lisa gaye actress

Lisa gaye actress

Lisa Gaye was born in BaltimoreMaryland and moved to New York City when she was eighteen years old and she still resides there, lisa gaye actress. Gaye starred in many Troma Entertainment motion pictures.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Leslie Gaye Griffin. Mini Bio. She was married to Bently Clyde Ware.

Lisa gaye actress

The Griffin family moved from Denver to Los Angeles, California, in the s to be close to the developing film industry. Her mother was determined that Gaye and her siblings make their careers in show business. She attended Hollywood's Professional School. Gaye made her first professional film appearance at the age of 7. At 17, she signed a seven-year contract with Universal Studios and was enrolled in the studio's professional school for actors and actresses. She began her acting career with two uncredited cameos in — Her first starring role was in Drums Across the River On stage, Gaye acted in a production of Merry Wives of Windsor when she was 12 years old. She appears in one episode of Zorro in the season Episode 13, Constance. She made a single appearance in the episode "The Peace Offering" of the syndicated western series, Pony Express , starring Grant Sullivan. She also appeared in several episodes of the Bat Masterson TV series. In two episodes; in "Sharpshooter", she played Laurie LaRue, the stage assistant and wife of stage sharpshooter, Danny Dowling.

Debra Paget Sibling. July Learn how and when to remove this template message.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Lisa Gaye Actress Soundtrack. Play trailer Drums Across the River She was married to Bently Clyde Ware.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Debra Paget Actress Soundtrack. Play trailer The Haunted Palace

Lisa gaye actress

Sign In. Edit Lisa Gaye. Hide Show Actress 93 credits.

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Tools Tools. The Double Life of Henry Phyfe 7. Play trailer Drums Across the River Add demo reel with IMDbPro. Credits Edit. She also appeared in the episode "Buffalo Kill" as Susan. The Griffin family moved from Denver to Los Angeles, California, in the s to be close to the developing film industry. Castle of Evil 4. Article Talk. Authority control databases. Norma Borden. Previous Teala Loring Sibling. Tools Tools. Her family moved to Los Angeles after her sister Teala was signed to a movie contract by Paramount.

Actress and dancer Lisa Gaye has died, aged

We went all over that lot, and not at a slow pace! How to Marry a Millionaire. How much have you seen? At 17, she signed a seven-year contract with Universal Studios and was enrolled in the studio's professional school for actors and actresses. Hawaiian Eye. Photos Terre Haute Tribune. Houston, Texas , U. Gaye's interest in the arts brought her the opportunity to be the American curator of a video project "Xenographia" for the 45th Venice Biennalle. Authority control databases. I made a big mistake by getting on his motorcycle. Bently Clyde Ware August 11, - January 14, his death, 1 child. Lisa Gaye Actress Soundtrack. Create account.

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