masjid aya sophia

Masjid aya sophia

Often referred to as the eighth wonder of the World, the Hagia Sophia Ayasofya in Turkish in Sultanahmet is easily one of Istanbul's most impressive sights.

Official Gazette: Ayasofya-Camii. The sheer dazzling beauty of mosque with its magnificent play on space, light, and color provokes worship in the believer! Hagia Sophia pose on the ground of the first hill of İstanbul, precisely at the tip of the historic peninsula, surrounded by the Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn on three sides. When it was first built, it was named Megale Ekklesia Big Church ; however, after the fifth century, it was referred to as the Hagia Sophia Holy Wisdom. The church was the place in which rulers were crowned, and it was also the biggest operational cathedral in the city throughout the Byzantine period.

Masjid aya sophia

Located on the European side of Istanbul, Aya Sofya Mosque is one of the most prominent symbols of the Constantinople Conquest Istanbul by the Ottoman Sultan, Mehmed Fatih, on 29 th May , after it remained insurmountable to the Islamic conquests for several centuries. It is an impressive monument, located in the Sultan Ahmed District , used for as a mosque before it was converted to a museum in About architects took part in the construction work, supervised by two senior architects. Every architect worked with workers. The building was rebuilt in a short time, five years and ten months, using bricks instead of wood as stones are resistant to fire and weather conditions. Justinian asked the governors and kings under his rule to send the finest types of marble to reconstruct Hagia Sophia again. Governors and kings hastened to send the best marble columns, iron bars, and windows, removed from temples, baths, and palaces from all over the empire and secured sending them to Istanbul. The interior decorations were as impressive as its dome. The opening ceremony was held on 27 th December , with the participation of Emperor Justinian I. Hagia Sophia could not maintain its original architectural shape due to the ongoing reconstructions and restorations against the backdrop of natural disasters and wars in the region.

Guillaume-Joseph Grelot [ fr ] 's engravinglooking west.

The Hagia Sophia is an enormous architectural marvel in Istanbul, Turkey, that was originally built as a Christian basilica nearly 1, years ago. However, as notable as the structure is itself, its role in the history of Istanbul—and, for that matter, the world—is also significant and touches upon matters related to international politics, religion, art and architecture. The Hagia Sophia anchors the Old City of Istanbul and has served for centuries as a landmark for both Orthodox Christians and Muslims, as its significance has shifted with that of the dominant culture in the Turkish city. Istanbul straddles the Bosporus strait, a waterway that serves as a geographic border between Europe and Asia. The Turkish city of nearly 15 million residents thus lies on both continents.

The Hagia Sophia is an enormous architectural marvel in Istanbul, Turkey, that was originally built as a Christian basilica nearly 1, years ago. However, as notable as the structure is itself, its role in the history of Istanbul—and, for that matter, the world—is also significant and touches upon matters related to international politics, religion, art and architecture. The Hagia Sophia anchors the Old City of Istanbul and has served for centuries as a landmark for both Orthodox Christians and Muslims, as its significance has shifted with that of the dominant culture in the Turkish city. Istanbul straddles the Bosporus strait, a waterway that serves as a geographic border between Europe and Asia. The Turkish city of nearly 15 million residents thus lies on both continents. However, its function has changed several times in the centuries since. The first Hagia Sophia featured a wooden roof. The structure was burned to the ground in A.

Masjid aya sophia

February 7, By Meagan Drillinger. Welcome to Hagia Sophia, one of the most iconic architectural wonders of Istanbul and a symbol of the rich history and cultural heritage of Turkey.


M Scheinder of the İstanbul German Archeology Institute, 2 meters below ground level, include steps belonging to the Propylon monumental door , column bases and pieces with lamb embossings that represent the 12 apostles. Archived from the original on 30 December Osseman, Dick. The decorations are of reliefs of geometric shapes as well as plants that are believed to have come from a pagan temple in Tarsus in Cilicia , part of the Cibyrrhaeot Theme in modern-day Mersin Province in south-eastern Turkey. Johnson Reprints. The first two built in CE and CE respectively were both razed to the ground in troubled Byzantine times. And by way of shewing that it was not against the Emperor alone that they [the rioters] had taken up arms, but no less against God himself, unholy wretches that they were, they had the hardihood to fire the Church of the Christians, which the people of Byzantium call "Sophia", an epithet which they have most appropriately invented for God, by which they call His temple; and God permitted them to accomplish this impiety, foreseeing into what an object of beauty this shrine was destined to be transformed. Archived from the original on 7 January Historic Areas of Istanbul. JSTOR Haghia Sophia. Turkey portal Church buildings in Constantinople Public places in Constantinople. Hagia Sophia, or the Church of Holy Wisdom, is one of the world's most spectacular churches, representing not only great beauty, but also masterful engineering. Justinian and Patriarch Menas inaugurated the new basilica on 27 December , 5 years and 10 months after construction started, with much pomp. The decision to designate Hagia Sophia as a mosque was highly controversial.

Official Gazette: Ayasofya-Camii. The sheer dazzling beauty of mosque with its magnificent play on space, light, and color provokes worship in the believer!

American School of Philosophy. An earthquake in damaged the cathedral, it was rebuilt by Trdat the Architect. According to George Galavaris, the mosaic seen by Photius was a Hodegetria portrait which after the earthquake of was replaced by the present image not later than the early 11th century. How to Get to Hagia Sophia? Energy Procedia. Select Country Turkey. The Hagia Sophia is an enormous architectural marvel in Istanbul, Turkey, that was originally built as a Christian basilica nearly 1, years ago. Email Updates. Justinian and Patriarch Menas inaugurated the new basilica on 27 December , 5 years and 10 months after construction started, with much pomp. Following the building's conversion into a mosque in , many of its mosaics were covered with plaster, due to Islam's ban on representational imagery. Guida letteraria alla Roma d'Oriente in Italian. Built between and , Hagia Sophia Holy Wisdom, Ayasofya represents a brilliant moment in Byzantine architecture and art. The Thessalian verd antique bands across the nave floor were often likened to rivers. Mamboury, Ernest Daily Hellas.

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