Max eisenhardt

The character max eisenhardt a powerful mutantmax eisenhardt, one of a fictional subspecies of humanity born with superhuman abilities, who has the ability to generate and control magnetic fields, max eisenhardt. Magneto regards mutants as evolutionarily superior to humans and rejects the possibility of peaceful human-mutant coexistence; he initially aimed to conquer the world to enable mutants, whom he refers to as Homo superiorto replace humans as the dominant species. Writers have since fleshed out his origins and motivations, revealing him to be a Holocaust survivor whose extreme methods and cynical philosophy derive from his determination to protect mutants from suffering a similar fate at the hands of a world that fears and persecutes them.

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Max eisenhardt

Known by many names, Max Eisenhart , also most commonly known as Erik Magnus Lehnsherr , is a powerful mutant willing to go to any extreme to protect his species as Magneto , the master of magnetism. After escaping, he learned at the cost of his own daughter 's life that he had the mutant ability to generate and control magnetic fields, a condition that caused additional hate and fear from those who were different from him. Seeking to subjugate humanity by brute force, he found himself in direct conflict with his former ally, Professor Charles Xavier and his X-Men , mutants who shared a dream of peaceful mutant-human coexistence. More recently, Magneto rejoined Professor Xavier, ending their long-time feud and helping to establish a mutant nation on the living island of Krakoa. Max was born and raised in Nuremberg , Germany by a middle class Jewish family. While attending a local school he became attracted to a young Romani girl named Magda , the daughter of the school cleaner. Max would do things such as craft her necklaces and excel in sporting events to gain her attention. While returning from school one day, Max encountered a Nazi rally and found his uncle Erich beaten and wearing a sign saying that he had shamed a German woman as he was Jewish, and she was not. Not long after, at a school event, Max won a javelin competition to impress Magda, and the following day was accused of cheating under the belief that a Jewish boy could not possibly exceed his "Aryan" classmates. Max was told to either give up his medal or recreate the throw with a "regulation" javelin. After winning the competition a second time, Max was again accused of cheating, expelled, and beaten by the other children. His father Jakob had been a World War I veteran and refused to believe that the nation he had fought for was turning its back on him. His father was left waiting for the major and beaten by a troupe of Nazis for "making trouble" in Scharf's office and resisting arrest. After hours of beating, Major Scharf threw Jakob out of his office, stating that the Nazis would have killed him and that they were now even.

But Erik Magnus Lehnscherr was never Magneto's real name.

The villain Magneto is the most well-known enemy of the X-Men and one of the most popular characters in Marvel history, but few fans know his name was changed without any fanfare - and fewer still know the reason why. Magneto is one of the most powerful mutants alive in both superhuman abilities and political clout; as one of the mutant leaders on Krakoa's Quiet Council, he is in charge of making decisions that determine the fate of the entire nation. Today, he is known as Max Eisenhardt - and his old name was jettisoned for failing to account for Magneto's Jewish identity. He was a mutant supremacist who believed mutants should inherit the Earth; he looked down upon humans, and while Lee established his friendship with Professor X early on in his life, he had few redeeming qualities. It wasn't until writer Chris Claremont took over the series that Magneto obtained his now-classic backstory, in which a young Jewish Erik Magnus Lehnsherr survived the brutal Auschuwitz concentration camp. His views on humanity were shaped by the worst the species had to offer, and decided that his kind - mutants - would never suffer as the Jews suffered during the Holocaust. But Erik Magnus Lehnscherr was never Magneto's real name.

Magneto has dedicated his life and his extraordinary powers to defending the mutant species by any means necessary. He is a sometimes-foe, sometimes-friend to the X-Men, yet has always maintained his radical and separatist vision. Magneto reveals himself to the world in grand fashion when he single-handedly takes over the Cape Citadel missile base in Florida. Professor X learns of this and sends the newly formed X-Men on their first field mission. Magneto takes on all five X-Men alone, but they eventually force him to retreat! The Purifiers, a racist religious extremist group led by Reverend William Stryker, begin their crusade to rid the world of mutants with the murder of two children. Magneto discovers their bodies, and sets off to take revenge upon those responsible.

Max eisenhardt

The character is a powerful mutant , one of a fictional subspecies of humanity born with superhuman abilities, who has the ability to generate and control magnetic fields. Magneto regards mutants as evolutionarily superior to humans and rejects the possibility of peaceful human-mutant coexistence; he initially aimed to conquer the world to enable mutants, whom he refers to as Homo superior , to replace humans as the dominant species. Writers have since fleshed out his origins and motivations, revealing him to be a Holocaust survivor whose extreme methods and cynical philosophy derive from his determination to protect mutants from suffering a similar fate at the hands of a world that fears and persecutes them.

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Articles and topics related to Magneto. New York: Facts on File. He is involved with a shadowy government conspiracy involving mentally conditioned assassins, and is ultimately killed by Logan after arranging the death of Charles Xavier. He has created artificial living beings, mutated humans in order to give them superhuman powers, instilled genetic mind-control, created adult clones of human beings, and manipulated the genetic structures of those clones during their development. Just as they arrived on the scene, Nimrod and a squadron of Orchis soldiers teleported into the base. Magneto tells Polaris that her help will not be needed for much longer, and she says she does not understand but quickly figures out what her father meant as Magneto absorbs her power and says that it is his responsibility alone and that he could not let her die alongside him and that she still has something to offer the world. As it is affected, so is he. Magneto said that the teams were to be his army against the coming war between humans and mutants and the New Mutants heard it all. Download as PDF Printable version. Angered by his rejection of them and their mother, they push him away and refuse to forgive him. He was ordered to execute the witchbreed, but hid those who could pass off as normal. Magnus was enraged at the mob for preventing him from rescuing Anya, and his powers were unleashed, killing the mob and destroying a part of the city.

The history of Magneto is longer and more layered than most in comics.

Tired of the constant strife, Magneto rebuilds his orbital base and retires to a life of quiet seclusion. In Powerless which takes place in a world without superpowers , Magneto appears as a middle-aged American senator named Eric Magnus. Sinister agreed, and Xavier proceeded to wipe the meeting from his memory, ensuring he would not remember their deal until called upon. Mutants lost IVX Earth With the rage that had always driven him failing him, Magneto roamed the wilderness, desperately searching for a reason to fight. Erik Lensherr. Magneto's power is comparable with Phoenix's, [] he has harnessed magnetism to stop armies, raise islands from ocean floors, move mountains, change the course of rivers, and threaten to devastate the world with floods and earthquakes. Spider-Man newspaper strip Earth He tracked Colossus down as well but decided that it would be best to leave him alone due to his suffering after his sister's betrayal. T-shirts and posters with Magneto's face and the phrase "Magneto Was Right" became popular items, even amongst certain students in the Xavier Institute. He can perceive the natural electromagnetic auras given off by living beings.

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