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Please provide values below to convert kilojoule [kJ] to kilocalorie th [kcal th ], or vice versa. The joule is defined as the amount of energy transferred to an object when a one newton force acts on an object in the direction movement through a distance of one meter. In this case, the prefix "kilo" is used to express a multiple of Current use: In countries that have adopted SI, the kilojoule is widely used as a unit of food energy. In some cases, both kilojoules and kilocalories are displayed, though in countries such as the United States, only kilocalories are shown often referred to as "Calories" on food labels. Aside from this everyday use, kilojoules are used within scientific contexts around the world. Definition: A kilocalorie symbol: kcal or Cal is a unit of energy defined based on the calorie and is equal to calories or 4.
Kj 卡路里
Please share. You can calculate this by dividing by 4.
Calories are used to measure the amount of energy in particular foods and beverages. Usually, in China, energy is shown in Kjoule. You can convert Kjoule in Kcalorie by dividing the first by 4. REE refers to the calories your body uses at rest for functions that keep you alive, such as breathing and blood circulation. This involves the calories your body expends digesting, absorbing, and metabolizing food. This refers to calories you expend during sports like exercise and non-exercise related activities like housework. If you provide your body fewer calories than it needs to support these three components of calorie expenditure, you put your body into a calorie deficit.
Kj 卡路里
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Number of kJ:. To roughly convert kilojoules to calories, divide your kJ figure by 4. Here are some instructions for how to enable JavaScript in your browser. The History of the Calculator From abacus to iPhones, learn how calculators developed over time. To do so, you divide it by 4. Like this? Popup calculator Copy a link to this page Print this page Email a link to this page Scroll up to form What does this mean? Definition: A kilocalorie symbol: kcal or Cal is a unit of energy defined based on the calorie and is equal to calories or 4. As there are 4. As an example, let's say you're pouring yourself a glass of orange juice which supplies kJ of energy, and you want to convert it into calories.
Aside from this everyday use, kilojoules are used within scientific contexts around the world. Popup calculator Copy a link to this page Print this page Email a link to this page Scroll up to form What does this mean? Round decimal places : 1 2 3 4 5 Convert. If you have any problems using our kJ to calories converter, please contact us. To roughly convert kilojoules to calories, divide your kJ figure by 4. Note that when we talk about calories, we are actually describing food calories kilocalories. Current use: In countries that have adopted SI, the kilojoule is widely used as a unit of food energy. Number of kJ:. The kilo prefix is based on the SI prefixes, but calories with prefixes beyond the multiple of kilo are not commonly used. Full disclaimer. The kilocalorie however, was not introduced to the American public until , by Wilbur Olin Atwater. Here are some instructions for how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Current use: Although the kilocalorie is generally considered an obsolete unit, it is still widely used alongside the SI unit of kilojoule to measure food energy. Kilojoules to calories chart How to convert kilojoules to calories There are 4.
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