lola falana pictures

Lola falana pictures

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Lola falana pictures


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Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Lola Falana Actress Soundtrack. Born in Philadelphia in , Lola Falana left home as a teenager to seek her fortune in entertainment.

Lola falana pictures

She was an American singer, dancer, model, actress, and minister. Her father, an Afro Cuban , left his homeland of Cuba to serve in the U. Marine Corps, later becoming a welder shortly after meeting Falana's mother, who was African American.

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Build your search with words and phrases. Download Cancel. Without these words. Filters 1. No commercial use can be granted without written authority from the Film Company. Filter by agency collections. Exact phrase. The Photographer should also be credited when known. Unknown 34 Gino Bramieri and Lola Falana. Download Confirmation Please complete the form below.

Her father left Cuba to become a welder in the United States where he met her mother. She spent most of her earlier years in Philadelphia as an up-and-coming dancer while also singing in the local church choir.

Use any combination to refine your search. Search for images Search for stock images, vectors and videos. All images. Unknown 34 Gino Bramieri and Lola Falana bis. Use any combination to refine your search. Forgotten your password? All images. The information provided will be included in your download confirmation. All Archive greater than 20 years old. Page 1 of 1.

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