meetra surik death

Meetra surik death

Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Rising to the rank of Jedi Knight during the conflict, she served with distinction under the command of her kazuto Crusaders Revan and Malak and was eventually commissioned as a General in the Republic Military. Surik played a vital role in defeating the Mandalorians during the latter stages of the conflict, but as a direct result of her controversial actions during the cataclysmic final battleshe effectively cut her meetra surik death to the Force, meetra surik death.

Her death was lame, especially considering her powers of precognition. But the death doesn't bother me as much as the mishandling of the character of Drew's part. Absolutely no research done on her canon powers and abilities. She became just a companion to his creation. Very dissapointing.

Meetra surik death

Meetra Surik was a charismatic female human Jedi Master who, while still a Jedi Knight at the time, followed Revan and Malak to war against the Mandalorians, in defiance of the Jedi Council. Because of this she was exiled from the Jedi High Council and came to be known as the " Jedi Exile ". Just prior to Revan and Malak's fall to the dark side and the Jedi Civil War , Surik returned to Republic space to face trial with the Jedi Council and was stripped of her connection to the Force, exiled from the Order and spent several years wandering the galaxy. The near extermination of the Jedi Order at the hands of the Sith Triumvirate resulted in her reconnecting to the Force and leading a desperate fight to stop the Sith. During her mission to stop the Sith, she trained the Jedi that would eventually rebuild the Order and restore peace to the galaxy. She then returned to the Unknown regions to find and aid Revan in his fight against the Sith Empire. Surik joined the Revanchists , along with many fellow Jedi, to aid the Republic against the Mandalorian invasion. During this conflict the exile developed into an excellent strategist and tactician and rose to the rank of Jedi Knight and a General witin the Republic Military. It was as a General that she led the Republic forces to a costly but important victory against the Mandalorian stronghold on Onderon's junglemoon Dxun, a victory that would decide the outcome of the war and set the stage for the next and final battle of the Mandalorian Wars, the battle of Malachor V. The Battle of Malachor V was a trap. The bait was a battered and weakened fleet, consisting of troops loyal to Revan, led by Surik. Once the Mandalorians caught up with their prey, Revan - who held back with a large force, engaged and pushed the Mandalorians back to the surface of the planet. When the Mandalorians were in position Surik gave the command to activate the Mass Shadow Generator , a superweapon that created a gravitational vortex that crushed the planet and pulled anything close into it. The Mandalorian fleet was defeated, but with terrible losses on both sides. The near simultaneous deaths of tens of thousands created an enormous wound in the Force, the backlash of which could be felt across the Galaxy and deafened the Exiles inner senses from the Force.

Jedi Guardian. Within a matter of mere hours, she had turned a disorganized mess into a powerful army, able to defeat the larger forces of Azkul. Surik, instead of capitalizing on an opportunity to kill the Emperor, chose to save Revan's life during the fight, meetra surik death.

Rising to the rank of Jedi Knight during the conflict, she served under the command of Revan and Malak and was eventually commissioned as a General in the Republic Military. Surik played a vital role in defeating the Mandalorians during the latter stages of the conflict, but as a direct result of her controversial actions during the cataclysmic final battle, she effectively cut her connection to the Force. Afterwards, out of all those who went to war, she was the only Jedi to avoid the call of the dark side and return to the Jedi Council to be judged for her crimes. After being exiled from the Jedi Order, she wandered for nearly a decade before returning to the Republic during the Dark Wars, at the height of the First Jedi Purge. Caught up in the schemes of various mysterious factions, she was swiftly drawn into the ongoing conflict and caused the defeat of the Sith Triumvirate, ruled by Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion and Darth Traya.

