Kurt wagner nightcrawler

Kurt Wagner is a demonic-looking mutant with teleporting abilities, being known as the soft-hearted X-Man Nightcrawler. Their conflict caught the attention of a mob, kurt wagner nightcrawler, who believed Kurt to be a murderous demon and decided to hunt and lynch him. Steam disconnected has kurt wagner nightcrawler one of the most respected and beloved members of the X-Men, due to his charming attitude and kind soul.

Kurt Wagner was born with certain unusual physical characteristics, Margali Szardos , a Romani sorceress, allegedly found Wagner an hour after his birth in a bath, in a small roadside shelter in the Alps. She claimed to have found his alleged father, Eric Wagner, dead of a heart attack on the road outside, and Kurt's mother lying next to the baby dying. However, this claim was later called into question, and it was subsequently proven that Kurt's mother is the terrorist Mystique , and his father is the demonic mutant Azazel. Mystique revealed that she threw him into a river after a large mob found out about Nightcrawler's existence, and Azazel admitted that he secretly saved his son from the fall, giving him to his lover and crony, Margali Szardos, to raise him. Margali took the baby to the small Bavarian circus where she worked as a fortuneteller, as a cover for her activities as a sorceress. Wagner was never legally adopted by anyone, but was raised by all the members of the circus, who had no prejudices against mutants.

Kurt wagner nightcrawler

Nightcrawler Kurt Wagner is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics , commonly in association with the X-Men. Nightcrawler is a member of a fictional subspecies of humanity known as mutants , who possess an X-gene that can cause possible physical mutations and in many cases grants some form of superhuman ability. Nightcrawler possesses superhuman agility , the ability to teleport , and adhesive hands and feet. His physical mutations include indigo-colored velvety fur which allows him to become nearly invisible in shadows, two-toed feet and three-fingered hands, yellow eyes, pointed ears and a prehensile tail. In Nightcrawler's earlier comic book appearances, he is depicted as being a happy-go-lucky practical joker and teaser, and a fan of swashbuckling fiction. Nightcrawler is a Catholic , and while this is not emphasized as much in his earlier comic book appearances, in later depictions he is more vocal about his faith. He was originally stated to be from a small village called Witzeldorf in the German state of Bavaria. Since his inception, Nightcrawler has had a regular presence in Marvel comic books. He has been featured in many video games , and a small number of the s X-Men animated series episodes and was a regular on its successors, X-Men: Evolution and Wolverine and the X-Men. He recounted: "I sat up one night in the middle of a typhoon because it was too noisy to sleep, so I stayed up and thought up this character. Originally, Nightcrawler was a demon from Hell who had flubbed a mission, and rather than go back and face punishment, he decided to stay up here in the human world. He was supposed to be the sidekick of another superhero character that I had created named The Intruder.

Nightcrawler ranked 4 on their list stating that far from a character consumed by doom and gloom, Nightcrawler's chivalry, kurt wagner nightcrawler, a flair for the dramatic and sense of humor have made him one of the most likable X-Men ever, a character you genuinely look forward to seeing leap into action. The demeanor of Nightcrawler is very similar to that of the Nightcrawler from Nocturne's reality, so the two developed kurt wagner nightcrawler close bond that resembles a father-daughter relationship.


That being said, Nightcrawler has also made significant strides to not just be seen as another X-Men member, but as a hero, leader, and inspirational figure in his own right. From off-shoot X-Men teams to even taking up the mantle of perhaps the most recognizable superhero in all comic book fiction, Nightcrawler has had quite the career in Marvel Comics. Not only that, but his personal growth has been on full display as well, as his journey has been charted through emotional trauma, startling revelations, and extreme milestones, both in his own life and as a superhero. Here are the Top 10 most important Nightcrawler moments that define the character. After the mission to save the original X-Men is won, Nightcrawler opts to stay on the team, thus officially beginning his journey as a mutant superhero. While fans knew where he came from upon reading Giant-Size X-Men, they had no idea the extent of his past until this issue. Uncanny X-Men 4 not only introduced the idea that Nightcrawler was adopted, but it also showed why he was so despised in his home village. While the villagers hated him because he looked like a demon, the real reason was that Nightcrawler was framed for a number of murders committed by his brother, Stephan, after Kurt was forced to kill Stephan himself to make the killings stop. Nightcrawler allowed himself to be the villain in order to protect those around him, showing how truly heroic Nightcrawler really is. It was later revealed that the Neyaphem were more than just mutants who appeared demonic, as they existed during biblical times and were actually banished to another plane of existence known as the Brimstone Dimension by the Cheyarafim.

