Map of the 40k galaxy

The map shows the various territories, planets and other phenomena such as moons, webway gates and xenos incursions in the current setting edition 9. You may also choose to view the Warhammer universe as it was during the Horus Heresy era. This is the period between

However, their realm is naught but a few flickering candles in a vast and hungry darkness. The Milky Way galaxy , more commonly known as the " Milky Way ," or just " the galaxy ," is the galaxy that Mankind calls home and in which the Imperium of Man and all of the other starfaring intelligent species known to Humanity are located. The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy that is part of the Local Group of galaxies. It is one of hundreds of billions of galaxies in the observable universe. Its name is a translation of the Latin term Via Lactea , in turn translated from the Greek Galaxias , referring to the pale band of light formed by stars in the galactic plane as seen in the night skies of Holy Terra.

Map of the 40k galaxy


Location information - such as names and factions present in the area - is available for all locations. These storms cut off all interstellar travel and communications between the worlds of Mankind, which were so dependent on the Immaterium for both faster-than-light travel and astropathic communications.


I see the faces of pale moons and the fire of lost stars. I see the void un-walked and the waiting dark. I see the void that is my home and to which I return with hope and fear. The Koronus Expanse is the name given by the authorities of the Imperium of Man to a dangerous unexplored region of the Halo Stars located beyond the Calixis Sector in the Segmentum Obscurus in the northwestern region of the galaxy. The Koronus Expanse is accessed through the Koronus Passage , also known as " the Maw ," a treacherous but navigable route through the great Warp storms that bar passage to the Halo Stars beyond the way station of Port Wander on the edge of the Expanse. As is true of the Calixis Sector itself, the Koronus Expanse was untouched by the Emperor 's Great Crusade many millennia ago -- and so it is a realm of fearsome xenos , treasures beyond imagining, heathen worlds of Humanity , and the echoes of ancient doom. The Koronus Expanse in the 41st Millennium is a scattered, partly explored region on the frontier of the galaxy containing a few young Imperial colonies and vast natural wealth still barely exploited. Rogue Traders vie with one another for known resources, heedless of lives lost in the pursuit of riches, while a tentative attempt at Imperial colonisation follows in their wake.

Map of the 40k galaxy

We are a couple of weeks into the release of Warhammer 40, 9th Edition and the true effects of the Indomitus Crusade are still being felt throughout the universe. To reflect this, Games Workshop has launched a new interactive universe map that matches the latest lore changes. Warhammer 40, 9th Edition launched with a bang, with the Indomitus Launch Set selling out within minutes world wide. It was quickly followed by scalpers selling their copies at astronomical prices on auction sites.

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At the same time, Slaanesh's gestation disrupted the eddies and tides of the Warp, leading to the emergence of massive Warp Storms across the galaxy. Their science allowed them to cross the vast gulfs of space with only a single step through the myriad Warp Gates they built to connect the worlds of the galaxy in a vast network much like the Aeldari Webway of today, though on a much larger scale. In time, some standard years after the start of the Great Crusade in the early 31st Millennium, the Imperium had spread its sheltering wings across hundreds of thousands of Human worlds, restoring a measure of civilisation and progress to the scattered peoples of Mankind and inaugurating a new age in Human history, the Age of the Imperium , our current era. The C'tan were dispersed across areas larger than whole planets, their consciousnesses too vast for humanoids to comprehend. This hideous Warp rift swallowed most of the homeworlds of the Eldar empire, destroying them, while the souls of billions of Eldar were swallowed by the bloated mass of psychic energy that was Slaanesh. To the younger sentient species of the galaxy, the Necrons and their Star Gods were cruel masters, callously harvesting their populations at will to feed the C'tan's ceaseless hunger. In many ways, he felt better that he had in decades, the countless aches and uncertainties of organic life now behind him. The map above shows a portion of Leagues of Votann space in the galactic core during the Era Indomitus after the birth of the Great Rift. Turbo87's sidebar-v2 Leaflet addon no longer used. Their trade routes are widespread, even striking out into Far-space. Map mode Map mode is the default. The Forces of Chaos, led by Horus' successor and former lieutenant, Abaddon the Despoiler , broke through the cordon erected by Imperial forces over the Fortress World of Cadia , at last destroying that great bastion of Imperial defence. Understanding that such diffuse minds could never perceive the material universe without manifesting themselves in a material form, some Necrontyr actively sought the C'tan's favour and oversaw the forging of physical shells for the C'tan to occupy, cast from the living metal called necrodermis that they had once used for their colony torch-ships. Yet the Silent King knew not the C'tan's true nature, and instead granted the creature an audience.

These shall each have a Segment Fortress, from whence the orders of his glorious magnificence, the Emperor, shall be enacted.

Many worlds within the core never experience the true darkness of night, or are perpetually bombarded by a wide spectra of exotic -- and often extremely dangerous -- ionising radiation. Unable to find peace on their own world, the Necrontyr blindly groped outward into the universe to explore other stars. Each dynasty of the Necrontyr sought to claim its own destiny and soon the great houses were engaged in all-out conflicts known as the Wars of Secession. It was only when the Silent King himself emerged from the bio-transference process and looked upon what had become of his people that he saw the awful truth of the pact he had made. The Necrontyr's fury was cooled by their long millennia of imprisonment on their homeworld, slowly transforming into an utter hatred towards all other forms of intelligent life and an implacable determination to avenge themselves upon their seemingly invincible enemies. To effectively govern and protect this vast domain, the High Lords of Terra and the Adeptus Terra have divided the galaxy into five zones of military and political control known in High Gothic as the Segmentae Majoris sing. Dividing the Legions up into hundreds of different Expeditionary Fleets assisted by the forces of the Mechanicus of Mars, the Emperor initiated the Great Crusade to expand the Imperium of Man and spread its Imperial Truth across the galaxy. Locations These require you to click the icon with your mouse to bring up the information panel. The Old Ones were responsible for the creation or genetic advancement of most of the currently active intelligent species of the galaxy, including the Eldar , the Krork the Orks ' precursors , the Slann and the Jokaero , though it is unknown if they played any role in the evolution of Humanity. At the same time, they offered amnesty to any secessionist dynasties who willingly returned to the fold. MousePosition v1 Leaflet addon. A map of the galaxy during the Era Indomitus after the birth of the Great Rift.

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