literotica breast expansion

Literotica breast expansion

Spurred by positive feedback on my recent poll as well as an itch to get some content out there after months of inactivity, I've posted Got A Fair Shake on Literotica breast expansion. It has breast expansion, penis expansion, lactation and some light sexual dalliance, literotica breast expansion. I didn't post the story on dA because I wanted to describe erections and brief intercourse without fear of consequences. Plus, I didn't want to create a subscriber tier here just for the sake of getting one age-gated story up.

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Literotica breast expansion

Stories of those who acquire power over others, or themselves, and the unique opportunities such power affords. The temptations power incurs, and the consequences that result. Jack Lord got world bending powers, he can make everything he's thinking of a reality. After years of keeping a low profile while training his power, he decide it's finally time to go big and make his way to hollywood. All Fakes use in my chapters in this story are done by me. Public story A hub where authors can add their own story branches. Something is spreading like a virus and "infects" people, turning them into sex slaves. What happens? Once upon a time, on a bet and while very very drunk, a higher power of some kind made a very special item. A lucky protagonist stumbles across a magic book that lets them rewrite the rules.

Timidly, Jenn stepped forward. Fetish Becoming Ch.

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A month passed. Jo was at our house more often than not, and my parents seemed to no longer care about us being alone. She was on birth control, and we were on each other like horny teenagers. I was introduced to her parents officially, and although they' It happened on a Wednesday. Going forward, people between approximately the ages of eighteen and twenty-five would undergo a sort of second puberty: they The next morning I woke up to movement in the bed next to me. After my eyes adjusted, I looked out at the beach past our balcony. But I unlock Twenty minutes later, the girls returned.

Literotica breast expansion

A lucky protagonist stumbles across a magic book that lets them rewrite the rules. Female Celebrities Past and Present have found themselves in bondage. So long as they are famous they will be bound. The only question now is why are they in this state, who has done this to them and what happens next? Perhaps a lover is interested in trying some bondage play or a Higher Power wishes for the celebrity to be restrained. You decide. A reality show in which contestants compete for one lucky man or woman's affections, and are changed until they can.

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Jan 6, Gus tasted the milk and smiled. Follow Author 50 Followers. She'd taken to not wearing bras months ago, when Kimmy Fisher and a few other girls in her gym class had ridiculed her in the locker room. Onyx vs. He continued to lightly thrust his cock into her mouth. Mystery of Mammary Island Ch. She had spent her life blending in, trying to avoid attention. The feeling of suction was incredible Secondly, when the women were in station four, Gus excitedly tapped Johnson on the shoulder. Swipe to see more cams! The Libido Virus: War A general attempts to battle the infected. Either Or Belly, balls, boobs, revenge, and over L of cum! At the second station, each woman was injected with a serum.

Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales.

While that is happening, I just want you to describe what you want your breasts to look like at the end of this process. Jan 1, Against the warnings of his colleagues at Harvard University, Rod Johnson, a brilliant theoretical biologist, had invested all of his efforts in finding methods to naturally enhance the size of women's breasts. Timidly, Jenn stepped forward. Jenn nodded eagerly. Crimson Reborn Ch. But this was something she had always dreamed of. Jenn softly moaned throughout, smiling at the men and Hitomi released high pitched sighs that Gus found cute and endearing. She measured around the areolas in the same way, around the full bust and back, and around both boobs at the same time, once gently and once tightly. They had first been tipped off by Johnson's request for graduate assistants. Angie, though now a 47F, was unable to achieve orgasms during station four and was thus not yet ready for station six. Available free on Literotica Contains breast expansion, penis expansion, lactation and adult situations At Long Last Ch. Complimentary Masks This companys complimentary masks do something very strange. The stars of the show, though, were her breasts: huge, heaving mountains trapped in a flimsy camisole that kept getting wet to reveal thick quarter-sized nipples.

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