Kotor 2 military base sub level

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Jump to the Surface Behind Atton there is a navigational chart that shows the Ebon Hawk's destination. Choose Telos and the next planet will come into view. A security crew will stop the crew and arrest them as witnesses to the destruction of the mining facility. When you are trapped in the force cages, a bounty hunter named Batu Rem will enter the facility to kill you and your allies. Blast him with force powers and he will quickly fall. Unfortunately, the facility officers do not believe your claims and must investigate the killing. You will be placed under house arrest in a dormitory.

Kotor 2 military base sub level

The entrance from the Czerka site is in the middle of the top side of the old military base: although underground, Atton or Kreia can still be added or removed from your party when not in combat. There's a force field in the middle of the bottom wall, opposite the entrance, and four security gas vents in the floor in between, which are effectively Average Gas Mines that cannot be detected, disabled or recovered: if triggered, targets normally suffer up to 4 points of damage every 3 seconds for 30 seconds so up to 40 points in total unless a Fortitude save is made at DC 25, the target has Immunity: Poison , or an Antidote Kit or Improved or Master Heal is subsequently used. However, security gas vents throughout the base are always located beneath wire mesh in the floor, making them clearly visible and easily avoidable at least if you move your party individually in solo mode , and they can all be turned off once you get to security control , opposite the control room for the hangar. In the middle of the next room is a terminal flanked by two pillars, each flanked by two turrets: there's a Telos Ion Turret on the inner side, and a Telos Turret on the outer. The terminal can be used to disable these turrets and download a map of the facility, but this requires sufficient Computer Use rank or returning once an access card has been found. However, no experience is received for this and there are six security gas vents in the floor both above and below the terminal, with a plasteel cylinder on the upper right vent and a salvage pack by the corpse on the lower left vent. There's another force field for Bao-Dur to break through in the middle of the bottom wall, and a Telos Military Droid visible in the corridor beyond it. Beyond is a crossroads, with a shielded Telos Miltary Droid down the short corridor to your right. There's an unshielded Telos Military Droid down the short corridor to your left, where you'll also find a backpack, and a metal case in the rubble at the end. The room through the bottom doorway at the crossroads has four security gas vents in the middle of its floor and a military door in its bottom wall, beyond which is another crossroads with another salvage pack.

Metal Case?

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. Morriganus View Profile View Posts. Does anyone know what's up with the door for the military base sub level on telos that you can't go through?

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. Morriganus View Profile View Posts. Does anyone know what's up with the door for the military base sub level on telos that you can't go through? It's the one near the damaged HK droid. Been trying to figure it out for years.

Kotor 2 military base sub level

Knights of the Old Republic 2. The Curse of Monkey Island. Use Bao-Dur to retrieve all of the mines and then search the hidden cache for items. Focus fire on one mercenary at a time and once they are all killed search the bodies for loot. There are 2 here and should contain some rare items. Use the Energy Shields to protect your group from blaster fire. Take out the mercenary and droids before carrying on. They tend to use blaster fire so keep up an Energy Shield to avoid taking damage. Battle your way through them and then use the computer panel to access the Shield Network and find a likely location for the Ebon Hawk.

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Showing 1 - 7 of 7 comments. Travel back to the dormitories and enter apartment B2. Be sure to open the containers next to and on top of the platform. This Twi'lek can be found dancing in the Cantina. Then, ask her about constructing a lightsaber in order to become a more powerful member of the Sith and you will gain experience and dark side points. He will always be replaced by another thug after you kill him off. Attributes Strength. Received: Overloaded droid recharging stations. Metal Box Frag Grenade 5. During this final conversation with Slusk, Luxa enters the room with her band of thugs. Inside of the Bumani Exchange building you will be stopped by a secretary named Vula.

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language.

These enemies are likely to be using shields so prepare to hit them with some force powers. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Use the stun droid force power to get an edge on them. The choice is yours, but in terms of assembling a lightsaber, the fastest method involves traveling to Nar Shaddaa first. Cancel X. Threaten him and then take his life to earn dark side points. They will not escape us again. Upgrade items Upgrade items, armor Upgrade items, ranged. One item that is dropped is one of the four critical items that will activate the HK unit inside of the Ebon Hawk. Speak kind words to T3 and the Handmaiden and put your trust in Bao-Dur. Ranged Main Off hand Attack. Showing 1 - 7 of 7 comments. This droid can be reprogrammed to assist the party. What do you need help on? Handmaiden Battles There are five handmaiden battles, each of which increase in difficulty.

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