makoto niijima all out attack

Makoto niijima all out attack

As its name implies, triggering the command allows all characters to strike all enemies together at the same time. When executed, makoto niijima all out attack cut-in session briefly showcases the face or bust images of all participants, then all participants will rush into the enemies in a burst of comical dust and attack effects. In Persona 3 and Persona 4if the attack does not finish off the enemies, then the characters will also be seen being knocked out before running back in the dust.

As its name implies, triggering the command allows all characters to strike all enemies together at the same time. When executed, a cut-in session briefly showcases the face or bust images of all participants, then all participants will rush into the enemies in a burst of comical dust and attack effects. In Persona 3 and Persona 4 , if the attack does not finish off the enemies, then the characters will also be seen being knocked out before running back in the dust. In addition, in Persona 4 and Persona 3 Portable , if the attack is the finishing blow to the remaining enemies, the clouds will form a comical skull as a finishing touch. In Persona 5 , instead of the smoke of skull, the last party member who contributes to the chance of that All-Out Attack will receive a "finishing touch" close-up, replacing the generic victory cutscene.

Makoto niijima all out attack


Furthermore, all enemies on the battlefield must be knocked down in order to trigger the All-Out Attack command. If the All-Out Attack is not lethal, makoto niijima all out attack survivors lose their "Downed" state, meaning the party can knock them down again with any remaining queued actions to trigger another All-Out Attack in the same turn.


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Makoto niijima all out attack

When the Final Smash is used, Joker will rush forward while exclaiming "Ravage them! The Final Smash starts by showing Joker along with three of his fellow Phantom Thieves either alongside Ann Takamaki , Ryuji Sakamoto and Morgana or Makoto Niijima , Yusuke Kitagawa and Haru Okumura in silhouetted form jumping upwards, before a splash screen of all four of them appears. The four of them then rush the enemy at speeds that cause them to turn into blurs, while either Futaba Sakura or Morgana comment on the onslaught. When the attack finishes, Joker lands in front of the opponents and another splash screen appears with Joker fixing his glove while "The Show's Over" appears next to him. In a Stock or Stamina match, if the match ends with Joker KOing the opponent with this move, the screen will transition to the splash screen without returning to gameplay along with the announcer 's "GAME! This will also occur in Spirit Battles but not in Classic Mode. If Joker misses the initial rush forward, the player can push the control stick in the opposite direction of Joker to rush backward and attempt to catch opponents again. This can be done preemptively but the range of the first rush will be reduced. Up to four opponents can be attacked by this move. Additionally, the game cannot be paused for the duration of the move.

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One such case is if multiple enemies are faced, and all but one is knocked down; if the not-downed enemy is killed without unleashing a Critical or a weakness-exploiting attack on it, thus leaving the enemy party entirely knocked down, the party will not get an opportunity to unleash an All-Out Attack unless the attack was a Follow Up attack that either did not count, or was a Critical or weakness-exploit, such as when finishing the last enemy that has not been downed with Chie 's Galactic Punt. All finishing touches can be viewed in the Thieves Den all without the enemies and the blood. During negotiation, the option for All-Out Attack is still executable as long as it is the protagonist 's turn to choose the next dialogue. Unlike the previous games, all three party members need to setup a triangle, surrounding the downed enemy. Makoto inspired all out attack Tomoe Udagawa. Abyss of Time. Megami Tensei Wiki Explore. Thus, theoretically, the more powerful the characters' equipped weapons are, the more damage the All-Out Attack inflicts. If the protagonist is not eligible to participate, or if he is the only one able to participate, the All-Out Attack cannot be triggered. Downed enemies have their turn order pushed far back or may even be forced to skip their turn entirely, so relenting can help preserve Boosts for the next turn if one is certain their All-Out Attack won't be lethal. If she joins, a special animation will play. Featured Archive Poll Archive. The Soulless Army - Raidou vs. In order to trigger an All-Out Attack, there must be at least one other party member present alongside Ren.

Rank Ability Description 1 Shadow Calculus Allows you to see skills and potential item drops on the analysis screen. Followup Let's go again sometime.

Without Tagline. These victory screens also have a tagline and are as follows:. Also exclusive to Persona 4 Golden , if an All-Out Attack does not defeat all the enemies, an additional follow up Co-op attack will sometimes trigger. You can perform an "All-Out Attack. An All-Out Attack temporarily stylized with a lower-case "o" in the original Persona 5 , but reverted in Royal is initiated by the same means as in Persona 3 and Persona 4. Character cont. There may be reasons to not perform an All-Out Attack when given the opportunity. While late in-game boss enemies are mostly without weaknesses, the All-Out Attack can still be triggered should the boss enemy be hit with a Critical physical attack or miss with its own physical attack and slip. After its health is depleted during its second phase, the Demiurge is defeated with a unique cinematic All-Out Attack that takes the form of a cutscene. We are SO awesome! This technique deals large Havoc-type damage to one foe. Original Soundtrack. Persona Record Series. In order to trigger an All-Out Attack, there must be at least one other party member present alongside Ren. In Royal , their complete self, Lavenza, can perform an All-Out Attack by splitting back into the Twins before merging back for the finishing touch.

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