The Megami Tensei franchise refers to the entire franchise of Megami Tensei games and spin-offs, megaten, primarily developed by Atlus and currently owned by Sega. The franchise has crossed many consoles megaten, and forms of media, megaten is the one of the most popular Japanese RPG franchises.
Persona 3 Reload is on sale now! Life doesn't always go as planned, and you—as the protagonist—transfer into Gekkoukan High School, located at the center of the man-made Tatsumi Port Island only for a terrifying creature to attack your dorm. In the midst of chaos, you awaken to your Persona—a powerful force that can be used to fight back. A group of others who share this power recruit you into their Specialized Extracurricular Excecution Squad S. The wiki needs your help with constructive edits and content relevant to gameplay, setting, plot, characters as well as descriptive images and relevant artworks. Please read the Manual of Style before starting or resuming your edits! We also have a place for getting to know each other and to talk about Invasion in our Discussions.
Primarily developed and published by Atlus , and currently owned by Atlus and Sega , after acquisition , the franchise consists of multiple subseries and covers multiple role-playing genres including tactical role-playing , action role-playing , and massively multiplayer online role-playing. The first two titles in the series were published by Namco now Bandai Namco , but have been almost always published by Atlus in Japan and North America since the release of Shin Megami Tensei. For Europe, Atlus publishes the games through third-party companies. The series was originally based on Digital Devil Story , a science fiction novel series by Aya Nishitani. The series takes its name from the first book's subtitle. Most Megami Tensei titles are stand-alone entries with their own stories and characters. Recurring elements include plot themes, a story shaped by the player's choices, and the ability to fight using and often recruit creatures demons, Personas to aid the player in battle. Elements of philosophy, religion, occultism, and science fiction have all been incorporated into the series at different times. While not maintaining as high a profile as series such as Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest , it is highly popular in Japan and maintains a strong cult following in the West, finding critical and commercial success. The series has become well known for its artistic direction, challenging gameplay, and music, but raised controversy over its mature content, dark themes, and use of Christian religious imagery. Additional media include manga adaptations, anime films, and television series.
Megami Tensei, megaten. For Europe, Atlus publishes the games through third-party companies.
With a few exceptions, these games belong to the role-playing genre. This includes games under the Shin Megami Tensei label, sub-series such as Persona , and others. It is commonly considered the third major Japanese role-playing series together with Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy. Atlus ' flagship series, Megaten includes games and sub-series that were created by many different designers; the most notable of them are perhaps Kouji "Cozy" Okada and Kazuma Kaneko. Though the first Megaten game was based on a series of horror novels by Aya Nishitani, subsequent installments developed fully independent storylines, usually not connected to each other and even set in different time periods. The dominant setting of the series, however, remains Japan in present day or near future, often with post-apocalyptic elements.
Embark on this definitive version of the critically acclaimed Shin Megami Tensei V, massively expanded with a brand-new storyline featuring new locations, demons, and choices to make that will dictate the fate of all existence. As a special pre-order bonus, receive two Sacred Treasure sets that will aid you during your journey through Da'at. With newfound power, the protagonist ventures through Da'at, an enigmatic realm filled with mythical deities and demonic tyrants in constant conflict for survival. Searching for answers, the protagonist must forge his own path in a battle between angels and demons to dictate the fate of the world. Massively expanded with new areas, demons, and music, Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance features more accessible gameplay, an improved battle system, new demon experiences, and greater field exploration. A Tale of Vengeance or Creation Which path will you choose?
The Megami Tensei franchise refers to the entire franchise of Megami Tensei games and spin-offs, primarily developed by Atlus and currently owned by Sega. The franchise has crossed many consoles genres, and forms of media, and is the one of the most popular Japanese RPG franchises. Although less popular, Megami Tensei or simply called "Megaten" by fans, contains more games and spin-offs than almost any other franchise. Ever since Shin Megami Tensei was released as a spinoff of the original Megami Tensei series of video games, the Megami Tensei franchise has made multiple spinoff series. Although they might deviate game-play wise, they are still tied by common elements, as well as sharing a pool of demons , affinities , skills, items and so on. Currently, the few active series are the Shin Megami Tensei Series , considered to be the "main" series as it is technically a continuation of the regular Megami Tensei , the Persona series, which would outsell the Shin Megami Tensei series, and the Devil Summoner series, which has received a new entry in Although these games and manga are usually not officially considered Megami Tensei titles, they are commonly grouped with such titles due to various similarities to official Megami Tensei franchise media, and so are included in the Megami Tensei Wiki.
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The series takes its name from the first book's subtitle. The Escapist. Atlus ' flagship series, Megaten includes games and sub-series that were created by many different designers; the most notable of them are perhaps Kouji "Cozy" Okada and Kazuma Kaneko. Main article: List of Megami Tensei media. More Topics from this Board. The stories of the core Shin Megami Tensei titles frequently include fighting against a tyrannical God. Japanese website 4Gamer. For other things with the name "Megami Tensei", see Megami Tensei disambiguation. SFC in Japanese. Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Megami Tensei. Tools Tools. Explore Wikis Community Central. He later became well known for his work on the Persona titles.
It began with 's Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei , which is based on Aya Nishitani's novel of the same name, and has spawned a sequel and several sub-series, such as the Persona and Devil Summoner series.
Majin Tensei. Inspired in his work by Kaneko's designs, he created the main characters' clothing to be a blend of Japanese and western fashions while incorporating design elements from the Star Wars series. What do you need help on? For Nocturne , all the characters were roughly aligned with "Chaos", which was done both to bring variety to the series and allow the development team more creative freedom. Ziff Davis Media. Facebook in Japanese. Persona 3 Reload February 2, The first Persona 2 title, Innocent Sin , needed to be passed over due to shortage of manpower and the fact that development was focused on the second title, Eternal Punishment. Log In Sign Up. Persona 4: Arena Ultimax - Ultimate Edition. DemiKids: Dark Version. If there are some fans of either faction that cant accept that then it's out of any of our hands. Please read the Manual of Style before starting or resuming your edits!
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