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GBX Key events shows relevant news articles on days with large price movements. Barclays PLC.
Plus, UK dealmakers say carried interest tax increases could be worse than Brexit. UK will change law to prohibit governments from owning British news organisations. Financial Times Close. Search the FT Search. Show more World link World. Show more US link US.
Lloyds share price uk
Market data. Select a section. All articles. Share prices. Sector: Banks. Historic prices. Latest trades. Director dealings. Broker views. Today's buy and sell prices The price at which you can buy a share or investment. It is usually higher than the bid sell price. Offer It is lower than the offer buy price.
Cash and short-term investments Investments that are relatively liquid and have maturities between 3 months and one year.
This means our website may not look and work as you would expect. Read more about browsers and how to update them here. Performance figures are based on the previous close price. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. This data is provided by Digital Look. HL accepts no responsibility for its accuracy and you should independently check data before making any investment decision. All dividend data is calculated excluding any special dividends.
Plus, UK dealmakers say carried interest tax increases could be worse than Brexit. UK will change law to prohibit governments from owning British news organisations. Financial Times Close. Search the FT Search. Show more World link World. Show more US link US. Show more Companies link Companies. Show more Tech link Tech. Show more Markets link Markets. Show more Opinion link Opinion.
Lloyds share price uk
This means our website may not look and work as you would expect. Read more about browsers and how to update them here. Performance figures are based on the previous close price. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. This data is provided by Digital Look. HL accepts no responsibility for its accuracy and you should independently check data before making any investment decision. All dividend data is calculated excluding any special dividends. Historical dividends may be adjusted to reflect any subsequent rights issues and corporate actions.
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Total number of common shares outstanding as of the latest date disclosed in a financial filing. Show more US link US. Net profit margin. It helps investors identify stocks that are increasing or decreasing in profitability. Use our equities screener to discover other potential opportunities. Discover more. All rights reserved. A valuation method that multiplies the price of a company's stock by the total number of outstanding shares. See more news. Bid Net cash used or generated in investing activities such as purchasing assets. Previous close :
You should independently check data before making any investment decision. Recent trade data is unavailable. You are here:. Represents the company's profit divided by the outstanding shares of its common stock. A high double digit figure may mean a company has an advantage over its competitors because of a unique product but an oil company, for example, will have higher capital outlay than an online retailer. This data is provided by Digital Look. Net cash used or generated in financing activities such as dividend payments and loans. To buy shares in , you'll need to have an account. HL cannot guarantee that the data is accurate or complete, and accepts no responsibility for how it may be used. Price GBX Previous : 0. Total equity. Price to book. Share prices. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization, is a measure of a company's overall financial performance and is used as an alternative to net income in some circumstances.
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