage of a train crash and travel to the swamp to start a new life.


The adventures of Gus and Kissyfur, a father and son bear duo who had joined the circus. Kissyfur and his father use the skills they have acquired from the human world to create a boat tour Read all The adventures of Gus and Kissyfur, a father and son bear duo who had joined the circus. Kissyfur and his father use the skills they have acquired from the human world to create a boat tour business transporting other animals and their products down the river. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Animation Family. Creator Phil Mendez. See production info at IMDbPro. Top credits Creator Phil Mendez. Episodes

Read all The adventures of Gus and Kissyfur, a father and son bear duo who had joined the circus.

In all of toondom, however, there is probably not a warmer or a fuzzier series title than Kissyfur. Kissyfur was an 8-year-old bear cub. When his mom died, he and his dad, Gus, turned their backs on their former life by joining a circus. They tired of circus life, tho; and took a train derailment in the wetlands of Paddlecab County as their cue to escape. They found it difficult to become a part of the local animal community, tho, until they rescued the others from Jolene and Floyd, a pair of hungry alligators who became recurring villains in the series.

Kissyfur is a cartoon featuring an anthropomorphic young bear and other anthropomorphic animals. The show follows the adventures of Gus and Kissyfur, a father and son bear who had joined the circus. One day, after Kissyfur's mother died in a circus accident and the circus train derails and the bears escape to a new life in the swamps of Paddlecab County, somewhere in the Southeastern United States. There, they protect the local swamp's inhabitants from the hungry, bumbling alligators Floyd and Jolene. Kissyfur and his father use the skills they have acquired from the human world to create a boat tour business transporting other animals and their products down the river. Kissyfur From WikiFur, the furry encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation , search. Premise [ edit ] The show follows the adventures of Gus and Kissyfur, a father and son bear who had joined the circus.


The adventures of Gus and Kissyfur, a father and son bear duo who had joined the circus. Kissyfur and his father use the skills they have acquired from the human world to create a boat tour Read all The adventures of Gus and Kissyfur, a father and son bear duo who had joined the circus. Kissyfur and his father use the skills they have acquired from the human world to create a boat tour business transporting other animals and their products down the river.

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It was canceled after its first season, went on hiatus for a year, then came back in the season. More to explore. But Gus is determined to make sure that above all else, Kissyfur is content and happy in his new life. October 15, Staff Picks: What to Watch in March. Aside from the four specials, 16 episodes were made for the first season. This is accompanied by a switch in animation studios over to Wang Film Productions. Los Angeles Times. Williams would later go on to work together in the show TaleSpin They take advantage of a train crash and travel to the swamp to start a new life. It was actually translated to Dutch even :- now 15 years later The cubs and the gators object to the new friendship of Toot and Jolene's niece.

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Doug Parker Jolene. October 1, Retrieved Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. Their attempt to be "cool" only get them into trouble and in the hands of the alligators. But it's rarely been glimpsed in recent years. Login to be first! Episode list. Get Known if you don't have an account. The cubs tend to a sick, beached whale. American animated series — This is accompanied by a switch in animation studios over to Wang Film Productions. Top Gap.

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