linus tech tips anthony

Linus tech tips anthony

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Discussion in ' The Guru's Pub ' started by chispy , Aug 15, Log in or Sign up. Gamer Nexus ripping Linus Tech Tips apart! The fall of youtuber's Raserian , Aug 16, Last edited: Aug 16,

Linus tech tips anthony


I remember his PS5 videos, where he basically proclaimed that PS5 memory is overheating and Sony's engineers don't know what they are doing, and that PS5s will start dying en masse any day.


Our flagship channel Linus Tech Tips has been giving an audience of over 15 million subscribers their daily technology fix for over ten years. LTT has covered everything from computer processors to nuclear fusion reactors, and will continue to focus on covering emerging, exciting technologies. Every Friday Linus and Luke meet to discuss the most current happenings in the technology universe. Linus Media Group is a full service production agency with decades of collective experience in web video and social media and influencer marketing. We've worked with brands as small as cottage-industry one-person operations all the way to large multinationals like Intel, IBM, and Cisco.

Linus tech tips anthony

Update August 16 : Linus Tech Tips has posted an apology video, suspended video production for a week, and says it's investigating allegations from an ex-employee. Latest story here. Original story: Linus Tech Tips founder Linus Sebastian has admitted to "sloppiness" in the hardware review channel's handling of controversy that erupted over its recent review of a high-end watercooling system, but says what really bothers him about the situation is "how quickly the pitchforks were raised. The device tested by LTT was apparently a unique prototype. The build did not go smoothly. According to Linus Tech Tips writer Adam Sonedergard, who assisted on the test, the manufacturer said the device would work with a card, but it "didn't know how well.

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As for all of them they keep making stupid clickbait titles. Labyrinth , Aug 16, The fall of youtuber's Discussion in ' The Guru's Pub ' started by chispy , Aug 15, Google Authenticator verification provided by Two-Factor Authentication v1. Airbud , Solfaur , chispy and 1 other person like this. Hardware Unboxed - good data and reviews, but they often tend to start rambling and overfixating on certain things. Re: The LTT kerfluffle I suspect he is like so many companies that get big too fast and one guy tries to keep things running well, and finds that stuff starts slipping, and mistakes get made. Share This Page. This came up this morning on my YouTube subscriptions. Remember Me?


I respect them for how they handled the whole Nvidia journalistic integrity thing. Gamer Nexus ripping Linus Tech Tips apart! News What's New? Aluminium Can , Solfaur and chispy like this. Aluminium Can and chispy like this. Digital Foundry is corny and talks about crap noone cares about Everyone wants to know who has the better console or system and wants to count pixels, noone cares about anything else. I remember his PS5 videos, where he basically proclaimed that PS5 memory is overheating and Sony's engineers don't know what they are doing, and that PS5s will start dying en masse any day. He displayed his level of technical expertise when he tried Linux. Re: The LTT kerfluffle. No, create an account now. The fall of youtuber's The only tech channels I sometimes watch are Level1Techs and Buildzoid.

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