largest video game map

Largest video game map

Video Games are meant to immerse players into different worlds, largest video game map, giving them stories that make them forget about the everyday problems they have to go through. Some of these maps are sometimes so big that it could take years to discover everything.

Home » Entertainment. A good world or map in a video game is essential to the overall experience. You might even be surprised that some old games made it on this list, although the technology used to build them was inferior. Source: www. Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is the most recent game on this list. Released by Ubisoft, Breakpoint is a tactical shooter played from a third-person perspective. The game is set in a fictional island chain called Auroa in the Pacific Ocean.

Largest video game map

This realistic military simulator is a game that much of its player base takes extremely seriously. There are built-up towns, marshlands, jungle, and just about everything in between for all your mil-sim needs. Burnout Paradise took this to the extreme a little, with the city of Paradise having a seemingly endless series of winding roads, with events that you could start at almost every intersection in the city. Despite that, the game still manages to give you a sense of familiarity with the map, as each race ends in one of a small handful of locations. The main difference is that you play as a cop, rather than a criminal. Staying within the law is clearly less fun, even if you do have a massive version of LA to play around in. The Just Cause games are some of the best for simply messing about and making your own fun in a big beautiful world, and those worlds just keep getting bigger. Plus, with the wingsuit letting you essentially fly wherever you want, whenever you want, all this terrain makes traversal feel great. While this game, unfortunately, shut down in , it should still be remembered to this day. Final Fantasy XV is a little strange because, despite having this huge world, it never really feels like it — not to mention that halfway through the story you completely abandon it until the postgame.

Races are simple to start.

The original Legend of Zelda for the NES gave gamers a glimpse of how much fun an open-world game can be, and ever since that landmark game developers of open-world games have endeavored to give gamers larger and larger worlds to explore. Those two games have large world maps, but even they are nothing compared to the games that did make this list. Here are the games with the largest maps for players to explore. Updated on September 26, , by Jeff Drake: Having a large map is not a feature unique to modern games. Many of the games on this list are almost old enough to buy alcohol, were they a person and not a video game. The best example is the Elder Scrolls series.

When the video game industry first started to take off in the early s, it was so insanely limited. The massive leap from games then to games now is astronomical in every sense of the word. In those days, two vertically-scrolling lines batting a small white square back and forth was akin to watching Chris Evert and Billie Jean King battle it out on the court. No single genre of game has benefited more from this massive increase of resources more than open-world titles. Zork may have allowed gamers to imagine an immense, richly detailed world, but games in our modern era can outpace even the most vivid imagination in terms of size. Not only that, but the amount of content densely packed into every square mile of pixelated goodness has improved as well. Because of those two factors, picking which game is bigger between two that are close is incredibly unreliable and difficult. Ranker , and so on plus fantastic fans of the games who do all the math, which makes it a bit easier. We also tried to include as many different game franchises as possible, picking the more recent iteration in the series if the map sizes were close.

Largest video game map

The original Legend of Zelda for the NES gave gamers a glimpse of how much fun an open-world game can be, and ever since that landmark game developers of open-world games have endeavored to give gamers larger and larger worlds to explore. Those two games have large world maps, but even they are nothing compared to the games that did make this list. Here are the games with the largest maps for players to explore. Updated on September 26, , by Jeff Drake: Having a large map is not a feature unique to modern games.

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This exploration and survival game that gave so much talk in its day is based on a procedural generation system. The sixth major installment of the Assassin's Creed series brought the player from the mainland into the wild and untamed Caribbean. True Crime: Streets of L. A comment, leave yours Leave a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Spanning across five fictitious U. Unlike The Crew, however, this takes a more fictional approach to the world as it takes cues from the post-apocalyptic setting of Mad Max. The game world in Final Fantasy 15 is approximately sq. Bethesda's space RPG has been a big unknown for years, but it's finally coming out in Players have free-roam of the open-world recreation of the United States, and The Crew includes both role-playing and larger-scale multiplayer environments. Of course, there are monsters and magical beings in this one.

Video game technology has advanced in leaps and bounds since the beginning of home computing in the s. As the processing speeds have increased, so have the number of game developers pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

Although this game has a large world map, it is very sparsely populated and is mostly flat terrain. Plus with the huge selection of cars and the ability to team up with friends, it may just be the ultimate road trip game. Those two games have large world maps, but even they are nothing compared to the games that did make this list. However, a large map can also hinder the player if there is no content. But did you know that one of the earlier games was bigger than every other Elder Scrolls game ever made? More Video Games. Auroa is a challenging island with varying terrain, making each encounter very exciting. How Big is the Canadian Gaming Industry? It is useless to have a huge map if all the streets follow the same repeating pattern. It really is impressive how much the developers have added to this game over the years. Not only is that fact absurd, but it also is crazy that we have developed technology that allows a game to become that massive. It was released on the PlayStation 2 in October and went on to become one of the best-selling games of all time. Breath Of The Wild received critical acclaim upon release for its attention to detail and open-world gameplay.

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