Male spanking stories

Spanking Stories: Your male spanking stories of spankings received, administered, witnessed, assisted or overheard are all welcome and may include:. Discipline Articles: Your discipline articles are also welcome and include:. Encouragement: Please do not be concerned about your writing skills nor even English language proficiency.

In these ten stories, Rachel Heath tells tales of female dominance and male submission as only she can. Both male and female characters are fully described and developed in these portrayals of men who need to mend their ways and women who are only too happy to use the power of hard and long spankings to help such men better themselves — along with keeping them in line! Become a Writer. Start Reading like. Her husband Bruce had really put on the pounds in recent years to the point where she believed, as did his doctor, that he was putting his health in jeopardy.

Male spanking stories

Despite being adults Shane and Ryland still find themselves in situations where they get in trouble for things that kids get in trouble for. They might be childish at incorrect times. As a couple Shane and Ryland know they must keep each other in place even if it's painful This story obviously contains spanking Don't Even when I couldn't count on anyone, I could always count on you. Includes: spanking So I'm going to be doing a big brother spanking story so if you don't like spankings this is probably not the story for you! So I'm thinking of doing different stories but I'm not sure yet, so I'm just gonna start and see where it goes! Thanks for reading. White collar fic. Neal is 14 and a master forger and con already. He has been an orphan since age 9 when he was taken from an abusive home.

He selected a weapon and turned to show it to Mr.

Cancel anytime. A work-from-home type discovers a way to curb his porn addiction and increase his productivity; a boy in the Old West finds out he has a date with the hangman's belt; and before leaving the homestead for the last time, a man reflects on visits he and his brothers made to the old woodshed. Listen free for 30 days. Add to Cart failed. Please try again later. Add to Wish List failed. Remove from wish list failed.

I love knowing that my writing has touched people in some way. The short answer is yes. My days were empty, and I filled that emptiness with writing. Writing—creating—gave me joy when nothing else was there. Talking to friends I made through writing, and getting feedback on my writing, gave me even more joy.

Male spanking stories

Stories are mainly fiction dealing with the spanking of males by other males or, less often, females , and covering an extensive range of discipline scenarios , including science fiction and fantasy. All submitted stories are reviewed and categorized by genre, scenario, who spanks and who is spanked sub-categorized by relationship and age , implements used if any , and various other criteria. Such meticulous categorization provides the grist for a unique and powerful search engine that allows readers to zero in on their particular kink. The Male-Male Spanking Archive hosts stories in various languages. Authors are unpaid volunteers. Readers are encouraged to leave feedback to authors using a form provided at the end of each story.

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Dean, however, is still older than Sam. She put the belt down and picked up the solid wooden fraternity-style paddle. In the living room of their ranch-style home, Gwen sat her husband down for a serious discussion about his overeating. While working a case in LA, Reid meets a strange, very punk looking, police informant and falls in love. Collected together in one edition, it's the first three books in the Tails from the Woodshed series, plus a new bonus story never before in print. Listen free for 30 days. Higginbottom was still in headmaster-mode. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations. Had the old man been spying on him? Then he draped himself ass up over the large, dark blue velour easy chair. Then, he opened a cupboard and did the same thing. Comment Reblog Subscribe Subscribed. He had not suspected the Gwen, who was not particularly strong even for a woman, would be able to bring it down so fiercely. They were both solid Republicans although Bruce was a little more conservative than Gwen. Liam is the alpha, Zayn and Louis are his right hand man.

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The childhood memories of Sam and Dean during John's absence and his ways through the boys. He nervously twisted his wedding ring. Your story or article are most welcome. Please try again later. Higginbottom today. Someone else must discipline you. Already have a WordPress. Higginbottom smacked the brush into his left palm. Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them. Another red stripe instantly lit up his bum. Access exclusive sales and deals. Suddenly, his mouth dried. That is, simply a spanking.

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