Linus bikes canada
BRAIN does not edit, linus bikes canada, endorse, or fact check these press releases. They are posted as a service to our readers and supporters. Contact us to submit a press release or if you find a posting objectionable. Since the early days of Linus, Canada has always been among the most important markets for Linus as Canadians immediately recognized the need for simple, functional and elegant bikes designed for everyday use linus bikes canada transportation.
Looking for comfort on your commute? If you're the type of cyclist who enjoys Sunday morning jaunts to the farmers market or park picnics, then the Linus Dutchi 3-Speed is the bike for you! Following the geometry of a classic Dutch bike, the Linus Dutchi puts you in the bolt-upright position favoured by European riders from Amsterdam to Copenhagen. It's super comfortable on short rides under 10km and lets you take in the sights and sounds of the world around you. Loaded with features, the Dutchi 3-Speed at its heart is a strong hi-ten steel frame with durable double-walled wheels made for cities.
Linus bikes canada
Posted in Industry News 2 days 19 hours ago. Shipping calculated at checkout.
BRAIN does not edit, endorse, or fact check these press releases. They are posted as a service to our readers and supporters. Contact us to submit a press release or if you find a posting objectionable. Since the early days of Linus, Canada has always been among the most important markets for Linus as Canadians immediately recognized the need for simple, functional and elegant bikes designed for everyday use and transportation. NORU began receiving bikes in early June and is rapidly growing their dealer network. For moreinfor mation, reach out to NORU at sales noruxplr. Founded in Venice, California in , Linus sees bicycles as a practical solution to some big problems. They improve our health and wellbeing, reduce carbon emissions, and make our communities and neighborhoods more livable and connected.
Linus bikes canada
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Posted in Industry News 2 days 21 hours ago. NORU began receiving bikes in early June and is rapidly growing their dealer network. They are posted as a service to our readers and supporters. Designed in California, the Dutchi is not quite as robust as our European produced Achielle or Fahrradmanufaktur bikes but is the perfect bike if you ride primarily in the Spring, Summer or Fall. Philly Bike Expo Mar 16 to Mar They all feature strong stainless-steel spokes that can never rust. Contact Staff Directory Contact Us. View all events ». If you order online and decide to build the bike yourself, Linus will void all warranties that come with the bike. Hi-ten Steel - two stage wet paint.
Linus is an American brand of bike that produces models that use modern components and manufacturing methods, but have the same elegance and style seen on bikes in cities in s Europe.
How is a city bike different from other types of bikes? A Step-thru has a remarkably high head-tube that raises the handlebar so the back is straight and the hips pointed forward. Contact Staff Directory Contact Us. Loaded with features, the Dutchi 3-Speed at its heart is a strong hi-ten steel frame with durable double-walled wheels made for cities. Philly Bike Expo Mar 16 to Mar Linus takes city biking seriously. Eugene Kiefel, founder of Wheat Ridge Cyclery, dies at Is a Step-thru for Women and a Roadster for Men? Contact us to submit a press release or if you find a posting objectionable. Bicycle Leadership Conference Mar 26 to Mar The bike comes fully equipped with fenders, kickstand and a beautiful high-polish rear rack. All the city bikes we sell feature strong double-walled rims that are internally box-sectioned to handle streetcar tracks and potholes. A city bike is quite the opposite. Published August 15, If you're the type of cyclist who enjoys Sunday morning jaunts to the farmers market or park picnics, then the Linus Dutchi 3-Speed is the bike for you!
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