mlp sweetie belle

Mlp sweetie belle

By xLunetiUser December 31, mlp sweetie belle, However, Sweetie Belle, unlike her own sister, can do more than that, we saw her in the show using the teleportation spell which even Trixie wasn't aware of how to do it and also we saw Sweetie Belle using Accelero to run faster. Mlp sweetie belle strong and talented do you guys think Sweetie Belle can be on the future?

Sweetie Belle is a female school-age unicorn pony and Rarity 's younger sister. She makes her first major appearance in the episode Call of the Cutie. Sweetie Belle shares the name of a character in the third generation of My Little Pony. This previous incarnation resembles the G4 version, with white body and a purple and pink mane and tail. The G3 Sweetie Belle's cutie mark is a sparkling pink heart. Mostly seen in the Core 7 serials, she is the youngest pony in the group, who is portrayed as having a big heart and being an expert baker. The current Sweetie Belle's implied singing talent is a tribute to the third generation Pegasus pony StarSong , whose G4 version was introduced years after Sweetie Belle's.

Mlp sweetie belle

Sweetie Belle is a young filly from Ponyville , Equestria. In the early days of the Era of Harmony , Sweetie Belle became a founding member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and during the Era of Twilight , she gained her Cutie Mark and strove to help other colts do the same. Sweetie was the second, and youngest, of the Belle sisters , and as such, grew up in the Belle residence with her sister and parents, Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles. Though her sister moved out and set up a business and life at Carousel Boutique , Sweetie remained living with her parents for several more years. On her 5th birthday , Sweetie Belle learned a lesson that would haunt her for the next several years of her life - to never try to shine around Rarity, or else she would get hurt in the process. Though she loved her sister, this, their naturally different personalities and Sweetie's generally unintelligent and unskilled nature caused the two to gain a mildly strained relationship. Sweetie's first known interaction with the Crusaders was during Luna's return when she huddled with the three during Nightmare Moon 's appearance at Ponyville Town Hall. After forming their Crusader club, Sweetie had many adventures with her friends. To celebrate their formation, Sweetie Belle created a cape for the three to wear during their adventures. Perhaps her first quest was when the trio traveled into the Everfree Forest in order to find Elizabeak , one of Fluttershy 's chickens , after it got free as the pegasus was babysitting for the three foals. During this time, the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse was constructed by Applejack , which served as their base of operations for the years to come. During the day of its construction, Sweetie and her friends embarked on their second known quest to get their cutie marks by joining a talent show for their school, though lost the contest.

After Rarity remakes the breakfast, Sweetie Belle is allowed to add the garnish to a plate of eggs. If Starlight or Twilight mentors her, she could become very strong.

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Any act of adding this hero to the Pure Good category without a proposal or creating a proposal for this hero without the permission of an administrator will result in a ban. Additional Notice : This template is meant for admin maintenance only. Users who misuse the template will be blocked for a week minimum. Unlike her sister, Sweetie Belle is slow to anger. Sometimes, Rarity yells at her for the many blunders she made, but the two sisters love each other in spite of those mistakes. She is voiced by Claire Corlett.

Their unity is based on mostly being called "blank flanks", ponies who have not yet gotten their cutie marks ; Imp, rather than being a blank flank pony, is a Mimicker who has not yet settled on one form, Gabby is a griffon , and Lilymoon already has her cutie mark at the time of her joining. Each of the founding three fillies represents a different race, with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle being an Earth pony , a Pegasus , and a unicorn respectively. The exploits of the Cutie Mark Crusaders are featured in several episodes in the series. Although the three fillies only introduce themselves to each other in Call of the Cutie , the three make an appearance together in Friendship is Magic, part 1 huddling under a curtain in fear of Nightmare Moon. According to a layout artist, the scene was originally storyboarded with Apple Bloom , Scootaloo , and Sweetie Belle , but he was sent different characters for the shot. The artist assumed the different characters were sent by mistake, and used the Cutie Mark Crusaders instead. Sweetie Belle suggests they found a "secret society". They each propose a name for it and Apple Bloom's suggestion—Cutie Mark Crusaders—is approved by everyone.

Mlp sweetie belle

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She doesn't realize that her own true talent lies in her beautiful singing voice and ability to write amazing songs. After the Crusaders apologize to the public and their siblings, Rarity hugs Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle Seapony : Prefers stars at night over starfish by eel light, but still a fan of anything shiny! Beginning with Lesson Zero , she is added to the remastered intro at the end of the train, along with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Hidden category: Articles needing character species in infobox. Users who misuse the template will be blocked for a week minimum. Rarity awakens to the smell of smoke and rushes downstairs to find that Sweetie Belle had started a fire. Nonetheless, they love each other dearly. Explore Wikis Community Central. Go to topic listing. Neither wants to accept the other's interpretation, and all three Cutie Mark Crusaders start fighting. Sweetie Belle appears in countless fanfictions as either a main or supporting character.

Article workshop Placeholder name polls Core wiki activity Project forums Wiki discussion Chat discussion Speculation. Wiki policies and guidelines How to contribute Tips and tricks Contact an administrator.

Competition is good sometimes, but not when it prevents a pony from fulfilling their destiny. Twilight Velvet and Night Light. Create an account or sign in to comment You need to be a member in order to leave a comment Create an account Sign up for a new account in our community. Sweetie was the second, and youngest, of the Belle sisters , and as such, grew up in the Belle residence with her sister and parents, Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles. At the beginning of Sisterhooves Social , Sweetie Belle's mother instructs her in cooking. Crystal Ponies. The Round Stable. After Rarity remakes the breakfast, Sweetie Belle is allowed to add the garnish to a plate of eggs. Supporting characters Cutie Mark Crusaders. And now time resumes! The Pear family. Outside of the Main Six, Sweetie is one of the few characters with an episode directly named after them, that being " To Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils ". Sweetie Belle's showmanship and powerful voice overpower those of Fluttershy in Stare Master when Sweetie Belle turns Fluttershy's lullaby into a lively gospel-style song. In Crusaders of the Lost Mark , she obtains her cutie mark, which is similar to those obtained simultaneously by Apple Bloom and Scootaloo; she and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders interpret them to mean that they will be friends forever.

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