kristen erotic stories

Kristen erotic stories

It was a typical December afternoon in Minnesota. The sky was overcast and the gloomy clouds threatened to add to the foot of snow already on the ground. A chill wind kristen erotic stories through the birch and fir trees outside my window.

View More of This Archive? E-M N-Z. She has nice firm tits and an ass that turns heads wherever she goes. Jennifer also has an extreme passion for showing herself off whenever the mood strikes her. But we all got a little more than we had bargained for.

Kristen erotic stories

Please come back often. If you find a broken link, please help us by reporting it to: The Staff. View More of This Archive? Naive Virgin - by Ickric - A teenage girl goes on a camping trip with a group of other youngsters. Her strict upbringing has made her naive but that all changes overnight. But she still has much to learn. MF-teens, 1st, preg? I loved being nude. My obsession leads to more than I ever expected, when a neighbor girl shares my fetish for nakedness. Mf, reluc, 1st, oral, preg Natalie - by Otto Erotic - Natalie Turner decides fifteen years of virginity is enough. Not boys

Months later he discovers she has become a sex slave to one of the strangers.

All things within this archive are based upon two premises. First it must be free! And second, it must have something to do with the world of erotica! This archive is based upon Kristen's collection of erotic stories. It was begun by her in and has been built on extensively since then.

Please come back often. If you find a broken link, please help us by reporting it to: The Staff. View More of This Archive? Kaitlin - by Steve - A writer with a love for the earth meets a lonely young girl who shares that love. Together, they explore a forbidden love. Mg, extreme-ped, 1st, rom Kammi Learns How - by Beating Off Bob - Lonnie is a beautiful woman who runs a ranch and her crew respects her. But when her 15 year old sister shows up for the summer, the men get restless. Follow Kammi's exploits as Bob, the foreman, teaches her what she wants to learn and Lonnie tries to keep her from getting a swelled head MFf-teen, 1st, reluc, voy, oral, preg Karen And Laci - by Letoria - A something recently out lesbian, and her estranged daughter's 14 year old best friend, begin a passionate love affair.

Kristen erotic stories

Please come back often. If you find a broken link, please help us by reporting it to: The Staff. View More of This Archive?

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He appreciated them. I was wearing the outfit that I usually wear at the gym; a little crop top, and baggy athletic shorts, and nothing else but shoes and socks. I helped her out of the SUV and we walked into the restaurant arm in arm. Send Private Feedback Comments 3. Only time will tell I pushed the end of the branch toward her and yelled, "Grab the branch and I'll pull you out! This story was written in the first season of the show. I quickly inspected her hands and feet and was relieved to see no signs of frostbite. She also negotiates things for herself. MF, wife-cheat, preg Ball Biter - by Al - A husband writes about his wife's penchant for biting other men's balls. Mg, nc, ped, inc, voy, 1st, bd, tor, oral, anal, drugs Part 2 Trick Or Treat - by Too Much Time - It was, Halloween and all of Henry's friends were out egging people's doors, throwing water balloons at cars, and just generally causing trouble.

Please come back often. If you find a broken link, please help us by reporting it to: The Staff.

MMF, wife, voy, intr, size, cuck, asian A Slut Wife And A Cuckold Husband - by Ynotdoit - This is a story about an unfaithful wife who tells her husband about her sexual adventures and is surprised when she discovers that he loves it and wants to hear more. I began playing with them every Thursday night and would see Zack on a weekly basis. And how will she feel about her brother in the morning? I quickly dried her off as best I could with the towel. Fb, ped, 1st, mast Tiffany Prepares - by Old Bill - When her mother insists that she apply for a job as the company slut, a young girl has to get ready so she calls for expert help. Zack was getting closer to graduating college and therefore could pursue a woman with the intent of marriage. So Bob teaches her. First in a series of stories hopefully! MMF, wife-exh, husb-voy, oral, rom Dad's Night Out - by Nova - A husband and wife play a little bondage game where she's tied to the bed and blindfolded. Her mother is terrible to her. Our families began spending time together and everyone hit it off right away.

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