Letterboxd for games

I play a lot of classic games playing Dragon Warrior 2 right now so something with support for older stuff is a must, letterboxd for games. Tell me what you use!

Backloggd is a place to keep your personal video game collection. Every game from every platform is here for you to log into your journal. Follow friends along the way to share your reviews and compare ratings. Then use filters to sort through your collection and see what matters to you. Keep a backlog of what you are currently playing and what you want to play, see the numbers change as you continue to log your playthroughs. There's Goodreads for books, Letterboxd for movies, and now Backloggd for games. There is no cost!

Letterboxd for games

Before this website was started, we used Letterboxd to track the movies we were watching. We still use the site every day, tracking all the movies we watch, rewatch and review. Late last year we started doing full text reviews here for movies seen in theaters, but a shorter review still appears on Letterboxd. Have a suggestion? Let us know in the comments. We post all TV show reviews here currently and a list in progress, updated periodically is available here: TV Series Reviews. Since there are movie and TV tie-in videgames, including Mortal Kombat which comes out in and looks pretty good from the trailers , we also cover videogames here. However, there are way more videogames that have nothing to do with movies and TV shows. We wanted to use something like Letterboxd, and maybe you do too, hence this post, to track our videogaming. Enter Backloggd. Completely FREE to use — just like Letterboxd — for all the features you need including game journals, logging, reviews, lists!

If my eternal graditude for helping keep the site afloat isn't enough, you'll also get things like an ad-free experience, letterboxd for games, a badge next to your name, access to your all-time stats page, and more!

Add a list or tag with showdown:game. Mama mia! Board games, video games, tabletop games, childhood games, party games—we tag you to roll the dice and walk us through your ten favorite game-based movies, where the plot is derived from the rules of the game. Would you rather battle a ship full of double dragons, angry birds or the werewolves within? Ready or not! Leonard Shelby 5 films. Leonard Shelby 42 films.

The social network for film lovers. Keep a diary of your film watching and upgrade to Pro for comprehensive stats. Below are some popular reviews and lists from this week. Sign up to create your own. Past Lives reminded me when i first watched it almost…. The Riverside. Museum of the Moving Image. High On Films. Indian cinema boasts a captivating array of murder mystery movies that consistently enthrall audiences.

Letterboxd for games

It's difficult to keep track of your video game collection, especially if it's digital and across multiple platforms. To solve this, use a video game tracker service to manage your collection so you know what you own, what you need to complete, and what you want to buy in the future. We've rounded up some of the best services to keep track of your games.

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Oct 25, 18, Video Games. Sambumbia-PR Banned. Sep 26, 6. It's just a shame that it's not social. Loading Comments Hex 9 films. Did you know IGN built its own version of a Letterboxd for games? Have you looked at sites like trueachievements. Gaming Forum. I love Goodreads and Letterboxd as it gives a sense of completionism and I love looking at lists. Is there a mobile app? Log in. This seems like a great tool for recording how I feel about games as I play them. Wanted to add more detail on the games discovered for the first time, played, including notes for personal strategies developed and possibly even reviews of the games I play more extensively.

The old adage that "There's an app for that," stated after just about every use case imaginable, has come true.

Late last year we started doing full text reviews here for movies seen in theaters, but a shorter review still appears on Letterboxd. GameTrack is exactly what you're looking for, if you're in the Apple ecosystem. To mention another user append the symbol before typing their username, this will send them a notification of your comment. A Backer is someone who is supporting the site on Patreon! Discussion Gaming Forum. Bex 20 films. First be sure to check your spam folder, as it's always possible to have ended up there. This seems like a great tool for recording how I feel about games as I play them. January 3, at pm. Select your preferred poster. NtFromThisWorld 5 films. Upgrade to remove ads.

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