Marine corps mos codes
MOSs are grouped into different occupational fields the first two digits and then by a specific job in that field the last two digits. They then head to advanced training. The Marines have over enlisted MOSs that are made up of four digits.
The Marine Corps breaks each functional occupation into a parent occupational field, such as Logistics, Intelligence, Finance, Infantry, or Engineering. Each occupational field has a two-digit identifier. Each specific job, or occupational specialty, comes with two more digits after the occupational field that identify the MOS. Return to Top of Page. Speaking to a Recruiter. Getting Your Family on Board.
Marine corps mos codes
All enlisted and officer Marines are assigned a four-digit code denoting their primary occupational field and specialty. Job codes are identified in the last two digits and represent a specific job within that OccFld. Previous versions of MCO On 30 June , the Marine Corps announced the renaming of 19 MOSs with gender-neutral job titles, replacing the word or word-part "man" with the word "Marine" in most. This review is part of a larger Marine Corps force redesign initiated in March which was initiated to help the Corps re-align for the future. Restrictions on officer MOSs include: [2]. An enlisted applicant male or female seeking a Program Enlisted For PEF code associated with MOSs , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , or must meet certain gender-neutral physical standards. Those MOSs which are no longer being awarded [d] are generally kept active within the Marine's service records to allow Marines to earn a new MOS and to maintain a record of that Marine's previous skills and training over time. Primary MOSs are of three types:. Officers are selected for promotion for their potential to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the next higher grade based upon past performance as indicated in their official military personnel file. Promotions should not be considered a reward for past performance, but as incentive to excel in the next higher grade. Officers are not strictly promoted based upon their MOS; all MOS carried by an officer are considered during the selection board process.
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Marines are trained in many different roles but fight each battle together, positioning our Nation out front to win on any front. This category includes administrative and clerical functions in the areas of general administration, postal service and personnel administration. Qualifications include communication abilities, typing, and basic clerical skills. This field includes a variety of jobs where Marines are responsible for gathering, processing, and disseminating sensitive classified information. These specialties include geographic intelligence, counterintelligence, image interpretation, and analysis. To qualify for these roles, you must have mastery of analytical and technical skills as well as communication, computer, and clerical skills. This occupational field includes ground forces who are trained to locate and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver or repel their assault by fire and close combat.
Marines are trained in many different roles but fight each battle together, positioning our Nation out front to win on any front. This category includes administrative and clerical functions in the areas of general administration, postal service and personnel administration. Qualifications include communication abilities, typing, and basic clerical skills. This field includes a variety of jobs where Marines are responsible for gathering, processing, and disseminating sensitive classified information. These specialties include geographic intelligence, counterintelligence, image interpretation, and analysis. To qualify for these roles, you must have mastery of analytical and technical skills as well as communication, computer, and clerical skills. This occupational field includes ground forces who are trained to locate and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver or repel their assault by fire and close combat. These roles all require high levels of fitness , mental toughness , and tactical abilities.
Marine corps mos codes
All enlisted and officer Marines are assigned a four-digit code denoting their primary occupational field and specialty. Job codes are identified in the last two digits and represent a specific job within that OccFld. Previous versions of MCO
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Jim spent 22 years on active duty, climbing the ranks from airman basic to a decorated Air Force major. Marines in this MOS perform ground supply administration and operations. Home In-Service Opportunities U. Cyber Operations Technician. Request Information Locations. Combat engineer officers lead Marines in demolition, mine and countermine warfare; obstacle placement; breaching and construction. Headquarters, U. Please help by editing the article to make improvements to the overall structure. The duties of Marines who work in aviation logistics include a wide range of network infrastructures, such as aviation supply and aviation information systems maintenance. They may help plan how much food is needed for the Marines who will be working and living in the field during deployments. II MEF. They also operate and perform preventative maintenance on both software and hardware systems, including computer systems, radio, telephones, and cryptography. Marine Corps. July Learn how and when to remove this template message.
It is full of diverse careers and opportunities that can be beneficial both while serving and as a civilian. Click Here to learn more. What They Do: Perform basic administrative and clerical duties in support of Marine Corps operations.
There are three positions in this MOS: Basic ammunition and explosive ordnance disposal, ammunition technician and explosive ordnance disposal EOD technician. Bulk Fuel Specialist. The Rumor Mill. They issue gas masks and related protective equipment and train Marines in their use. This field includes a variety of jobs where Marines are responsible for gathering, processing, and disseminating sensitive classified information. Is an Officer Career Right for You? This field has different areas of responsibility. During his career, Drew attended over a dozen advanced military schools and graduated first of Green Berets at the Special Forces Senior Leaders Course. This MOS has three enlisted positions: basic ammunition and explosive ordnance disposal Marine, ammunition technician, and explosive ordnance disposal EOD technician. Their job will be to coordinate military pay and travel, budgeting, accounting and directing internal reviews.
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