Lor jinx decks
By: Shinn 4. By: Isagi Yoichi 4. By: eniraC 4. By: Moctaht 4.
This is an aggressive archetype that can end games quickly, making it a great choice if you want to climb fast. The goal of this deck is to utilize discarding to trigger effects that output a ton of damage. You can discard cards like Flame Chompers and Jury Rig to summon units, or Vision to buff your field. The expected turn to win the game with this deck is turn In this deck you want to mulligan for a 1 drop, 2 drop and Draven. This ensures you have a strong early game curve and damage output.
Lor jinx decks
If you do the standard mulligan for 1 drop, 2 drop, Draven you should have enough aggro pressure to cleanly win the game before they can stabilize.
As explained in the Technical Note at the end of this article, we'll first take a glance at a snapshot of our LoR Meta Decks Tier List , which sorts archetypes that's to say, the aggregate of all decks with the exact same Champions by popularity, and then we'll dive into the data to check how individual decks perform, to showcase the best LoR decks. A snapshot of the LoR ladder shows pretty much the same faces as last week — which continues to be a bit puzzling, but by now we can expect it: Galio Elder Dragon Morgana is neck, wings and shoulders above the competition, but the playerbase has collectively taken the chivalrous stance of not abusing this GEM on the ladder, and its playrate has kept roughly constant. And Pyke Rek'Sai is definitely back; its performance is far from amazing, but if not even death could stop Pyke, feeble facts and figures are not gonna stop the school of Lurker enjoyers. The LoR official account on X will release or has released, depending on when you read this a vid about the game's future at some point during Thursday at about 10am PST, if I had to guess :. The video on the future of LoR was completed early, and will be released tomorrow to grant quicker insight into the future of the game. We're also sharing an FAQ with more in-depth answers to questions we've seen asked, and ensuring players have access to that information. For the time being, here are the current best-performing decks for the Legends of Runeterra ladder! Decks in this category have at least games played in the last three days, and good to great win rates — as far as current numbers go, these are the best LoR decks in the Standard ladder. Two weeks ago, the best Galio Elder Dragon Morgana deck had a 6. At any rate, and for clarity's sake: This is the best deck in LoR right now ; the strongest we've seen in a very long time.
Lor jinx decks
Jinx was recently buffed and given a huge power spike which ended up spawning a new deck, Ekko Jinx! Did you know that Ekko has a childhood crush on Jinx according to League lore? For more decks, head to the Deck Library! To build your own, head to the Deck Builder. The goal of this deck is to Predict and level Ekko as fast as possible. The expected turn to finish the game is turn These are all cheap cards that give you board presence while helping you Predict. You can use them to block in the early game while leveling Ekko, and simultaneously transitioning into your mid-game through Predicts. Forsaken Baccai is one of the best new editions to Ekko decks in recent years.
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House Spider also is great into aggro matchups because the 1 1 spiderling blocker can get decent trades. This helps add consistency to your deck by triggering your discard effects such as Jury Rig or Flame chompers, or giving you things to discard for Zaunite Urchin and Rummage. By: WyFix 4. This is an aggressive archetype that can end games quickly, making it a great choice if you want to climb fast. House Spider and Arena Battlecaster are your 2 drops of the deck. Thanks for reading! Arena Battlecaster has moved from a 2 of in the deck to a 3 of. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. It also can trigger all your discard effects at a burst speed so you can discard Reborn Grenadier to push 3 damage fast or burst him into play as a blocker. Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Reckless Assault By: CurrentQuiet 4. By: Isagi Yoichi 4. Jinx also continues to refuel your hand the rest of the game and continue to give you burn damage. Vision Poro Cannon Vision and Poro Cannon are two key cards of the deck that you want to maximize the usage of.
This is an aggressive archetype that can end games quickly, making it a great choice if you want to climb fast. The goal of this deck is to utilize discarding to trigger effects that output a ton of damage.
Connect with us:. These cookies do not store any personal information. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This immediatly gives you value via burn damage and whittling away the enemy board for stronger attacks. By: CurrentQuiet 4. Arena Battlecaster has moved from a 2 of in the deck to a 3 of. By: Isagi Yoichi 4. By: Shinn 4. If you already have these three, the final card you want to mulligan for is a card to discard such as Jury Rig, Vision, Flame Chompers or for Jinx. You can use it on Flame Chompers or Reborn Grenadier to make it a 3 3 with ease for a 1 drop, which makes it push more damage and become harder to remove. Jinx just got a huge buff which gives you a Super Mega Death Rocket! Draven Jinx By: WyFix 4. You can discard cards like Flame Chompers and Jury Rig to summon units, or Vision to buff your field. Poro Cannon is extremely versatile and can be used in tons of spots.
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