Mass effect quotes

There are many reasons that the Mass Effect franchise is as beloved mass effect quotes it is, even after all these years. The rich universe of characters and cultures, the engaging gameplay, and the freedom of players to choose different routes are factors worth noting. However, what often goes overlooked are the nuggets of wisdom spoken by the characters.

That could be anyone wearing your face. You want to talk, you get scanned. Depends on the questions. But you need more. Everyone needs more something and they all come to me.

Mass effect quotes

While the Mass Effect games have seen few games or DLC over the past few years, the older games still hold their own when compared to the likes of The Witcher or other large RPG titles. One of the best parts of Mass Effect that set it apart is the unique characters, each with morals and behaviors that seem like real people. When the drama kicks off between other characters, sparks fly and create some of the best moments in any video game. It can be arguments, violence, or just banter, but these moments show Mass Effect at it's finest. Updated December 26th, by Lee Juckiewicz: Despite Mass Effect: Andromeda's doomed ending, the fourth game of the franchise remained popular amongst fans for approaching the setting through a whole new set of eyes. Though there were concerns at the time that this was the end of Mass Effect, we were delighted to hear news of Mass Effect 4 on this year's N7 Day. No matter the franchise's future, it has a warm place in many gamer's hearts and always will. Here are more quotes that will stay with any Mass Effect fan. Being the only known Promethean alive, Javik lets avid fans learn how this once great civilization works. Turns out, they love airlocks. Javik repeatedly says this line throughout the game to the point where it is stuck in most people's heads.

Shepard: You girls should just stick to dancing.

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Mass Effect is a role-playing game series set in the Milky Way where players get a chance to experience a journey like no other. Courage and perseverance are the prime keys to success when faced with battles filled with uncertainties. And make sure to read these Skyrim quotes and Dark Souls quotes. Just like we did Sovereign. We will sacrifice! And we will find a way! Yet there your crew was, standing beside you, proud to serve. Because they believed in you, their leader!

Mass effect quotes

While the Mass Effect games have seen few games or DLC over the past few years, the older games still hold their own when compared to the likes of The Witcher or other large RPG titles. One of the best parts of Mass Effect that set it apart is the unique characters, each with morals and behaviors that seem like real people. When the drama kicks off between other characters, sparks fly and create some of the best moments in any video game. It can be arguments, violence, or just banter, but these moments show Mass Effect at it's finest. Updated December 26th, by Lee Juckiewicz: Despite Mass Effect: Andromeda's doomed ending, the fourth game of the franchise remained popular amongst fans for approaching the setting through a whole new set of eyes. Though there were concerns at the time that this was the end of Mass Effect, we were delighted to hear news of Mass Effect 4 on this year's N7 Day. No matter the franchise's future, it has a warm place in many gamer's hearts and always will.

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This is about your war, Shepard. KiddDaBeauty 13 years ago 4 "If you want a problem shot, ask a Turian. Quite snug , in all the right places. Before going through the Omega-4 Relay Shepard: The Collectors are about to find out what happens when you piss me off. So, what can I do for you? But I will do whatever it takes to rid the galaxy of the Reaper threat. One in one thousand. We didn't want to destroy them. Hearing this from one of Shepard's friends makes the player reflect on just how much was accomplished in their journey with this crew. Legion: You do not understand. Shepard and his crew spend 3 games fighting and uncovering extinction-level events, gaining little recognition for their deeds other than a simple acknowledgment. What the hell is the M Cain and how do I use it? What do you need?

There are many reasons that the Mass Effect franchise is as beloved as it is, even after all these years. The rich universe of characters and cultures, the engaging gameplay, and the freedom of players to choose different routes are factors worth noting. However, what often goes overlooked are the nuggets of wisdom spoken by the characters.

There's a lot of female energy, and I'm just one guy Geth have no such history. But I was slow, they got me. Jacob: I'm just getting tired of hearing how we're all gonna die no matter what. Commander Shepard : Sovereign isn't just some Reaper ship Saren found. Disgusting, unethical, sloppy. Legion: Not as you understand it. Hmm…Well, no one would dare cross him with such a powerful krantt standing up for him. Their leader, Derius, took advantage of the situation and carved the Talons a bigger piece of the local drug trade. Why can't you collect coins or commemorative plates or something? I can't imagine they'll stop you this time. David's memories of his activation David: audibly scared Square root of Your chance to strike against your oppressors is coming. I'm gonna stop the Reapers, but I won't sacrifice the soul of our species to do it. We simply are.

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