Monopoly carrefour
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Back In Brief Since its first stored opened in central Jakarta in , Carrefour has quickly expanded to 37 stores across Indonesia, reaching annual sales of million Euros by However, the rise of Carrefour has not been seamless. In , Carrefour paid a Rp1. The French-owned retail giant is now once again in troubled waters. This time, the problem started with a recent acquisition in January by Carrefour of a local supermarket operator, PT Alfa Retailindo Alfa. However, in doing so, Carrefour may have violated Law No.
Monopoly carrefour
JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Some features of this site may not work without it. BAB I BAB II BAB IV BAB V Metadata Show full item record. Abstract Monopoly and unfair business practices often occur as a result of the acquisition of a company to expand its presence in the business world. Sel about the cancellation of the KPPU's. The study is a normative legal research based on library reasearch and the data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative. This research approach is using the statute and case approach. The results of this study indicate that the approach used by KPPU in this case uses two approaches; rule of reason and per se illegal approach. Legal argument used by the supreme court is according to how the law should be applied, and the KPPU has misapplied the provisions of articles which were dropped against PT Carrefour Indonesia in connection with the legal facts and empirical data in the modern retail sector put forward for consideration by law good and true. Collections Department of Law.
More specifically, clause No. Related articles. However, put the case into the broader context of competition law enforcement, and one quickly realizes that market shares per monopoly carrefour may not be an informative indicator of threat to competition posed by a business.
By Fruitnet. After Carrefour's addition of Indonesian retailer Alfa Retailindo to its own stores last year, the KPPU said Carrefour holds over 60 per cent of the retail supply sector and 48 per cent of the consumer hypermarket sector. Those figures would allow the retailer to lock up traditional supply channels, the Commission said. Carrefour may also put pressure on suppliers to drop prices, thereby undercutting competitors. The retailer denied the accusations, saying it was not taking a dominant market share.
Dilihat dari sudut produsen, pedagang eceran dipandang sebagai penentu kelangsungan usaha yang dijalankannya atas keberhasilan atau ketidakberhasilan usaha yang dijalankannya. Melalui pengecer, pihak produsen dapat menentukan komentar konsumen terhadap barang yang mereka beli, seperti rasa, daya tahan, harga, dll mengenai segala sesuatu produknya. Dengan adanya KPPU, para pelaku usaha diharapkan dapat bersaing secara sehat sehingga seluruh kegiatan ekonomi dapat berlangsung lebih efisien dan memberi manfaat bagi konsumen. Berdasarkan laporan yang masuk ke KPPU, pangsa pasar Carrefour untuk sektor ritel dinilai telah melebihi batas yang dianggap wajar, sehingga berpotensi menimbulkan persaingan usaha yang tidak sehat. Pelanggaran yang dilakukan PT Carrefour berupa pengambilan alih pihak. Dalam UU No. Jadi, asset dan yang lainnya tidak dapat di akuisisi.
Monopoly carrefour
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Authors K. Back In Brief Since its first stored opened in central Jakarta in , Carrefour has quickly expanded to 37 stores across Indonesia, reaching annual sales of million Euros by JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Previous Next. The results of this study indicate that the approach used by KPPU in this case uses two approaches; rule of reason and per se illegal approach. Are new entrants allowed to enter and expand? More attention should be channeled in this direction. Last Name. Read Next. However, in industries consisting of differentiated products, such as the retail of general merchandise, the real market strength of a business is the extent to which a significant proportion of customers view Carrefour and other retailers as close competitors. No comments. Company Name. Some features of this site may not work without it. Support Quality Analysis Donate. Topics Indonesia Retail.
BAB I More specifically, clause No. However, in industries consisting of differentiated products, such as the retail of general merchandise, the real market strength of a business is the extent to which a significant proportion of customers view Carrefour and other retailers as close competitors. Collections Department of Law. Phone Number Please leave this field empty. Load more articles. More from Asiafruit. However, this value is fading away as more businesses opt into this new model. Support Quality Analysis Donate. BAB V No comments. Search UMY Repository. All rights reserved. Chris Morris Politics Southeast Asia. Are new entrants allowed to enter and expand?
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