listener crossword

Listener crossword

One of listener crossword things I do in my spare time is compile crosswords. Compilers always have pseudonyms — mine is Waterloo. Listener puzzles are never straightforward, listener crossword. They always have a particular theme which may be described in a preamble or left to be discovered by the solvers.

The Listener was a weekly magazine established by the BBC in , originally as a review of radio programmes. It ceased publication in January The Listener Crossword Puzzle , introduced in April , established a reputation as the most difficult cryptic crossword to appear in a national weekly. Although the magazine ceased publication, The Listener Crossword fortunately survived. The Times took over the puzzle, starting with no.

Listener crossword

Please fill out the form below with your name, e-mail address and the reason s you wish to report this post. All Rights Reserved. Optimisation by SEO Sheffield. The Crossword Solver is designed to help users to find the missing answers to their crossword puzzles. The system can solve single or multiple word clues and can deal with many plurals. Privacy Policy Cookie Policy. Cancel Report This Post Please fill out the form below with your name, e-mail address and the reason s you wish to report this post. Reason s. Crossword Help Forum Forum Rules. Log In Register. As it's a numerical puzzle this week The clues

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The Listener was a weekly magazine established by the BBC in January which ceased publication in The entire digitised archive was made available for purchase online to libraries, educational and research institutions in It was first published on 16 January , under the editorship of Richard S. Lambert , and was developed as a medium of record for the reproduction of broadcast talks. It also previewed major literary and musical broadcasts, reviewed new books, and printed a selected list of the more intellectual broadcasts for the coming week.

Over the past three weeks hundreds of otherwise sensible people have, after solving all the clues in a crossword puzzle, erased all the solutions, drawn a self-portrait in the grid and posted it to an address in St Albans. Welcome to the world of the Listener Crossword, the thematic puzzle even many cryptic fans find baffling. This evening some of the faces behind those self-portraits will mingle with diehard enthusiasts and puzzle compilers in Bristol for its 50th annual dinner. Over the years Listener themes have covered anything from Wittgenstein to the Wombles. Not only are the answers esoteric in the extreme, but before tackling the clues you have to make sense of the preamble. You must update your payment details via My Account or by clicking update payment details to keep your subscription. Update payment details. We've tried to contact you several times as we haven't been able to take payment.

Listener crossword

Clicking the logo top right at any time will return you to this page. See the terms and conditions for using this website. The principal aim of this website is to provide access to archive materials. Those who are relatively new to the Listener Crossword may find the material in the introduction helpful. The website also aims to complement that of The Times Crossword Club , at which current and recent puzzles can be accessed.

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Listener puzzles are never straightforward. The Listener was a weekly magazine established by the BBC in , originally as a review of radio programmes. Good sounds like a supporter 6 It provides masses of information, including a full list of puzzles to date, statistics, information about setters, and reference sources of particular interest to Listener solvers and setters. Get on the covered side of beach right away 10 3. Crossword Help Forum Forum Rules. We have always before us the need for constant progress and we gladly listen to constructive criticism and help from the large body of listeners you represent. The leading solver each year is awarded the Solver Silver Salver , and the setter of the most admired crossword of the year is awarded the Ascot Gold Cup. In spite of all this it is remembered with affection by many of the solvers who tackled it so many years ago. The first issue was published as a four-page insert in the Wireless World magazine on 24 March Fairly gentle solve provided you keep a clear head and know how to tackle puzzles like this. Forster , T. Upset public receptacle 8 7.


Arts and literary editors included J. Type of hybrid cattle found in La Paz homestead 3 Modern bluebottles get hair cut short with comic snoring sound 4 The Listener crossword puzzle, introduced in , is generally regarded as the most difficult cryptic crossword to appear in a national weekly. Tools Tools. African language has no variation 5 Solvers are invited to send in their solutions, with each of three randomly drawn correct solutions winning a prize of a book provided by the sponsors, Chambers. A split among such as Marxists 5 8. Success to have taken part before so many lights go here 10 9. All Rights Reserved. The puzzle also has one or two very easy clues, and although there are fewer obscure words than in most modern puzzles, one entry is so uncommon that it has been dropped from modern editions of the Chambers dictionary. Used to be harnessed together ready for a drive about noon 5

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