moon butterfly mother

Moon butterfly mother

Note: This biography is a component of the larger project known as the " Equalistverse, " which presents an alternate story for Star and endeavors to mend some of the plot holes, underwhelming revelations, moon butterfly mother lingering questions present in the original canon of the show.

She was the previous wielder of the Royal Magic Wand before passing it down to her daughter on her fourteenth birthday. Queen Butterfly is serious most of the time, having a low tolerance for anything messy or destructive. Despite being the queen, Queen Butterfly acts as the true ruling monarch of Mewni and always has the well-being of her kingdom in mind, to the point she is unable to express interest in anything else. This often causes her to appear cold toward others. Despite her overbearing strictness, she truly loves and cares for her daughter. In her youth, Moon used to be just like her daughter, a "Happy go-lucky girl", but after Toffee killed her mother and she inherited the throne, she became serious and mature to protect her kingdom and family. Queen Butterfly has a slender figure and taller than her husband.

Moon butterfly mother

She was the previous wielder of the royal magic wand before passing it down to her daughter on her fourteenth birthday. Queen Butterfly is serious most of the time, having a low tolerance for anything messy or destructive. In "Royal Pain", she was said to have kicked her husband out of the castle for not cleaning up his messes. Queen Butterfly often regards safety and caution for Star as shown most prominently in Star vs. Being the queen, Queen Butterfly acts as the true ruling monarch of Mewni and always has the well-being of her kingdom in mind, to the point she is unable to express interest in anything else. This often causes her to appear cold towards others. Despite her overbearing strictness, she truly cares for her daughter; after the near loss of the family wand, rather than show any anger or disappointment, she hugs Star, telling her daughter that she's just glad she's safe. Her concern for Star is also demonstrated in "Toffee" when she attacks Toffee for presumably killing Star. Moon reveals in Star vs. However, she sometimes shows signs of fear and nervousness, such as when meeting Eclipsa for the first time and when she first casts her darkest spell. Her fear of Eclipsa and her possible escape are also on display in "Toffee". In "Puddle Defender" and "Total Eclipsa the Moon", Moon demonstrates that she is willing to have an open mind about those toward whom she has preconceived misconceptions, such as monsters and Eclipsa. Queen Butterfly has long pale blue hair which she usually wears in a big, heart-shaped updo, a golden crown with a purple diamond in the center, light blue eyes, and magenta-colored diamonds on her cheeks. She stands at a height of 5' 7". In season 1, she has hair curls obscuring her ears.

Categories : Characters Star vs. Note: This biography is moon butterfly mother component of the larger project known as the " Equalistverse, " which presents an alternate story for Star and endeavors to mend some of the plot holes, underwhelming revelations, and lingering questions present in the original canon of the show.

And as your queen, I will continue to do my job of protecting this kingdom. I will hunt down the remains of the monster army and scatter them without country or leadership. Star's overbearing mother, the current queen of Mewni and the former owner of the wand. A-D Abusive Parent : Downplayed; Moon's overbearing, strict nature and insistence that Star follow her instructions in order to become a worthy queen cause no end of stress for her daughter, to the point where Star holds a great deal of self-doubt over her destiny as future queen. Action Mom : Though officially retired due to her political responsibilities, Moon does show she has magic more refined than her daughter's. Aesop Amnesia : Several times over the course of the series, she learns that she should respect Star's opinions and feelings, yet she always forgets this, falling back into being an oppressive parent who wants Star to act the way she wants her to.

She was the previous wielder of the Royal Magic Wand before passing it down to her daughter on her fourteenth birthday. Queen Butterfly is serious most of the time, having a low tolerance for anything messy or destructive. Despite being the queen, Queen Butterfly acts as the true ruling monarch of Mewni and always has the well-being of her kingdom in mind, to the point she is unable to express interest in anything else. This often causes her to appear cold toward others. Despite her overbearing strictness, she truly loves and cares for her daughter. In her youth, Moon used to be just like her daughter, a "Happy go-lucky girl", but after Toffee killed her mother and she inherited the throne, she became serious and mature to protect her kingdom and family. Queen Butterfly has a slender figure and taller than her husband. She has long pale blue hair with three bangs that resembles her daughter's, often shaped in a heart. She has blue eyes, wears pink lipstick, and purple diamonds on her cheeks.

