leaked pictures jennifer lawrence

Leaked pictures jennifer lawrence

One of the four people accused of leaking nude celebrity photos in a hacking scandal has been sentenced to eight months in prison, The Guardian reported. But if you're human, it's terrifying.

The final of four hackers who leaked private nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence and other female celebrities back in was sentenced to eight months in prison on Wednesday. He has been working at the brand since , and is the author of the No. George Garofano, 26, had pled guilty in April to engaging in a phishing scheme that helped him illegally obtain usernames and passwords to private Apple iCloud accounts of approximately people , many of whom are in the entertainment industry. Emails appeared to be from Apple security account he sent between April and Oct. He admitted he then used that information to steal said information from his victims, including their private nude photographs and private videos, authorities said.

Leaked pictures jennifer lawrence

Nude photos of celebrities including Jennifer Lawrence have been leaked online after an apparent hack. While some stars have claimed the pictures are fake, others seem to have confirmed that it is them in the images. Lawrence's agent said her team would be taking legal action. The authorities have been contacted and will prosecute anyone who posts the stolen photos of Jennifer Lawrence," her spokesperson told Newsbeat. Feeling for everyone who got hacked. She later announced that she was going on "an internet break" because of the trolling she had received. Former Nickelodeon star and singer Victoria Justice said the images claiming to show her naked were not real. A spokesperson for musician Ariana Grande told BuzzFeed that the images said to be of her, were "completely fake. A number of the stars on the list have trended on Twitter after the photos were shared online. Newsbeat is waiting for confirmation from the social media site about whether accounts found to be sharing the images are being suspended. Apple has yet to comment about claims that the person who stole the images obtained them by hacking into iCloud , the remote storage service. The images were posted on forum site 4chan and included images of more than stars.

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Jennifer Lawrence has opened up about her fears in life and how some things will continue to haunt her forever. The Hunger Games actor said in a recent interview that her naked pictures leaked by hackers is a trauma she can never overcome. Jennifer was among the several other big names like Rihanna and Selena Gomez, whose private pictures were leaked by the hackers on the internet in the 4chan scandal in My trauma will exist forever. See baby bump pic. The actor recently made headlines when she joined Leonardo for the screening of the film in Los Angeles where she was seen with a baby bump.

However, in , the then year-old was caught up in the devastating 4chan hacking scandal, resulting in her name being splashed across media headlines and the Internet discussing her nude body, rather than her body of work. In the months that followed the incident, the star denounced the hack as a 'sex crime' and a 'flagrant violation of privacy'. In , Chicago hacker Edward Majerczyk was sentenced to nine months in prison for illegally accessing email belonging to more than people, including those of celebrities. Opening up about the gross invasion of privacy on several occasions over the years, the actress had said that she continues to feel the effects of being exposed to the world. Here is everything Jennifer Lawrence has ever said on the hacking scandal:. In an interview with Scott Feinberg on The Hollywood Reporter 's Awards Chatter Podcast in November , the actress opened up about the leak, admitting that she still hadn't come to terms with what happened. I think that I am still actually processing,' she explained. There was not one person in the world that is not capable of seeing these intimate photos of me. The Hunger Games star revealed that several women had contacted her about bringing a lawsuit against technology company Apple which later revealed hackers hadn't penetrated its systems, as was widely believed, rather targeted 'names, passwords and security questions'.

Leaked pictures jennifer lawrence

Lawrence, who has starred in Silver Linings Playbook , X Men , and American Hustle , said she decided not to sue because she was more focused on coping with what had happened. When I first found out it was happening, my security reached out to me. It was happening minute-to-minute - it was almost like a ransom situation where they were releasing new ones every hour or so. Lawrence, who was one of the first actresses to be targeted by hackers leaking naked images of high profile women on an internet forum, said it was hard to come to terms with the fact someone could simply pull out the nude photos at any given moment if they so wished. That was a really impossible thing to process. So I wasn't interested in suing everybody; I was just interested in healing. According to the US Attorney's Office, one of the hackers associated with the attack was sentenced to 18 months in federal prison. The hack saw naked images of high-profile actors, musicians, models, and presenters leaked on the website 4chan, an image sharing forum, in a hack linked to the Apple iCloud service. Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies.

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Already have an account? Image source, AP. The actor recently made headlines when she joined Leonardo for the screening of the film in Los Angeles where she was seen with a baby bump. Renew Subscription. In Lawrence's case, the photos were intended for her then-boyfriend Nicholas Hoult. Would you join us to help keep our stories free for all? The culture that tacitly condones involuntary pornography is connected to the culture where women are significantly more likely to be virtually harassed or cyberstalked , and where female journalists are subject to online trolling and verbal abuse at greater rates than their male counterparts. Use profiles to select personalised content. The final of four hackers who leaked private nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence and other female celebrities back in was sentenced to eight months in prison on Wednesday. Elections

The FBI said it was looking into the matter of nude photos of Hollywood celebrities being leaked online by hackers.

Main Menu U. We cannot do this without your help. Kentucky college student found dead in dorm room, wrestling teammate arrested. Garofano will report for his eight months on Oct. Edit Profile. From Our Partner. Email address. Go to Homepage. The truth is, news costs money to produce, and we are proud that we have never put our stories behind an expensive paywall. The authorities have been contacted and will prosecute anyone who posts the stolen photos of Jennifer Lawrence," her spokesperson told Newsbeat.

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