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! She was a female human Jedi who joined Revan in the Mandalorian Wars and became his top general. Meetra Surik was a Jedi Apprentice who chose to join Revan and Malak into battle during the Mandalorian Wars, against the wishes of the Council who were biding their time. Rapidly rising through the ranks Meetra became Revan's top general but also like him began to grow more callous and ruthless during the course of the war. This came to a head during the climactic battle of Malachor V, where Meetra Surik gave the order to activate the terrible doomsday weapon known as the Mass Shadow Generator. So great and horrible was the amount of death and destruction caused by this that it created a wound in the Force around the planet and turned it into a corpse of a world, as well as leaving it irrevocably scarred by the Dark Side. Horrified at what she had done, Meetra allowed herself to be exiled by an unsympathetic Jedi Order and from there wandered aimlessly across the galaxy. Ironically, this punishment ultimately proved to be her salvation. When the Sith Triumvirate appeared and began mercilessly hunting down and slaughtering the Jedi, they neglected Meetra due to her staus as an Exile, allowing her to be found and tutored by Kreia, an enigmatic woman who helped her reconnect with the Force and also her inner altruism.

Meetra surik death

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Although this article is based on official information from the Star Wars Legends continuity, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture. She found him a prisoner of Darth Nyriss , a member of the Dark Council. She also came into contact with Scourge, a Sith Lord who came to believe that the Emperor might likely bring about the destruction of the Sith species , if not the entire galaxy. With that in mind, Scourge agreed to work with Surik to help free Revan and stop the Emperor. Scourge appeared to the Sith Emperor, and informed him of Nyriss's treachery against him, in collusion with some of the other members of the Council.

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If he had killed off Revan, it would have been a Braveheart moment if you know what I mean. After Surik forgave him for killing that Jedi and welcomed his honesty, Rand asked her if she would train him to be a Jedi. Parts of this article are no longer up to date. Before Surik's departure, Shan revealed that she possessed Revan's mask. Arriving on Dxun, Surik found that several Mandalorians had returned and were working under the leadership of a new Mandalore to build a new future. My most trusted ally. The ensuing death and destruction, particularly that of the comrades she had led and befriended during the war caused such a substantial wound in the Force that the shock would have killed Surik had she not unconsciously, and instinctively, severed her own connection. I was very disappointed by the book. Once all of the Jedi Masters had been found, Surik went back to Dantooine to unite them against the Sith. Aurbere Posted October 17, Sion said that Surik knew what it meant to be broken, and warned her that Kreia would destroy her as she had destroyed him and said that he could end her suffering at Kreia's hands before it began.

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Perhaps will get to kill him again if he does come back , or its just referenced that Revan went after the Emperor again.. With his own intelligence and resources, Scourge schemed to destroy Darth Nyriss by exposing her and the other Dark Council members' intrigues against the Emperor to him. The Ebon Hawk was able to land on Dromund Kaas without incident; the capital of the Sith Empire evidently believing itself invulnerable to attack or infiltration, since the Empire had been unknown to the Republic for over a millennium. After Brianna defeated her sisters, Atris confronted and tortured her with Force lightning , out of jealousy. This took the form of a series of visions, during which she witnessed a twisted version of when she was recruited by Malak, a recollection of her actions during the second battle of Dxun, an illusionary confrontation between Kreia and various members of her party, and finally a silent apparition of Darth Revan, with whom she did battle. Through her informal apprenticeship to Kreia, Surik was able to learn a number of rare and advanced Jedi techniques, including Breath control and Beast trick. He even went so far as to ask one of Surik's other companions, Bao-Dur, if he had any chance with Surik. After the war ended, Vaklu was executed, and Onderon remained with the Republic. The ensuing death and destruction, particularly that of the comrades she had led and befriended during the war caused such a substantial wound in the Force that the shock would have killed Surik had she not unconsciously, and instinctively, severed her own connection. To add to the mystery, Surik's severed Force connection slowly began to return; while searching for a way off the station she found a male scoundrel named Atton Rand , who was imprisoned within a force cage in the station's brig. A dead spot in the Force, an emptiness in which its will might be denied. Seeing the Emperor take Revan's own lightsaber and prepare to kill him with it, Surik made a choice which would have galactic consequences for centuries to come; rather than throw her lightsaber to kill the distracted Emperor at the cost of Revan's life, she threw her blade only to deflect the killing blow. Azkul asked Surik to join him and take over Khoonda; however, she refused, and he left, ordering the mercenaries accompanying him to kill her.

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