kurwa in english

Kurwa in english

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Search for more words in the Italian-English dictionary. Website Language en English pl Polski.

Sample translated sentence: Kurwa, chyba się porzygam. Show algorithmically generated translations. Translation of "kurwa! Polish-English dictionary. Glosbe Translate. Google Translate.

Kurwa in english

We are using the following form field to detect spammers. Please do leave them untouched. Otherwise your message will be regarded as spam. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please note that the vocabulary items in this list are only available in this browser. Once you have copied them to the vocabulary trainer, they are available from everywhere. Hallo Welt. PL EN. Search in both directions Change language direction. My search history. Javascript has been deactivated in your browser. Reactivation will enable you to use the vocabulary trainer and any other programs. Polish » English. Show summary of all matches głupi I. See text translation.

Romanian dictionaries.

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. More translations in the English-Tajik dictionary. Website Language en English pl Polski. Context sentences Polish English Contextual examples of "kurwa mać" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Monolingual examples Polish How to use "kurwa mać" in a sentence.

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Search for more words in the Italian-English dictionary. Website Language en English pl Polski. English translations powered by Oxford Languages. What the fuck were you gonna do, shoot him? What the fuck are you talking about? At this moment, she wasn't a slut.

Kurwa in english

Remember, these expressions are considered vulgar and should be used cautiously, if at all. Remember to use these informal equivalents sparingly and only in situations where explicit language is accepted or warranted, such as informal conversations with friends or trusted acquaintances. When it comes to more formal contexts, it is crucial to refrain from using profanity. Instead, we can focus on conveying the sentiment or emotion behind the Polish word. Here are some alternatives you can use:. Here are a few examples:. Please remember to exercise caution when using regional variations and be aware that they are still considered vulgar and offensive in their respective languages. However, understanding its meaning can help you navigate different cultural contexts.

L letter words

Living abroad Tips and Hacks for Living Abroad Everything you need to know about life in a foreign country. Kurwa , chyba się porzygam. Let's stay in touch. Nie mam, kurwa , pojęcia. Or learning new words is more your thing? Dodaj nowe hasło. Polish kurtki kurtuazja kurtuazyjny kurtyna kurtyna powietrzna kurtyna przeciwogniowa kurtyzana kurtyzowany kurtyzować kuruba kurwa kurwa jego mać kurwa mać kurwa twoja mać kurwatura kurwiarz kurwiszon kurz kurz domowy kurz gromadzący się pod łóżkiem kurz złota Search for more words in the Italian-English dictionary. English translations powered by Oxford Languages. Hej, jak ty się kurwa wyrażasz?! I've been waiting for fucking 45 minutes. Swedish dictionaries. Slovenian dictionaries. Website Language en English pl Polski. Nie ma kurwa mowy o przegraniu.

The Polish language , like most others, has swear words and profanity. Some words are not always seen as very insulting, however, there are others that are considered by some greatly offensive and rude. Words that might be considered most derogatory, based on multiple sources, [1] [2] [3] are not necessarily a general and have not been decided upon in a more definite manner.

Compile a new entry. Kurwa całkiem przejebane. Would you like to translate a full sentence? Let's stay in touch. Przecież go kurwa chyba słyszę? I czego to niby kurwa miało dowieść? Polish » English. Nie mam, kurwa , pojęcia. Ani się, kurwa , waż. Search for more words in the Italian-English dictionary. Please do leave them untouched. Czego on, kurwa , od nas chce?

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