mike mentzer death

Mike mentzer death

The following is what is posted on the Flex site. Mike Mentzer, legendary bodybuilding competitor and writer, died suddenly Saturday, June 9, of an apparent heart attack. Then, in a shocking development, Ray Mentzer was found dead this morning, June The cause of death has not been determined as of this time, mike mentzer death.

It is very difficult for me to post on an international venue a grief that is so deeply personal. Very few people know what a profound influence Mike had on my life. Right now, in my parents house in San Antonio, Texas, there still exists, for lack of a better term, a Mike Mentzer shrine. Mike was a major influence to me as a teenager and served as my first source of hero-worship. I have just about every article ever written by or about Mike. I know intimate details about him from the most obscure of sources. I know that he loved the movie "A Clockwork Orange".

Mike mentzer death

Follow Us. Mike Mentzer was among the most influential bodybuilders, especially known for his bold opinions and never-give-up attitude. Even after he got diagnosed with severe chronic ailments, the bodybuilder refused to give up and fought back with all his might. However, once during an interview, he gave his perspective on death. And, who knew that, back then, it would be his last interview before he left the world to ponder over his legacy. Not just that, the bodybuilder even shared his rather intriguing outlook on death. Article continues below this ad. In , days before the bodybuilding prodigy died of some heart complications, he appeared in an interview with Iron Man magazine. Mike talked about various emotional episodes of his life. From his chronic ailments to his vulnerabilities, he covered every nook and cranny of his life. At one point, the host asked Mentzer about the death of his parents and his coping mechanism forthwith their demise. A post shared by Mike Mentzer mentzerhd.

June 10, aged 49 [2] Rolling Hills, CaliforniaU. Big Ramy. Import June 13,am 6.

Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , Mentzer started bodybuilding when he was 11 years old. He won several amateur bodybuilding competitions before turning professional in , including the Mr. Olympia , but lost in the overall to Frank Zane. In the Mr. Influenced by the concepts developed by Arthur Jones , Mentzer devised and successfully implemented his own theory of bodybuilding. One of the most iconic bodybuilders of all time, his Heavy Duty Training program still inspires lifters to this day.

Over the years, Mike Mentzer gained a reputation for being a pioneer in bodybuilding. With techniques and routines that came with a new edge, the sport witnessed a shift in training mentality. Unfortunately, Mentzer lived a short life enough to see his methods gain popularity. And now, his teachings have trickled down to modern-day bodybuilders, who have adopted many nuances from his principles. Throughout his career, Mentzer popularized two crucial training techniques that changed the bodybuilding scene. First was the high-intensity training, which involved a hard-hitting set of exercises that lasted for a shorter time but led to extreme levels of exhaustion. The second was the single-set to failure, which, on the other hand, involves performing just one set of an exercise to the point of muscle failure.

Mike mentzer death

Today marks the 10 year anniversary of the death of arguably one of the most influential bodybuilders ever… Mike Mentzer. The training sessions were always brutal. Mike would always offer his three rules of training. Exercise must be intense. Exercise must be brief.


He was probably a good all around person to everyone outside of the weightlifting community. In , he had started taking amphetamines: "Not for the purpose of getting high - that was the furthest thing from my mind. Anabolic Doc. Simple as that. Evan Centopani. Import June 12, , pm 5. How could he promote theories that were being proved wrong in labs every other day? Mentzer considered his presence at this contest important later on, as he met Viator, who gave Mentzer the contact information for his trainer Arthur Jones. In this book, Mentzer shows why people need to use their reasoning ability to live happy, mature, adult lives, and he shows readers how to go about doing so. With Deepest Sympathy, M.

Mike Mentzer's friend and colleague, Val Segal comments on the last days of Mike Mentzer and what is next for Mike's business and legacy. With Mike and Ray Mentzer's tragic deaths, our visitors would like to know about last days of the legendary brothers. Let's start by acquainting them with you.

Arnold even wanted to come over to Ray's apartment and offer help personally. The Zone. That I am sensitive to. At this time, I'm trying to contact all of the above individuals to fulfill Mike's wish. In his first bodybuilding contest, he met the winner, Casey Viator. It is beginning to sound like a hack. Import June 12, , pm 3. A lot of rumors circulate in connection with the deaths of both brothers. Kind Regards to everyone, Jeremy. Mike Mentzer was born on November 15, , in the Germantown section of Philadelphia and was of German descent. And a real T-man is never threatened by a 'chick' who is strong and can give a few of the guys a run for their money. Casey Viator saw fantastic results training under the direction of Jones, and Mentzer became very interested in this training philosophy. Did Mike and Arnold finally make peace?

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