Labcorp test code for acute hepatitis panel
Please note: LabCorp requires two 2 serum tubes be collected and banded together when sending to lab for testing. If Li Heparin plasma is submitted and results are equivocal or reactive, confirmatory testing cannot be performed. Gold serum separator SST tube. Lt green plasma separator PST.
Please select an item from the autocomplete list. This laboratory test is available in 6 online lab test stores. There you will find the most detailed and full information regarding lab tests. In "common questions" tab you will find answers on the most common questions. In addition, you can use a special form to ask the question.
Labcorp test code for acute hepatitis panel
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Please select an item from the autocomplete list. This laboratory test is available in 6 online lab test stores. There you will find the most detailed and full information regarding lab tests. In "common questions" tab you will find answers on the most common questions. In addition, you can use a special form to ask the question.
Labcorp test code for acute hepatitis panel
An acute viral hepatitis panel is a group of tests used to diagnose a current or past viral hepatitis infection. Hepatitis can have many different causes but in most cases is due to an infection with a hepatitis virus. This panel screens for the three most common types of viral hepatitis: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. Acute viral hepatitis testing is conducted on a blood sample. The purpose of an acute viral hepatitis panel is to test the blood for evidence of hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C, which are the most common types of viral hepatitis. Acute viral hepatitis panel testing can identify early or recent infections to hepatitis A and hepatitis B and whether someone has been infected with hepatitis C at some point in time. An acute viral hepatitis panel detects acute, or short-term, infections with hepatitis A and B, as well as chronic infections with hepatitis B. Chronic hepatitis B is less common than acute hepatitis but can persist for years and slowly damage the liver. Over time, chronic hepatitis can result in complications such as severe scarring of the liver, called cirrhosis, as well as liver failure and liver cancer. An acute viral hepatitis panel includes several tests that measure antigens and antibodies.
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Toggle navigation. Click "Add to Cart" button there, and then close the tab. If Li Heparin plasma is submitted and results are equivocal or reactive, confirmatory testing cannot be performed. Reason for rejection:. Health Tests Direct. It is useful, if there is no answer on your question on the web site. Hepatitis B Immunity Status Test. In "common questions" tab you will find answers on the most common questions. Click Buy Online then "Add to Cart" button in the new tab. Viral STD Panel.
Alternate collection container:. Alternate transport container:. A laboratory scientist will answer your question. This will open in a new tab. Click "Add to Cart" button there, and then close the tab. Improper labels unlabeled or mislabeled Hemolysis some procedures Improper anticoagulant or ratio Delay in transport Improper storage temperature affecting results Inappropriate timing of collection Improper container Leaking container resulting in compromised specimen Quantity not sufficient QNS. Health Tests Direct. Hepatitis Panel, Acute. Collection instructions:. Review date:. Hepatitis B Immunity Status Test.
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