Megaman battle network 3 chip trader
Please use the talk pages to provide these sources before editing! By inserting a required amount of Battle Chipsusers will receive a random Battle Chip in return.
By inserting a required amount of Battle Chips , users will receive a random Battle Chip in return. The more chips required by the machine, the rarer the Battle Chips the user can receive. The chip has no correlation with the chips traded and trading in rare chips does not guarantee better chips. Starting with Mega Man Battle Network 2 , the game's process is automatically saved after using a Chip Trader in order to keep players from restarting the game to regain the chips if they are unsatisfied with what comes out. The normal Chip Trader , named chip exchanger in the first English game, requires 3 Battle Chips for trading. While cheaper, it only gives mediocre chips. The chip they exchange for is rarer than the ones available in regular Chip Traders.
Megaman battle network 3 chip trader
Basically, the traders will check to see if you have every chip on their list, and they are programmed to help you fill out your library to the extent of their list. Each Chip Trader has a different set of chips available to trade for. When you finalize a trade, the Chip Trader will have to decide what chip to give you. It does not matter what types of chips you put into a Chip Trader. First, the Chip Trader will compile a list of all its chips, and pick out a list to randomly select from. The first criteria it uses is whether you have the chip in your Library or not. The second criteria is the Rarity of the chip. The Chip Trader will pick a Rarity randomly according to which Chip Trader you're using, and then attempt to choose a random chip of that Rarity from its list. If it cannot find a chip of that Rarity, then it continues with the next lowest Rarity until it has either found a chip or it has exhausted its 1 Star list. If it still cannot find a chip, then it works from the lowest Rarity up until it finds one. For example, if it had chosen to give you a 3 Star chip that you didn't already have, but could not find a 3 Star chip to give you that wasn't already in your library, then it will look in its list of 2 Star chips for one you don't have. If that fails, it checks its 1 Star chips, then its 4 Star chips, and finally its 5 Star chips. Once it has picked both whether it should give you a chip you do or do not have and the correct Rarity, then it will choose one of the Chips in that Rarity at random. Finally, it must pick a code for the chip.
First, the Chip Trader will compile a list of all its chips, and pick out a list to randomly select from. Log In Sign Up.
Please use the talk pages to provide these sources before editing! By inserting a required amount of Battle Chips , users will receive a random Battle Chip in return. The more chips required by the machine, the rarer the Battle Chips the user can receive. The chip has no correlation with the chips traded and trading in rare chips does not guarantee better chips. Starting with Mega Man Battle Network 2 , the game's process is automatically saved after using a Chip Trader in order to keep players from restarting the game to regain the chips if they are unsatisfied with what comes out. The normal Chip Trader , named chip exchanger in the first English game, requires 3 Battle Chips for trading. While cheaper, it only gives mediocre chips. The chip they exchange for is rarer than the ones available in regular Chip Traders. Different locations slightly affect the results of the Chip Trader, improving the chance of obtaining specific chips.
Megaman battle network 3 chip trader
This section is under construction. Terminology Meaning W The listed location is only available for White version. B The listed location is only available for Blue version. These Mystery Datas can only be picked up once and will not spawn again.
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EXE Dr. The chip they exchange for is rarer than the ones available in regular Chip Traders. Game info. Different locations slightly affect the results of the Chip Trader, improving the chance of obtaining specific chips. TV Station Hall 1. Other codes are only available in the Retro Chip Trader. Sign in to edit. EXE 4. When you finalize a trade, the Chip Trader will have to decide what chip to give you. Personal tools Create account Log in Dark mode.
Starting with Mega Man Battle Network 2 , the game's process is automatically saved after using a Chip Trader in order to keep players from restarting the game to regain the chips if they are unsatisfied with what comes out. Each Retro Chip Trader can only be used once. It does not matter what types of chips you put into a Chip Trader. Once it has picked both whether it should give you a chip you do or do not have and the correct Rarity, then it will choose one of the Chips in that Rarity at random. Contains over standard chips with different codes, the chips available being better than the standard Chip Trader. Has a higher chance of dropping Navi Chips. Lan Hikari MegaMan. While cheaper, it only gives mediocre chips. View history Talk 0. Again, if it fails to find a code that matches what it chooses for you, it will be forced to pick from the full list of codes available for the Chip Trader to give you. Sign In Register.
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