learn english youtube

Learn english youtube

Every day, all around the world people use YouTube to teach themselves new skills from the comfort of their own homes. Self-proclaimed English addict, Mr.

There are thousands upon thousands of English YouTube channels available to watch online. Contents 1. English with Jennifer 3. VOA Learning English 5. Learn American English 6. KidsTV 7.

Learn english youtube


Jennifer also offers one-on-one private lessons. English with Jennifer 3. Learn American English 6.


Langoly is supported by our readers. We review products independently, but we may earn affiliate commissions if you buy through links on this page. Please read our full disclosure for more information. YouTube, in particular, is a goldmine for language learners, with thousands of English language channels that offer free lessons for all levels of proficiency. But, you still need to find high-quality channels that you enjoy watching and that fit your learning style. YouTube channels are a great help for learning English because you find a mix of visuals and sounds, so you not only read and hear the language but also see body language and facial expressions, making it easier to understand. YouTube has plenty of content like tutorials, pronunciation guides, interviews, vlogs, and more.

Learn english youtube

Contents YouTube Channels for Beginners 1. KidsTV 2. British Council LearnEnglish Kids 3. BBC Learning English 5. Shaw English Online 6. Lingua Marina 8. VOA Learning English

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English with Jennifer 3. Yes, YouTube is a good way to learn English because:. EF Vloggers travel the world to show you some of the best cities and discuss languages and culture on the way. The focus is mainly on English speaking and listening skills. National Geographic Business English with Christina Annie Ruden is the host of Pronunciation Pro, where she teaches English pronunciation and fluency to her viewers. Not lessons as such, but Easy English remains one of the most useful English learning channels for beginners. The channel currently has about 20 different courses , with most collections containing 30 videos each. People are interviewed on the street and asked simple questions about their day or their life. FluentU lets you learn English from popular talk shows, catchy music videos and funny commercials , as you can see here: If you want to watch it, the FluentU app has probably got it.

Today I am gonna show what the best YouTube channels to learn English are and how they can help you reach your linguistic goals. Make sure you subscribe to all of them, I would recommend creating a channel to follow only YouTube channels to learn English.

FluentU lets you learn English from popular talk shows, catchy music videos and funny commercials , as you can see here:. Duncan is passionate about this teaching English and his video lessons are free to the masses. And with our list of the 25 best English YouTube channels recommended for your learning pleasure, nothing stands between you and fluency. Crash Course 9. The best part? The FluentU app and website makes it really easy to watch English videos. By Alan Last updated: December 26, Each well-produced English-language video features entertaining cartoons and subtitles in English. The channel is mainly focused on factual storytelling, with an emphasis on climate change and the current climate crisis. Go Natural English Like some of the other resources on this list, Crash Course is a collection of different channels.

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