Moon butterfly mother

After Eclipsa assumes the throne of Mewni, River now helps his wife in maintaining a society of Mewman refugees. River is a short, stout, light-skinned man with blond hair with a bald spot under his crown and light blue eyes. The crown atop his head is golden with a large pink jewel on the top. He also has a thick, large mustache and a beard that splits in two ways. River's attire usually consists of a blue ruffled coat with gold shoulder pads and periwinkle tufts, periwinkle cuffs at the end of the sleeves, a blue cape with periwinkle fur, gray pants, and black boots. In " Moon the Undaunted ", teenage River has a full head of hair, with bangs styled in a similar fashion to Star and Moon's. He wears a blue shirt with light-blue trim and sleeve cuffs, a purple belt, a gray and white ruffled collar, large gray trousers, white boots with black soles, and a small gold crown on top of his head.

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Moon helplessly watched as her aunt stormed out of the castle, pulling her cousin along. She lacked Etheria's bursts of energy, appearing soft-spoken and shy, often seeming on the brink of falling asleep. During these challenging times, Comet leaned heavily on the comfort of Ralph, despite him being four years her junior. Both are willingly to manipulate and commit unsavory actions to fulfill a goal that they believe is just Conspiring with Mina and the MHC to dethrone Eclipsa for Moon, Destroying all magic for Toffee. In "Puddle Defender", despite not returning to the castle for her husband at Star's insistence, she expresses her immense worry for him to Buff Frog. She has a lot more impulse control than either her husband or her daughter , likewise as "Game of Flags" shows her extended family aren't much better. In " Divide " and " Conquer ", her hair is thick enough to cover her naked body down to her knees. This event, as further explored in "Moon the Undaunted", forced a teenage Moon to make a deal with Eclipsa in order to defeat Toffee and caused her to drop her original "happy-go-lucky" personality, beginning Moon's lifelong grudge against Toffee and vice-versa. View history Talk 0. In the Battle For Mewni movie keeping Star away from Toffee not only because of how dangerous he now is, but also because the lizard was responsible for killing her mother. Seth, who was rumoured to change appearance every few centuries, had recently gained admiration from the younger Septarians. They decide to teach the Mewmans how to build a new society and be more independent. Disney Wiki Explore. In season four, Moon believes Eclipsa is untrustworthy and will only cause trouble for Mewni.

She was the ruler of the Mewni alongside her husband, River Butterfly , and Star Butterfly 's mother.

Camilla echoed these concerns, suggesting the joint celebration might not be prudent this year. Candle Cares" onward, Queen Butterfly's look is altered slightly; Her crown now has a gold diamond-shaped attachment with a purple diamond in the center, from which two strings of pearls curl around the sides of her hair. However, she does have a warm and caring side for her family. After a heated altercation between them—triggered by Comet discovering Lazlo in the company of another woman—the couple separated. Nevertheless, despite their misgivings, the festivities proceeded, much to both girls' apprehension. Lady of War : She was more dignified and acted more royally when she was Star's age, and even then she was as good in battle as her daughter. Bitch in Sheep's Clothing : In Season 4, she seemingly doesn't have any hard feelings against Eclipsa and tries to discourage the Mewman yurt settlers to not to spread anti-Eclipsa slander, but in fact she does and they are downright hateful and petty. Royal wand: Queen Butterfly was the previous owner of the royal magic wand before passing it down to Star, and she once used it to permanently sever one of Toffee's fingers. Single Woman Seeks Good Man : Back when they were young, River was the only one to treat her casually as opposed to everyone else treating her as either a queen, or as a mourning daughter. Follow TV Tropes.

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