Mixed seed stardew
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Mixed seed stardew
Discussion in ' General Discussion ' started by muttlover , Nov 10, Log in or Sign up. Chucklefish Forums. I am so sick of Mixed Seeds. Can anyone tell me if they have any use at all? You don't know what season to plant. They have no resale value. And it seems that I get them more than anything else when I dig up those worms. I have so many and the only use I've found is that it is so painless to dump them when my inventory is full. You can plant them in any season except Winter, and they give you random crops. Hope this helps! CandyCreeper42 , Nov 10, As far as I can remember, they can be planted during any season except winter. They will give you a variety of whatever the season's plants are.
Crop growth seasons work a little differently on Ginger Island.
New Stardew Valley players may find an item called Mixed Seeds when clearing the debris from their farm at the start of the game. Additionally, players new and old will find Mixed Seeds frequently, from a variety of sources, over the course of a game. This guide will go over what Mixed Seeds are and what will grow from them when planted. It's not immediately clear what will grow from Mixed Seeds, but their title actually gives it away: a mix of things! Specifically, a handful of different crops will grow from them, depending on where and when they are planted. When planted in Spring, Summer, or Fall on the player's main farm, they'll grow into one of the corresponding season's crops. When planted on Ginger Island, there is a different set of crops that Mixed Seeds can grow into.
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Mixed seed stardew
New Stardew Valley players may find an item called Mixed Seeds when clearing the debris from their farm at the start of the game. Additionally, players new and old will find Mixed Seeds frequently, from a variety of sources, over the course of a game. This guide will go over what Mixed Seeds are and what will grow from them when planted. It's not immediately clear what will grow from Mixed Seeds, but their title actually gives it away: a mix of things!
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Log in Register. And the problem is that I've pretty much gotten to the point where I know which plants are best to plant in which season, and I've never had a problem filling up my farming area after the first spring with the 'optimal' crops, so there's never been any real interest in it for me. No berries, no trellis crops hops, beans, grapes , and no flowers, at least not when I tried filling the Greenhouse with mixed seeds. Furthermore, Winter does not have any of its own crops. If you close Krobus shopping menu and open it again, doesn't it refresh? Mixed Seeds found on the mainland will still grow into one of these four crops when planted on Ginger Island, and Mixed Seeds found on Ginger Island will still grow into the crops in the above sections when planted on the player's main farm. Your username or email address: Do you already have an account? I can confirm from my own experiments corn, tomatoes, peppers, wheat, artichokes, pumpkins, radishes, cauliflower, parsnips, potatoes, melons, and eggplants. I never got any garlic, amaranth, bok choy, yams, or cabbage, but that might just have been bad luck, some of the crops seem rarer than others-- I got tons of wheat, for example, but only one pumpkin. CandyCreeper42 , Nov 10, Of course, playing potluck with wild seeds might be fun after you've gotten to the point where you have all the money you could ever need coming in from the greenhouse, and plant a whole field of wild seeds just to see what comes up. Snurtsnurgle , Jun 29, ChaosAzeroth , Borodin and Gabaw like this.
Stardew Guide. Or are you just looking for more ways to find the mixed seeds?
Search titles only. Your username or email address: Do you already have an account? LuthienNightwolf , Nov 11, However, instead of Mixed Seeds growing into any of the above crops like in Winter, Ginger Island has its own set of potential produce. To me they make great crops in spring and Summer not so much for fall. I can confirm from my own experiments corn, tomatoes, peppers, wheat, artichokes, pumpkins, radishes, cauliflower, parsnips, potatoes, melons, and eggplants. Sigrah said:. I do not want to till and water large areas each season and clear them from debris. ChaosAzeroth , Borodin and Gabaw like this. There's no need to repeat the trick as summer changes to fall though, because the blueberries do this already, or you can use wheat, which can actually be harvested on Fall 1.
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