Kumbha rasi 2023 predictions

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The 2nd house Rahu may cause throat-related ailments. Unhygienic and unhealthy food will cause infections and mouth ulcers. If you consume alcohol and tobacco products then remain very careful about your health this year. And if possible you should give up all sorts of intoxications. The position of Saturn will be responsible for pain in legs and knees. Perform Yoga and meditation to alleviate stress.

Kumbha rasi 2023 predictions

YEAR Aries House is Ownes by Mars Mangle. If you do not know your moon sign, Please generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this is not Western Sun sign based prediction. This prediction is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign Rashi based astrology. Aquarius Moon Sign or Kumbha Rashi, 1st july to 7th july Today you might be moderately successful in your activities and tasks. Also, your honor and reputation might be maligned today. Due to any favorable reason your mental health may be content and full of enthusiasm, excitement, and happiness. You may be quite wholesome today. You might gain some money today. Your hindered works may be completed. Your health may be quite invigorating and stimulating today. For education, today might not prove to be lucky for you.

This period will likely involve more travel, especially for spiritual journeys or attending auspicious events. Be cautious and patient with yourself as you go through this month. Family and Social Life: In yearSaturn will heavily influence your Rashi kumbha rasi 2023 predictions this will give you both positive and negative results in your life.

This year starts with a positive note as Jupiter will be on your 2nd house. Rahu on your 3rd house will also give you good fortune. You will come out of anxiety, tension and physical ailments. Your confidence level will increase. You will sort out the problems one by one. You will make excellent progress in your career and finances until April 21,

For people born under Kumbha Rashi, might face some career problems including forced change of job. As per Kumbha Rashifal , those doing business will have a good year. February, April, August and October are good months. January, May and December are bad months. March, June, July, September and November are stagnant months with no gains or loss. You will win legal issues related to job matters. It is a good year for those looking for new job.

Kumbha rasi 2023 predictions

This year starts with a positive note as Jupiter will be on your 2nd house. Rahu on your 3rd house will also give you good fortune. You will come out of anxiety, tension and physical ailments.

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Saturn an Venus will be in the twelfth house while Mars who is retrograde and in the fourth house will have full visibility of the seventh house. Keep your important documents with safety. Type your email… Subscribe. Ask A Question Is there any question or problem lingering. You may find yourself spending more than planned, and despite efforts, income may not increase as expected. Frequently Asked Questions: Q1. Rahu's transit in the second house might result in your words and actions being misconstrued. Your attempts will pick up speed quickly, but you'll take unwarranted risks which is not a good thing. Your anxieties and expenses in the twelfth house will continue to rise under the influence of Saturn and Venus, but once Saturn changes signs in January, these difficulties will disappear since Venus will also move out of the twelfth house. Misinterpretations of your behavior or suspicions about your actions may arise. For those born under the Aquarius sign, performing remedies for Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu will be beneficial this year. It is also important to seek guidance and support from mentors, teachers, or advisors who can provide you with the necessary guidance and resources to achieve your educational goals. You can feel a little irritated after observing your spouse's alteration in behavior and their hostile character.

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You might also get new job offers at the beginning of the year. This prediction is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign Rashi based astrology. Additionally, the transit of Saturn, the ruling planet of Aquarius, in the 9th house of your horoscope could bring stability and a sense of direction in your career. Bangalore Water Problem News. If you're married this will be a wonderful time in your marriage and you and your spouse will enjoy each other's company for the rest of your days together. Seema says:. Reading Durga Saptashati can also help reduce Rahu's negative impact. Aquarius Moon Sign or Kumbha Rashi, 22nd july to 31st july There are chances of you being indulged in a conflicting situation. As a result they will have a great first quarter of the year and experience fewer challenges. They should pay attention to advice or suggestions from teachers and elders, rather than engaging in arguments or ignoring guidance. Assistance from friends or relatives, either financially or in family matters, will be available. Though your plans will be successful you might experience health issues. Business and Secondary Income. This transit could also bring success in research, investigation, and other related fields. On Saturdays, one may also recite the Hanuman Chalisa.

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