Michigan annual rainfall
Historically unprecedented warming is projected during this century.
Michigan, Michigan gets 34 inches of rain, on average, per year. The US average is 38 inches of rain per year. Michigan averages 64 inches of snow per year. The US average is 28 inches of snow per year. On average, there are sunny days per year in Michigan. The US average is sunny days. Michigan gets some kind of precipitation, on average, days per year.
Michigan annual rainfall
The rainfall totals so far this year look especially erratic. Some areas are pacing much higher than average on yearly rainfall. A few other areas are lacking a significant amount of rain in these first nine months of The splotches of orange around Grand Rapids, the northwest Detroit suburbs and west of Marquette are the areas of heaviest rain this year. Those orange areas have had over 35 inches of moisture so far in The green and light green areas have had less than 25 inches of rain in The lightest green areas around Manistee, Ludington and the far western Upper Peninsula have only had 20 inches of rain or less. Total rainfall from January 1 to September 27, The very heaviest rain is in a small area of western Oakland County. The very small red shaded area near Milford shows over 40 inches of liquid from rain and melted snow so far this year. What is an average amount of rain for Michigan through the end of September? Southern Lower Michigan has averaged between 25 inches and 28 inches to date over the last 30 years.
By Mark Torregrossa mtorregr mlive. Michigan's annual BestPlaces Comfort Index of 6. For example, is spring the wettest time of year in our region, or fall?
Note how, as distance from the moisture source Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic increases, precipitation decreases. Annual mean precipitation ranges from a maximum of more than 36 inches in the southwestern Lower Peninsula to a minimum of fewer than 27 inches in the northeastern Lower Peninsula. These variations result primarily from statewide differences in the availability of moisture-laden air associated with passing fronts and cyclonic storms. The lower precipitation amounts in the north reflect a northward decrease in the amount of water vapor present in the atmosphere that can interact with these disturbances. Air masses acquire water vapor through transpiration by plants, evaporation from the soil, and most important, directly from bodies of water. Large amounts of moisture, however, can be acquired only from warm-water bodies such as tropical oceans.
Climate in Michigan is comprised of many factors that impact our communities, schools, and businesses over time. Get data on how different regions and populations experience temperature, precipitation, and extreme weather events historically. Get the facts here, including data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. No data available We were unable to display data for this section. Try refreshing your browser, or try again later. Population by difference from average temperature in September Population numbers are calculated by grouping county-level populations experiencing similar differences. Population figures correspond to data from the closest year available. The charts below show the population of each racial or ethnic group in Michigan lived in counties with cooler, average or warmer than normal monthly temperatures for September Population by difference from average precipitation in September
Michigan annual rainfall
Climate and monthly weather forecast Michigan, USA. Expand Contents. Flag of Michigan, USA.
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There are few days during the summer when the humidity becomes unpleasant. Source: Michigan State University, Department of Geography The amount of moisture available to plants is a function of the amount that falls precipitation, or P minus moisture need evapotransipration, or ET. Thus, the Great Lakes supply only a small percentage of the total water that falls as rain or snow in the state; most of it originates in tropical air masses that move north from the Gulf of Mexico. Marie averages only 1. Southern Lower Michigan has averaged between 25 inches and 28 inches to date over the last 30 years. The far western U. Champion, and J. The frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation are also projected to increase, potentially increasing the frequency and intensity of floods. The horizontal black line shows the long-term entire period average of 0. Hatching represents areas where the majority of climate models indicate a statistically significant change. The most humid months but still comfortable are July, August and June.
Historically unprecedented warming is projected during this century. Extreme heat is a particular concern for densely populated urban areas such as Detroit, where high temperatures and high humidity can cause dangerous conditions. Projected increases in winter and spring precipitation raise the risk of springtime flooding, which could delay planting and reduce yields.
Future changes in lake levels are uncertain and the subject of research. Follow Us. Michigan, Michigan gets 34 inches of rain, on average, per year. Even under a lower emissions pathway, annual average temperatures are projected to most likely exceed historical record levels by the middle of this century. The close look at southern Lower shows two very wet areas and a south-central region that is slightly dry. January is the snowiest month in Michigan with Climate is the description of the long-term pattern of weather in a place. Northern Lower Michigan and the Upper Peninsula averages 22 inches to 25 inches through late September. Air masses acquire water vapor through transpiration by plants, evaporation from the soil, and most important, directly from bodies of water. Historically unprecedented warming is projected during this century. Look at the map below, of average wintertime precipitation. The map below, which shows a series of climagraphs for the Great Lakes region, clearly makes several points: 1. Reduced winter ice cover from warmer temperatures also leaves shores vulnerable to erosion and flooding. Shading indicates the range of annual temperatures from the set of models. Marie averages only 1.
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