Kurt wagner nightcrawler

Kurt Wagner is a demonic-looking mutant with teleporting abilities, being known as the soft-hearted X-Man Nightcrawler. Their conflict caught the attention of a mob, who believed Kurt to be a murderous demon and decided to hunt and lynch him. Nightcrawler has become one of the most respected and beloved members of the X-Men, due to his charming attitude and kind soul. Considering the X-Men his family, he even led the team in several opportunities. When all mutantkind resettled on the island nation of Krakoa , by Professor Xavier's request, Nightcrawler was one of the first mutants to join. During one night, Irene confided that she wanted to have a child with Raven, having been preoccupied by other designs. Raven agreed and they conceived a child with Raven morphing as a man for the act altering her gametes to pass on traits from both Azazel, Christian and countless others , and ended the affair with Azazel soon after. In order not to raise suspicions about the Azazel affair and to please her husband who also wanted a child, Raven used her powers to fake a pregnancy at the same rate as Irene. However Baron Wagner became paranoid after seeing Raven with Azazel and began to spy on her and eventually, one night Raven and Irene were caught by Baron Wagner who wanted to have them killed but Mystique killed him first, forcing her to pose as the Baron in order to hide the truth.

Scala version

As Ora Serrata marched with her forces to the Altar, Nightcrawler directly confronted her about her machinations and was able to restrain her, exposing her criminal acts and forcing her to get humbled. Nightcrawler is a mutant with the following abilities:. It is easier for him to teleport between north and south along Earth's magnetic field lines than it is for him to teleport between east and west against the magnetic lines. His powers will not displace solids, however, putting him at risk for materializing inside solid matter, causing serious injury or death. Later, Kurt and Stephan forged a true friendship as they grew older, and Stephan knew that his magical heritage might lure him to evil one day. Nick Fury Spider-Man S. With them, Nightcrawler defeated his father Azazel, who had tried to use him to escape prison. He expected everyone's reaction to be fear and hate, but it turned out to be a reaction of curious interest. Video Games. Although Nightcrawler controls his teleportation ability with his conscious mind, his power to teleport is not psionic. Margali then opened a rift in the fabric of reality that led to the hereafter and prepared to subvert it to her will using her powerful magics. Kurt was next seen during the battle between Wolverine and the demon that was possessing his body.

Nightcrawler Kurt Wagner is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics , commonly in association with the X-Men. Nightcrawler is a member of a fictional subspecies of humanity known as mutants , who possess an X-gene that can cause possible physical mutations and in many cases grants some form of superhuman ability.

Nightcrawler teleported her away at the cost of having his arm broken and followed to rescue the Arakkii from death. She held Wagner responsible for murdering Stefan, and created a facsimile of the hell from Dante's Inferno in which to punish him years later. He was particularly affected by the Crucible ritual, in which depowered mutants were slain in combat to get resurrected with powers. He confessed he was sorry he wasn't there for her and hugged the simulation and cried. Nightcrawler: The Devil Inside 3: Dec. Years later, the Texas millionaire Amos Jardine, who ran a large circus based in Florida , heard of the circus Wagner worked for and bought it. After having the same continuous dream, Nightcrawler and Kitty realized that Rachel might have been trying to telepathically reach them. After the battle Kurt begged Wolverine to not seek revenge on those who did this to him, however, he refused to listen. Among his roles were What if the X-Men had stayed in Asgard? After hearing Weber's tale, Nightcrawler sympathized with him, reflecting upon his own mistreatment at the hands of town villagers many years ago. Xavier believed it to be his omnipotent son Legion , and had Nightcrawler search for him [31] with Nemesis' and Pixie's help in an Orchis secret facility in Saudi Arabia where Legion had had his brain harvested to cast potential scenarios to bring Krakoa down. Sign in to edit.

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