laurie holden hot

Laurie holden hot

Sexiest Pictures Of Laurie Holden. Laurie Holden is an American entertainer and model. Her organic dad was an entertainer, as was her mom.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Laurie Holden Actress Producer Soundtrack. Play clip Laurie Holden Career Retrospective. However, Laurie's big acting break came much earlier in her career, starring with Vanessa Redgrave in the critically acclaimed TNT mini-series Young Catherine. Laurie entered the comic book world when she co-starred opposite Michael Chiklis in Fox's Fantastic Four and then ventured into the gamer genre with her starring role as the iconic Cybil Bennett opposite Sean Bean in Christophe Gans' cult horror classic Silent Hill.

Laurie holden hot

Heather Laurie Holden born December 17, [1] [2] [3] is a Canadian-American actress, producer, and human rights activist. Laurie then split her time between Los Angeles and Toronto. Holden received her first film role when she was a young child. While her stepfather was directing The Martian Chronicles , she visited him on the set. A child actress hired to play Rock Hudson 's daughter never arrived, so Laurie filled in for her. After graduating from the Bishop Strachan School , Holden attended McGill University , where she studied economics and political science. Holden then pursued a master's degree in human rights at Columbia University. Onstage, she starred in Time and the Conways , written by J. After making various guest appearances on Due South , Murder, She Wrote , and Poltergeist: The Legacy when she played a dual role , Holden found some success playing a recurring role on the seminal sci-fi series The X-Files : Marita Covarrubias, a mysterious government worker who becomes an informant to Special Agent Fox Mulder , from seasons four through nine — As Carrey's long lost love, she received critical acclaim for her performance. From to , she played the role of Andrea, a civil rights attorney and survivor of a global zombie plague in The Walking Dead , an AMC television horror drama series.

After graduating from the Bishop Strachan SchoolHolden attended McGill Universitywhere she studied economics and political science. Poltergeist: The Legacy. Personal details Edit.


Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Laurie Holden Actress Producer Soundtrack. Play clip Laurie Holden Career Retrospective. However, Laurie's big acting break came much earlier in her career, starring with Vanessa Redgrave in the critically acclaimed TNT mini-series Young Catherine. Laurie entered the comic book world when she co-starred opposite Michael Chiklis in Fox's Fantastic Four and then ventured into the gamer genre with her starring role as the iconic Cybil Bennett opposite Sean Bean in Christophe Gans' cult horror classic Silent Hill.

Laurie holden hot

The first look photos have been released, and she looks badass. She is donned in crimson from head to toe, and that red lip stain just enhances the beauty of this woman. Holden is remembered as Andrea on The Walking Dead, and although many thought her character annoying in the series, most can agree her comic counterpart was terrific. Fans feel ripped off by not getting the comic book Andrea in the series.

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Go to your list. See our picks. Physical Evidence. Expect No Mercy. Archived from the original on July 27, Honeytrap [14]. Retrieved September 29, As Carrey's long lost love, she received critical acclaim for her performance. Self 22 Thanks 3 Archive Footage 3. Our Privacy Policy. You are the BEST! Adrianne at that point wedded film chief Michael Anderson,. Brian - June 14, 0. Onstage, she starred in Time and the Conways , written by J.

Heather Laurie Holden born December 17, [1] [2] [3] is an American-Canadian actress, producer, model, and human rights activist. Laurie then split her time between Los Angeles and Toronto. Holden received her first film role when she was a young child.

Make your IMDb page stand out by adding a demo reel. Create account. Agent Olivia Murray. Our Privacy Policy. Both her folks functioned as entertainers. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Go to your list. Retrieved January 24, — via Twitter. Poltergeist: The Legacy. Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content. Authority control databases. Best Cast — Television Series. Sign in.

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