lyon gay sauna

Lyon gay sauna

Our gay travel guide to Lyon sets out the best gay hotels to stay in, the most exciting gay parties to lyon gay sauna out, our favorite places to eat, lyon gay sauna, and more. According to me, of course. Well obviously, I'm biased — this is Seby's home ground, the city he was born and raised.

By day there are plenty of sexy French boys and girls picnicking in tranquil parks, wandering past historical and architectural landmarks or lazing in the iconic bistros of the gay Lyon quarter. But, by night, is when things really come alive…. A traditionally liberal country that legalized same-sex activity in during the French Revolution and gay marriage in , France is frequently named one of the most gay-friendly countries in the world. As a result of such accepting attitudes, Gay Lyon offers a broad and well-established LGBT presence with relaxed gay bars, busy saunas, and cruisy clubbing — along with a few new-age queer parties thrown in for good measure. We loved Lyon for many reasons — but most of all because it had an engaging mix of everything one could ever hope for in a sophisticated travel destination. Being gay does not define which attraction most of us will want to see in each city, and most queer tourists will simply want to check out the top things to see in Lyon during the day!

Lyon gay sauna

With 7 gay saunas and cruising bars, the so-called « capital of Gaules » prides itself to be the best equipped city outside of Paris. In terms of gay saunas Lyon offers a wide choice with no less than 4 venues, including two outstanding places. The Sun Lyon is the largest sauna in Europe and welcomes its gay clientele The Sun Lyon is the largest sauna in Europe and welcomes its gay clientele 3 days a week. Not far from there, also in the gay district of the city the Double Side Lyon is a reference for gay sauna in Lyon and the whole region. Two other gay saunas cater to smaller crowds but they certainly warm up gay nights in Lyon: the Oasis Club and the Bellecour. Lyon also offers some very kinky places. The well-named 1er Sous Sol first basement has been very active for more than 20 years already, a sure bet. Super hot also, another place with a very graphic name: le Trou the hole. And if you feel fetish, leather or uniform, you should apply to Men Club, another private and very popular cruising bar in Lyon. Find below the best addresses for a gay sauna in Lyon, a sex club or a sex shop, with travelers reviews, descriptions, schedules, rates and photos. Cozy apartments, private rooms and amazing homes: be welcomed by the gay community in over countries.

Please refer to our Help Center. New owners as for July See more.

With 7 gay saunas and cruising bars, the so-called « capital of Gaules » prides itself to be the best equipped city outside of Paris. In terms of gay saunas Lyon offers a wide choice with no less than 4 venues, including two outstanding places. The Sun Lyon is the largest sauna in Europe and welcomes its gay clientele The Sun Lyon is the largest sauna in Europe and welcomes its gay clientele 3 days a week. Not far from there, also in the gay district of the city the Double Side Lyon is a reference for gay sauna in Lyon and the whole region. Two other gay saunas cater to smaller crowds but they certainly warm up gay nights in Lyon: the Oasis Club and the Bellecour.

Hotel Carlton Lyon MGallery. Hotel Silky by HappyCulture. Mercure Lyon Centre Beaux-Arts. Dance Clubs. Cruise Clubs. Gay Shops.

Lyon gay sauna

Since , he has been able to retain a varied and dynamic clientele that is always very motivated. The establishment also offers a video room, relaxation booths, a well-visited backroom, as well as a reading corner and a bar where you will be offered a coffee. In the heart of Lyon, Bellecour metro station, 2 metro stations from Perrache train station, near 4 large car parks.

80 euros in dollars

The Oasis Club Sauna is a gay sauna in Lyon. Gay Shops. More actions are inside the hammam bath. Affordable drinks, a diverse queer crowd, and local vibes always ensure XS is a good choice. We recommend joining a half-day wine tour which will take you to a family-run winery as well as Villefranche, the capital of Beaujolais. Some hotels in Lyon have gone above and beyond in recognizing and marketing to the LGBT community — and given their popularity with gay travelers, we would say it has paid off! It's as much a part of Lyon's culture as are the city's old town district and its vibrant arts scene. Each room is tailor-made and has its own signature, whether it be a unique bathroom area or private cinema, and offers a multitude of facilities, luxury, and comfort. From private rooms and apartments to LGBTQ-friendly hotels, you have the option to stay in the heart of gay districts as well as other neighborhoods in the places you visit. New owners as for July The reception desk is set across a vintage vaulting horse dating back to , which was actually recuperated from a school gymnasium near Paris. We definitely recommend getting out of the city for a bit to enjoy the countryside while sampling some of the fruity red wines made from the Gamay grape variety. Open 7 days a week.

Hotel Carlton Lyon MGallery.

Quite cosy, with colourful decor and comfortable chairs creating a relaxed atmosphere. By day there are plenty of sexy French boys and girls picnicking in tranquil parks, wandering past historical and architectural landmarks or lazing in the iconic bistros of the gay Lyon quarter. Read more. Hotel Silky by HappyCulture. We recommend doing the Gaily tour of Lyon where a cute local takes your hand and shows you around Vieux Lyon, revealing some of the darker and wilder secrets of these famous traboules! It is also a great way to meet gay locals and discover the underground gay scene. Les Loges. An open-minded BDSM place for all people sharing the desire for freedom. We always try to attend at least one of the events — Seby is super proud of it because it is recognised as one of France's finest LGBTQ film festivals. Although the light festival is not specifically gay, it's where all the local gay guys will be hanging out, and it is often regarded as one of the top French festivals. In terms of gay saunas Lyon offers a wide choice with no less than 4 venues, including two outstanding places. And from personal experience, Lyon is one very satisfying city to cycle in — bike lanes are everywhere. It's open daily for breakfast and lunch from 7am — 4pm but only open for dinner on Thursday when they stay open until 11pm. Go on a romantic dinner cruise. Affordable drinks, a diverse queer crowd, and local vibes always ensure XS is a good choice.

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