mass effect kaidan or ashley

Mass effect kaidan or ashley

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The first Mass Effect set a precedent for the remainder of the original trilogy. Commander Shepard knew by the time they reached Virmire that the decisions they were often forced to make would highly impact the future of the galaxy. When faced with the task of choosing which squadmate was worth saving, there wasn't much time for Shepard to carefully consider the overall impact of that choice. Knowing their lives were on the line, both Kaidan Alenko and Ashley Williams encouraged Shepard to save the other squadmate. As soldiers, they knew what they were signing up for when they joined the Alliance, and sacrificing themselves for the good of the team was all but a requirement. A lot of players have been prompted to choose whichever squadmate they were trying to launch a romance with, knowing if their potential love interest died that's it for the relationship.

Mass effect kaidan or ashley

One of the many incredible features of the Mass Effect games is the decisions the player must make that will have a lasting impact on not only the remainder of the game, but potentially the rest of the franchise as well. It's this kind of storytelling that has made the franchise have massive replay value. One of the most iconic of these important, game-changing decisions takes place in Mass Effect , the first game of the franchise, where the player must choose to save either Kaidan Alenko or Ashley Williams. The other will be left to die on the planet Virmire. For new gamers playing the game for the first time, here are some things to consider before choosing who to save. All squad members in the Mass Effect franchise come with their own set of skills that the player can upgrade and customize as needed. As such, both Ashley and Kaidan have different skill sets that can benefit Shepard in the later stages of the game. As a biotic, Kaidan functions more as a control and support type character, with abilities like Throw and Lift that can stun and disrupt enemy movements. He also can help heal squadmates quickly with his Medicine talent, which lowers the cooldown of First-Aid. On the other side of the coin, Ashley is a combat specialist and the only squadmate in the first Mass Effect game that can use all four weapon types.

The survivor will also act distrustful of Shepard in later games due to working with Cerberus in Mass Effect 2 until the player can prove themselves.

Saving Ashley Williams or Kaiden Alenko is one of the Mass Effect trilogy's earliest and toughest major decisions, and one many players have been faced with again with the launch of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. The squadmate who survives Mass Effect 1 goes on to make an appearance in Mass Effect 2 , and then return in a more prominent role in the third game. There's plenty of debate among fans as to which of Shepard's human squadmates is worth saving. Some compare Kaiden's utility as a Sentinel to Ashley's as a Solider, with different implications depending on the class the player picked for Shepard. For many Mass Effect: Legendary Edition players, however, the most important part of any decision in the series is how it affects the story. Although the Virmire survivor fulfills a similar role in the narrative regardless of whether Shepard saved Ashley or Kaiden, their unique characterizations have a big impact on the tone rest of the trilogy. For fans struggling to make up their minds, here's how Mass Effect 1 's Virmire survivor shapes the rest of the games.

Saving Ashley Williams or Kaiden Alenko is one of the Mass Effect trilogy's earliest and toughest major decisions, and one many players have been faced with again with the launch of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. The squadmate who survives Mass Effect 1 goes on to make an appearance in Mass Effect 2 , and then return in a more prominent role in the third game. There's plenty of debate among fans as to which of Shepard's human squadmates is worth saving. Some compare Kaiden's utility as a Sentinel to Ashley's as a Solider, with different implications depending on the class the player picked for Shepard. For many Mass Effect: Legendary Edition players, however, the most important part of any decision in the series is how it affects the story. Although the Virmire survivor fulfills a similar role in the narrative regardless of whether Shepard saved Ashley or Kaiden, their unique characterizations have a big impact on the tone rest of the trilogy. For fans struggling to make up their minds, here's how Mass Effect 1 's Virmire survivor shapes the rest of the games.

Mass effect kaidan or ashley

You have a lot of important choices to make in Mass Effect Legendary Edition , and saving Ashley and Kaidan in Mass Effect 1 will soon become one you will scratch your head about a lot. Not because it is that complicated to do so, but because in reality, you can only save one of them, unfortunately. That said, the point where you will have to choose one of them is inevitable, so if you are interested in finding out more about this, take a look below. The Virmire sequence is a very important point in the whole franchise, since you can end up losing a lot of allies as you progress through the story there. While this choice seems like building up the events following after, it is not really. Feel free to choose any of the two, as it barely matters to both the story and the final decision itself. Another seemingly important choice will be when you are actually planting the bomb we avoid mentioning more details about the story to keep it as spoiler-free as possible. You are doing this with one of the two squad mates, Kaidan or Ashley, and the one that is not with you will call you in order to request your help for something. You will leave the person there alone, as they will mention that they will catch up with you later.

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That possibility weighs heavily on him, and there are no right answers when asked "Why me? Total voters This leaves her character arc feeling somewhat half-baked at times. Top Bottom. Both Kaidan and Ashley are some of the best romances in the franchise , but unless certain tricks are used, same sex relationships are not an option in the first game. By the time of Mass Effect 3 , Ashley has undergone a modicum of personal growth. They both suck. Caz View Profile View Posts. He's no more distrustful of aliens than he is of humans, thanks in large part to his history. He's just there.

The first Mass Effect is utterly jam-packed with story choices with a great variety of resultant outcomes - but nowhere else in the game is as filled with important decisions as Virmire. Meanwhile, on this page, in-depth:. We recommend that regardless of which two you complete first, you should complete all three main story planets before heading to Virmire - so despite the council's urgings and fears about the Salarian team being in danger, go ahead and do that third planet first.

Squad composition is important in all of the Mass Effect games, but biotic and soldier roles can be taken by other members of Shepard's team. In ME2 they treat you like a pile of crap. Ashley for sure. Siggy-P Avenger. He starts out as a relatively conservative and cautious character who can be convinced to take chances and open up more thanks to Shepard's influence. This contributed in part to her distrust of humanity's alien allies, though her view is more nuanced than many players believe, and she denounces xenophobic groups such as Terra Firma and Cerberus throughout the game. Originally posted by Tyrendian89 :. At the start of the Virmire mission, players can choose either Kaidan or Ashley to go with a squad of allies led by popular NPC Major Kirrahe to assist them while the other will eventually stay behind to defend a bomb site. Open new ticket Watched. Sometimes when you are near certain areas, your crew will make comments about it.

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