Lso lawyer directory
The Lawyer Directory is a searchable tool that you can use to help you find the names, contact information and current practice status of lso lawyer directory licensed in BC. Search results will also include if the lawyer has a discipline history or restriction from practising in an area of law, as well as any current regulatory proceedings. You can also search our list of unauthorized practitioners in our Unauthorized Practitioners database. As the regulators of lawyers, the Law Society cannot provide referrals, lso lawyer directory.
Seeking legal help? Protect yourself. The Law Society has several services to help you find a lawyer or paralegal to assist you with your legal problems. Make sure you protect yourself and check our Lawyer and Paralegal Directory or contact the Law Society to confirm that the person you are thinking of hiring is a licensed legal professional. Use the search feature on our website to look for LSO services and learn how to access them or visit the licensee directory to get confirmation of a lawyer's or paralegal's status, discipline history, and whether they are licensed and entitled to provide legal services.
Lso lawyer directory
This directory lists lawyers and paralegals licensed by the Law Society. The Law Society regulates Ontario lawyers and paralegal licensees in the public interest and does not provide legal advice to members of the public. If you are looking for a lawyer referral service or a paralegal referral service, the Law Society Referral Service can help. The directory displays the business contact information for most licensees. The business contact information contained in the directory has been provided to the Law Society by the lawyer or paralegal pursuant to their obligation under By-Law 8 to notify the Law Society after any change in contact information. If you are a lawyer or a paralegal and would like to modify your contact information, please use the Law Society Portal. Each listing includes the practising status of the lawyer or paralegal. If a lawyer or paralegal has a regulatory history, restrictions on their practice, or if there is a trusteeship, there will be information on this in the directory listing. Email addresses are displayed on the Lawyer and Paralegal Directory unless the lawyer or paralegal has chosen not to display their business email address. You can choose to search the complete list of names in the directory or only the lawyer listings or paralegal listings. You can also narrow your results by performing an Advanced Search where you can search by name first or last , Law Society Number, postal code, city or any combination of these. If you receive too many results, or if no results are found, you may need to revise your search criteria. This directory includes the names of some former licensees of the Law Society. These include lawyers and paralegals who have surrendered their licence at their own request, as well as those whose licences have been revoked or surrendered for regulatory reasons.
Finding a Lawyer or Paralegal Seeking legal help? First Name.
The on-line referral service is available to residents of Ontario. Non residents are not eligible for a referral, but are welcome to use the Law Society Lawyer and Paralegal Directory. Note: Use of the directory does not guarantee a free consultation. The on-line request, the referral process, and your initial consultation of up to 30 minutes are free. The consultation is meant to help you determine your rights and options. You should not expect the legal representative to do any free legal work during this time - that is not the purpose of the consultation. You may ask the legal representative during the consultation what it may cost to have your legal work done. This is an on-line service. To make a request, scroll to the bottom of this page and click "Next". Someone will contact you within three business days to arrange for your consultation.
Lso lawyer directory
This directory lists lawyers and paralegals licensed by the Law Society. The Law Society regulates Ontario lawyers and paralegal licensees in the public interest and does not provide legal advice to members of the public. If you are looking for a lawyer referral service or a paralegal referral service, the Law Society Referral Service can help. The directory displays the business contact information for most licensees. The business contact information contained in the directory has been provided to the Law Society by the lawyer or paralegal pursuant to their obligation under By-Law 8 to notify the Law Society after any change in contact information. If you are a lawyer or a paralegal and would like to modify your contact information, please use the Law Society Portal.
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Toll-free x General line: Fax: Email: lawsociety lso. The business contact information contained in the directory has been provided to the Law Society by the lawyer or paralegal pursuant to their obligation under By-Law 8 to notify the Law Society after any change in contact information. Protect yourself. Search results will also include if the lawyer has a discipline history or restriction from practising in an area of law, as well as any current regulatory proceedings. Terms or Concepts Explained. This directory lists lawyers and paralegals licensed by the Law Society. Additional information Use the search feature on our website to look for LSO services and learn how to access them or visit the licensee directory to get confirmation of a lawyer's or paralegal's status, discipline history, and whether they are licensed and entitled to provide legal services. If you are interested in the discipline history of a lawyer prior to November , please contact the Law Society. Note the Law Society Number for a Lawyer will include 5 digits and end in a letter e. Share Top. The Lawyer Directory pulls information from the Law Society databases regularly. If you cannot find a lawyer or paralegal, or if you have any questions about the information in this directory, please contact the Law Society at:. Last Name.
This directory lists lawyers and paralegals licensed by the Law Society.
The Lawyer Directory pulls information from the Law Society databases regularly. You can also search our list of unauthorized practitioners in our Unauthorized Practitioners database. The Law Society regulates Ontario lawyers and paralegal licensees in the public interest and does not provide legal advice to members of the public. Last Name. A lawyer's status can change at any time. This directory includes the names of some former licensees of the Law Society. Each listing includes the practising status of the lawyer or paralegal. Each listing includes the practising status of the lawyer or paralegal. Protect yourself. Learn more. Toll-free x General line: Fax: Email: lawsociety lso. The Law Society has several services to help you find a lawyer or paralegal to assist you with your legal problems. As the regulators of lawyers, the Law Society cannot provide referrals. If a lawyer or paralegal has a regulatory history, restrictions on their practice, or if there is a trusteeship, there will be information on this in the directory listing. City optional :.
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