Mizpah definition
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Samuel inaugurated the reformation that characterized his time by convening a great assembly of all Israel at Mizpeh, now the politico-religious center of the nation. There, in deep humiliation on account of their sins , they renewed their vows and entered again into covenant with the God of their fathers. It was a period of great religious awakening and of revived national life. The Philistines heard of this assembly, and came up against Israel. The Hebrews charged the Philistine host with great fury , and they were totally routed.
Mizpah definition
Why they made this distinction isn't clear, but they also weren't very consistent. At least two of the Mizpahs are also known as Mizpeh. It's not clear how many different Mizpahs or Mizpehs there are but these are the candidates:. In cognate languages this verb also means to hope. Mizpah meaning Mizpah in Biblical Hebrew. It's not clear how many different Mizpahs or Mizpehs there are but these are the candidates: When Laban and Jacob make a covenant of peace, they create a stone monument, which Jacob calls Galeed and Laban Jegar-sahadutha. Genesis During the conquest of northern Canaan , the local kings form an alliance against Joshua and Israel. Among these allied nations are the Hivites of mount Hermon in the land of Mizpeh Joshua , which is quite likely the same as the area called Mizpah by Laban and Jacob. Israel defeats the alliance as far as the valley of Mizpeh to the east Joshua Much later, Israel unites against the Ammonites at Mizpah in a series of battles that would result in the reign of Jephthah the judge, who lived in Mizpah Judges Nehemiah reports that after the return from exile in Babylon , men of Mizpah performed repairs for the governor beyond the river Nehemiah It's not clear which river or region Nehemiah means but perhaps the river is the Jordan and the region is the district of Mizpah, of which Shallum , son of Col-hozeh was one official Nehemiah and Ezer son of Jeshua another Nehemiah A city named Mizpeh is mentioned among the cities that were assigned to the tribe of Judah Joshua This city was possibly associated with the previous land of Mizpeh, and it's possibly the Mizpah referred to by the prophet Hosea Hosea
Many identify this site with Gath, but the name and character of the place point rather to identification with Mizpeh, mizpah definition, the Blanche Guarde or Alba Specula of the Middle Ages. Retrieved
A place in Gilead, so named by Laban, who overtook Jacob at this spot Genesis on his return to Palestine from Padan-aram. Here Jacob and Laban set up their memorial cairn of stones. It is the same as Ramath-mizpeh Joshua A town in Gilead, where Jephthah resided, and where he assumed the command of the Israelites in a time of national danger. Here he made his rash vow; and here his daughter submitted to her mysterious fate Judges ; Judges Judges It may be the same as Ramoth-Gilead Joshua , but it is more likely that it is identical with the foregoing, the Mizpeh of Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis
Samuel inaugurated the reformation that characterized his time by convening a great assembly of all Israel at Mizpeh, now the politico-religious center of the nation. There, in deep humiliation on account of their sins , they renewed their vows and entered again into covenant with the God of their fathers. It was a period of great religious awakening and of revived national life. The Philistines heard of this assembly, and came up against Israel. The Hebrews charged the Philistine host with great fury , and they were totally routed.
Mizpah definition
A place in Gilead, so named by Laban, who overtook Jacob at this spot Genesis on his return to Palestine from Padan-aram. Here Jacob and Laban set up their memorial cairn of stones. It is the same as Ramath-mizpeh Joshua A town in Gilead, where Jephthah resided, and where he assumed the command of the Israelites in a time of national danger. Here he made his rash vow; and here his daughter submitted to her mysterious fate Judges ; Judges Judges It may be the same as Ramoth-Gilead Joshua , but it is more likely that it is identical with the foregoing, the Mizpeh of Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis
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Quordle Can you solve 4 words at once? Gilead; consequently it lay to the North of Mahanaim. This was probably the citadel known as Kir-Moab, now Kerak. It's not clear how many different Mizpahs or Mizpehs there are but these are the candidates:. Get Word of the Day daily email! Tools Tools. He accordingly removed to the forest of Hareth , on the edge of the mountain chain of Hebron. Log In. Additionally, the word "mizpah" is often used as the name for a cemetery [4] [5] and can often be found on headstones in cemeteries and on other memorials:. After discussion, the two decided to formalize the separation. It lies some distance to the Northwest of Jerash and claims consideration in any attempt to fix the site of Mizpah.
There are two meanings listed in OED's entry for the word Mizpah. Sign in with library card. Sign in as administrator on Oxford Academic.
Gilead; consequently it lay to the North of Mahanaim. Another city named Mizpeh was assigned to the tribe of Benjamin Joshua Laban discovered this and pursued Jacob. From Mizpah the city or the temple was visible. He agreed to let Jacob go in peace, but exacted a promise from Jacob to never abuse his daughters or take additional wives Genesis It was a period of great religious awakening and of revived national life. During the reigns of Asa , king of Judah , and Baasha , king of Israel , Mizpah was one of two cities which Asa built up from the stones Baasha had used to fortify Ramah Rama 1 Kings ; 2 Chronicles Copy Citation. It is 2, ft. Join Our Free Trial Now!
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