Maremma sheepdog temperament
The Maremma Sheepdog is a livestock guardian with strong protective instincts and loyalty to its family. The Maremma sheepdog temperament Sheepdog is a strong, muscular dog with a rustic appearance.
And when you find your new pup, tell us a bit more about them to get a discount off one of our puppy ranges and regular personalised puppy advice. Thanks for joining Growing Pup. You'll receive your first expert tips on getting a puppy within the next day, so keep a look out in your inbox! View our Privacy Policy. Sturdy and muscular, the Maremma is a large and heavy dog, with a coarse protective white coat, and dense warm undercoat. The broad head and small high set ears give the Maremma a kindly yet dignified expression.
Maremma sheepdog temperament
The Maremma Sheepdog is an ancient European breed originally used by the Romans for guarding livestock. They still remain popular in Italy, serving their traditional role of homestead guardians and family companions. Through the years, these dogs garnered a number of names, including Maremma, Pastore, Abruzzese, Cane da Pastore, and more. In the s, select breed clubs officially recognized the Maremmano-Abruzzese breed, reflecting their origins in two Italian regions. However, the American Kennel Club has not yet recognized the breed. Maremma Sheepdogs find great purpose in guarding livestock. Highly devoted to their jobs, they would fit best in a farm setting where they can look after livestock. Bred to be independent thinkers , these dogs are confident protective, though not easy to train or socialize. Their large size and free spirit also require a lot of outdoor space to roam. Additionaly, fencing is necessary to keep them from going too far. If these dogs are socialized at a young age, they can become good family companioThis important to consider for any future pet parents of a Maremma Sheepdog puppy. Conduct thorough research to ensure that the breeder follows ethical practices and prioritizes the well-being of their dogs.
Spirit the Italian Sheepdog from Australia at 2 years old—" Spirit has a lovely soft nature and unlike other Maremmas she hardly ever barks, only if there is danger, maremma sheepdog temperament. The ancestors of the Maremma evolved to become smaller than their fellow herd guardians while retaining the independence and aloofness of maremma sheepdog temperament heritage. Home Find a pet Dog Breed library.
These large white dogs are bred to protect flocks, they are friendly to their family but aloof and wary of strangers. It has a heavy double coat, thick neck ruff and a thickly-plumed tail held curled over its back. The Maremma is said to be aloof, independent and protective of its family and territory. The breed was developed to protect herds of sheep and most will bond quickly with the designated flock be it angoras, chickens or sheep and defend it against all-comers. Breeders report a high proportion of animals are sold for flock protection. They say potential owners buying the dogs as pets for city living should be aware of the dogs tendency to bark which might disturb neighbours.
The Maremma Sheepdog temperament is gentle and calm. These giants may be lovable, but they are livestock guardian dogs LGD with an intense protective instinct. The Maremma has a very strong work ethic—maybe too strong. Maremmas have a strong pack instinct. They love babies and young children. Maremmas will be protective of older kids, too. They will react if one of their charges is bullied or teased. He needs to be able to make decisions on his own when he thinks there is danger. This can be a problem at home if you expect him to obey without questioning.
Maremma sheepdog temperament
This post may contain affiliate links. If you click and buy we may make a commission, at no additional charge to you. Please see our disclosure policy for more details. The Maremma Sheepdog was brought to the United States in the s as a part of a large environmental experiment. Maremmas had the perfect mix of intelligence, shepherding prowess, and a mellow temperament. They were natural protectors and fierce defenders of their flock. The experiment was an exploration of the possibilities of ranching while maintaining the existence of wolves and other predators. The numbers of these natural predators were quickly dwindling, as the ranchers exterminated them. When the Maremmas were introduced into the scene, they managed to ward the wolves and bears off, without causing any fatalities.
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She's not much of a runner, but she does enjoy flailing about and running around like a goon, and she never fails to greet us at the door or in the morning with a big, toothy, cheesy Maremma grin. Finding a reputable dog breeder is one of the most important decisions you will make when bringing a new dog into your life. Having been bred to think and act autonomously, they may require a bit more patience and understanding from their owners. These pups may be more convenient for individuals with busy schedules or those looking for a hassle-free pet care routine. This heavy, dense coat takes a lot of upkeep and the dog needs a thorough brushing and combing several times a week or the coat will become matted and the dog will develop eczema and hot spots. He will evaluate the situation from this position and then decide whether to take actions against the intruder, or to return to his usual guarding place. Dogs from any breed can be good with children based on their past experiences. Italian breed of flock guardian dog. Ad Choices. You may also be interested in a close relative of the Maremma, the Great Pyrenees. Download as PDF Printable version. Even when they seem black and muddy after having spent the night in the rain, just a few hours of dry weather are enough to make them white and shiny again, thanks to a special dirt-repellent capacity of the coat. Bellissima testa ed espressione tipica di razza di cane da pastore maremmano abruzzese maschio. Maremma Sheepdogs have large noses with wide nostrils, hanging but mobile V-shaped ears, and almond-shaped eyes with black rims that convey a lively and attentive expression.
Maremma sheepdogs trace their lineage back to ancient civilizations and are becoming increasingly popular. Known for their loyalty and loving temperaments, Maremma sheepdogs are ideal watchdogs.
Dogs with a high prey drive have an instinctive desire to stalk, capture, and prey upon potential food sources. Ad Choices. Exercise Needs: While they are not overly active, they do require daily exercise and mental stimulation to keep them happy and healthy. And many hounds simply must follow their noses—or that bunny that just ran across the path—even if it means leaving you behind. It is indigenous to Central Italy , especially to the Maremma region of Tuscany and Lazio , and to northern areas of Southern Italy , particularly to Abruzzo. Proper training early on is especially important for Maremma Sheepdogs. They maintain a luxurious coat of long white fur which typically sheds out once a year. For several decades, it has also achieved success as a companion dog. Novice dog owners should assess their level of experience and comfort when selecting a new pet, ensuring compatibility with their lifestyle and capabilities for a mutually rewarding relationship. Talk about peace of mind! White Swiss Shepherd. Personalised pet advice straight to your inbox. Our free newsletter programme, written by a behavourist. Large dog breeds are all about loyalty and devotion. Maremma Sheepdogs are a large breed.
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