Lindsay and heather

Do NOT post any information relating to episodes that have not aired. This article focuses on the interactions between Heather and Lindsay.

Do NOT post any information relating to episodes that have not aired. This article focuses on the interactions between Gwen and Lindsay. Despite Lindsay initially being a friend and ally of Gwen's worst enemy , Heather , the two show occasional signs of being friends, especially after Lindsay's friendship with Heather dissolves. Although Gwen is annoyed by Lindsay's stupidity, she holds no personal grudge against her for it and thinks of her as a friend. Lindsay seems to like Gwen because of her pranks and dislike towards Heather, especially after the conflict between her and the latter becomes mutual. Gwen half-heartedly assures Lindsay that her diet will not be compromised by Chef's food.

Lindsay and heather


Heather and Lindsay are paired up for one of the blind challenges, where Heather, blindfolded, has to trust Lindsay to catch her.


Do NOT post any information relating to episodes that have not aired. As t h e c a m p e rs build their own bikes using supplies from a pile of old bike parts and then race them in a dangerous motor cross, one person takes somebody who has never learned how to build or ride a bike on a joy ride. In the end, one camper betrays their servant , leading to an explosive elimination. Heather orders a frightened Lindsay to trim her untrimmed toenails. The episode opens the day after Bridgette 's elimination , with the remaining campers hanging out by Lake Wawanakwa , relaxing and throwing a frisbee around, while Heather and Lindsay are lounging on the dock.

Lindsay and heather

Do NOT post any information relating to episodes that have not aired. This article focuses on the interactions between Heather and Lindsay. Lindsay finds out that Heather has been using her throughout the entire first season. Lindsay, along with Beth , are easily tricked by Heather into making an alliance with her.

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Chris Don. It is this incident that finally causes Lindsay to reconsider her view of Heather as a good friend. Frustrated, Heather tells her to go jump in the piranha pool. Heather then convinces Lindsay to build her bike for her. Lindsay chooses Alejandro 's side over Heather or Cody when the contestants choose the side of their favorite finalist. When Heather is left alone on the island by Duncan and Gwen , Heather says to Lindsay in the confessional that she's sorry if she hurt her feelings, and "ditto" for Beth , claiming that they are "BFF's forever! You tell her! Bowie Julia Millie Priya Raj. Lindsay makes the letter and leaves it on Gwen's bed, then hides under her bed where she is immediately covered in cockroaches as Gwen comes into the cabin soon after. Heather is also insulted when Beth and Lindsay side with Ezekiel over her, as he was previously unpopular with the girls. At the beginning of the episode, Lindsay whines about running out of fake tanning products, while Gwen sarcastically remarks what a tragic loss that is. At the end of the episode, Gwen and Leshawna lock Heather and Lindsay out of their cabin. In the confessional , Lindsay expresses that she will continue to like him against Heather's wishes.

The campers are challenged to create their own bikes and then race against each other, using each others bikes in the first race and using their own if it finished the race in the second

At the beginning of the episode, Lindsay is seen trying to swat a fly, but she accidentally hits Heather with the fly swatter. Lindsay tells the monster no one likes Heather. Lindsay tries unsuccessfully to get Gwen out of their cabin in Not Quite Famous. She votes for DJ's "design" instead, causing Lindsay's elimination. However, Lindsay is seen to be cheering for Heather along with the other contestants except Courtney initially when she wins Total Drama World Tour in her ending. Bowie Julia Millie Priya Raj. Heather falls into the jellyfish-filled water. However, she accidentally causes her to drop the key, and almost gets caught by Chef after being startled by a bug and letting the rope slip. While Lindsay enjoys drinking it, Heather complains about her shredded clothes, courtesy of Leshawna. Lindsay forgets Heather's name for the first time ever by calling her Hannah. Lindsay is initially on Gwen's side when it comes down to the final competition. You tell her! She declares that she is done with Heather and that she would rather spend a day staring at Owen's butt than go shopping with her. When Gwen manages to secure another victory for their team by outlasting Geoff in the final challenge, Lindsay and the rest of the Screaming Gophers cheer her on. While debating whose hair she wants to go after, Heather says that she is "way too smart" for Lindsay's blonde.

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