Mcdonalds japan twitter

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It appears McDonald's is working hard to improve the birth rates in Japan. On September 20, McDonald's Japan uploaded the cutest video ad on X: an Anime family eating chicken nuggets and fries. In the second clip, the little girl sits on the dad's lap while the mom sweetly feeds her a french fry. The promo was so effective that it reached American Twitter and garnered over 70 million impressions. Author John A.

Mcdonalds japan twitter


McDonald's Japan didn't stop there. Of course people are outraged.


System outages at McDonald's have been reported around the world on Friday, shuttering restaurants and leading to social media complaints. It added that it apologized for the inconvenience. The website Downdetector also reported a spike in problems with the McDonald's app in the last couple of hours. Media outlets reported that customers from Australia to the U. Some McDonald's restaurants were working as normal, with people ordering and getting their food at locations in Bangkok and Milan. A worker at a Milan restaurant noted that the system was offline for a couple of hours and a technician walked them through getting it back up and running. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? Start your Independent Premium subscription today.

Mcdonalds japan twitter

Countries all over the world have their own weird commercials. In the United States alone, car commercials have become bizarre modern art pieces, and millennials will no doubt remember the "Berries and Cream" Starburst song still stuck in their heads. It's a little unfair to say that any one place has truly weird commercials, but for many in the United States, it's Japan that has some of the weirdest commercials out there. In all honesty, Japan has had some unique ones that are typically marked by fast-talking, mascots, and a hint of sensory overload. But among the many Japanese commercials that people find odd, the internet is shockingly divided over this latest Japanese ad for McDonald's. Check out people's reactions. On Sept. The short clip shows an animated family bonding with each other over a meal of Chicken McNuggets and fries.

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Of course people are outraged. God damn how can you be mad at an ad like this. Dec 22, 5, No one is mad that's the thing. Oct 25, 33, Melbourne, Australia. EtcetEra Hangouts. Goes to sleep, wake up, and comments are filled with blue check magas malding over it. These people really need to get off the internet. Last edited: Sep 23, Mar 14, It may not display this or other websites correctly. Wait, why are people mad about this ad? ClickyCal' said:. It's Twitter.

After moving from North Carolina to Okinawa in , my family was overwhelmed but fascinated by our surroundings. One familiar monument made us feel right at home: McDonald's two golden arches. The fast-food chain was the first place we ate after getting settled in our home here.

Oct 25, 33, Melbourne, Australia. Anyway: Are those monster keychains a real give-away or just made up for the spot? Dec 10, 30, Tulsa, Oklahoma. One person, or even a bot, makes the first tweet or post. Jun 30, 1, Next day, English twitter was malding over the ad. ClickyCal' said:. Oct 27, 10, Trending Threads. QisTopTier said:. AlgusUnderdunk Member. That's pure blasphemy. This is a manufactured fake contriversy. Azem Member.

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