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Master the Curriculum offers a range of maths learning resources and worksheets for nursery — year 6. Our differentiated worksheets allow children to explore different avenues and depths of learning, making them suitable for various types of learners and children of all abilities. This can help you adopt a whole-class mastery approach. If children are performing above age-related expectations, we deepen their learning with complex fluency tasks as well as reasoning tasks. All children have access to fluency and reasoning no matter what level they are working at. Reasoning is the key to long-term learning.
More about this author Less about this author. MasterTheCurriculum's Shop. Add a resource Edit shop. Average Rating 4. Differentiated maths resources supporting those who follow White Rose. All resources. Newest Relevance. Highest rated. Lowest price. Year 5 Spring Fractions B worksheets, teaching slides and editable planning and support mat. Year 6 Converting units resources - teaching slides, differentiated worksheets and editable planning based on NEW white rose 3. For editable sheets, please visit www.
Masterthecurriculum our website for free where you can find many resources.
Welcome to our Supporting White Rose Maths hub! Discover fun, engaging and teacher-approved resources that perfectly align with the White Rose Maths framework and the maths mastery approach. Ever since White Rose Maths set out on their mission to help every child master maths, the organisation has taken the world of primary education by storm. Through resources, Schemes of Learning and yearly frameworks detailing small steps to progression, White Rose Maths has been helping teachers and parents turn children into confident young mathematicians. The White Rose Maths mastery approach has seen tremendous success in schools all over the UK, helping children learn with a can-do attitude and embrace maths challenges with a smile. Lessons and resources influenced by White Rose focus on three concepts that help children work towards mastery. Through problem-solving lessons and activities, children are encouraged to use their mathematical skills and understanding to solve problems unfamiliar to them. Maths reasoning tasks get children thinking about number problems logically so they can reach conclusions, find solutions and decide which methods to use and why. Fluency tasks help children strengthen their foundational knowledge.
Year 2 is an exciting time for children. Children will spend Year 2 working towards the end of their Key Stage 1 journey. As for Year 2 maths, children will consolidate their knowledge of maths fundamentals while developing their maths reasoning and problem-solving abilities.
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Got a question about this resource? Number: Place Value within I am an NQT and using these slides and resources have really supported my teaching of maths this year. Geometry: Properties of Shape. Perimeter and Area. Position and Direction. Length and Perimeter. Mass, Capacity, Temperature. Early Years. Year 3. Year Four Monthly Subscription. Year Three Monthly Subscription.
Master the Curriculum offers a range of maths learning resources and worksheets for nursery — year 6. Our differentiated worksheets allow children to explore different avenues and depths of learning, making them suitable for various types of learners and children of all abilities. This can help you adopt a whole-class mastery approach.
Please email us at [email protected] so you can set up a school membership which will allow multiple users to access the account. Year Three Annual Subscription. They can also be used as revision tasks, consolidation tasks, home learning tasks or morning activities. Length and Height. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Ask and answer simple questions by counting the number of objects in each category and sorting the categories by quantity. Number: Algebra. About Master The Curriculum. Year 2 Mass, Capacity and Temperature teaching slides, differentiated worksheets and editable planning, in the style of WR 3. Sarah R. Year Four Monthly Subscription. Browse Our Free Samples. Add a resource Edit shop. Download Our Free Teaching Slides.
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