Most powerful hulk

Like the Marvel Comics universe, the MCU has gradually introduced a variety of Hulk characters, ranging from allies to villains most powerful hulk even alternate Hulks from other realities. While Hulk is already powerful to begin with, his strength is potentially limitless, making him easily one of the most powerful characters in the MCU and giving him a distinct advantage over his opponents. While Banner was exposed to gamma rays by an experimental explosive in the comics, most powerful hulk, his MCU counterpart knowingly exposed himself to the rays to test an attempted recreation of the Super Soldier Serum though Banner believed he was creating a means to protect soldiers against radiation poisoning.

The rage-filled Green Goliath gets stronger and dangerous as the fight progresses, making him a truly terrifying force of nature. Whenever the Hulk is not angry, he is an introverted and brilliant scientist, aka Dr. Bruce Banner. In the comics, the Green Goliath has gone through various incarnations over the decades. Though his raging green persona of the Incredible Hulk is most popular, there are actually 12 powerful incarnations of him. The Professor has a cap on his strength installed by Banner, which prevents him from going into rage mode. Dressed in tailored suits, the Joe Fixit comes out only at night.

Most powerful hulk

As he loves to tell anyone who asks, Hulk is the strongest one there is. That is close to the truth as well. There seems to be no limit to the strength of the Hulk, as anger and aggression just raise his powers to almost unthinkable levels. The worse that he is hurt, the stronger he gets. The angrier he gets -- well, you wouldn't like him when he gets angry. However, at the end of the day, that is the base level Hulk. Over the many years that Marvel Comics has told stories of the Green Goliath, there have been many versions of Hulk -- both Banner Hulk's and the extended members of the Hulk family. Each different version of the Hulk has different strengths and weaknesses and not all of them possess the same unlimited potential as the original. There were even times where the main Hulk saw himself depowered and his strength levels fell far below what fans are used to. At the same time, there were stories where the powers of the Hulk surpassed anyone's imagination and made him a very scary, very dangerous being. From the different versions of Hulk to the various members of his extended family, here is a look at the 10 most powerful Hulks ever and the 10 weakest. As with most Marvel Comics superheroes, Hulk powered up over time because what was considered strong in the '60s was very outdated by the time the '90s rolled around. When Hulk debuted, he was not the big Green Goliath. Instead, he was a large gray Hulk that fought crime. He also wasn't that strong -- at least not compared to what he became over the years.

While She-Hulk's strength is comparable most powerful hulk that of the Hulk, her transformation seems to keep her Psyche intact and allows her to maintain her composer in both her base and heightened transformations. He was now the green Hulk with Bruce Banner's genius intellect and he no longer had to worry about raging out, most powerful hulk. Here's every actor who's played the Incredible Hulk since his live-action debut.

The Hulk counts among the most powerful characters in the MCU , but there are a wide variety of versions of the character in Marvel Comics that haven't yet been seen onscreen. Some possess more power than others, with a few like The Immortal Hulk arguably ranking among the most powerful beings in the entire Marvel Universe. The Hulk continues to evolve since his debut in The Incredible Hulk 1 in , not only changing colors several times but exploring new powers and forms in different versions of comic continuity. Other Hulks like the She-Hulk emerged in later years, competing for the title of the strongest version of them all. Trailers for the upcoming streaming series reveal the show will introduce many new characters to live-action, and some may include strong Hulk forms so far only appearing in the comics. With Jennifer's association with a supermax prison containing Abomination and other key Marvel characters, the likelihood that General 'Thunderbolt' Ross appears increases. He perhaps transforms into the Red Hulk, a major Hulk form from the comics and a figure connected to the Thunderbolts, due to get their own movie in Phase 5.

Which version of the Hulk is the strongest? There have been many incarnations of the Hulk appearing over the years, all of them powerful in their own right, but is there one particular incarnation of the Jade Giant that stands above the rest? Fans have speculated for years over which version is the mightiest, with no real consensus ever being reached. Is it the snarky and cunning Mr. The brutal Savage Hulk? Or the tyrannical Maestro? While there is no real consensus among fans over which version of the Hulk is the strongest, a few have been singled out as the top tier, with the World Breaker Hulk, from the World War Hulk storyline prime among them. He returned to Earth, swearing vengeance on Marvel's heroes , and came pretty close to destroying the planet in his anger. How does his strength compare to these other versions? Born out of childhood trauma - and previously cast as the villainous voice within Bruce Banner's mind - the Devil Hulk is immensely strong and possesses grotesque healing powers and the ability to siphon gamma radiation.

Most powerful hulk

The Marvel Universe is a place where there are few definites. Even the most powerful heroes and villains can lose, and being called the best at something doesn't guarantee actually being the best. However, one thing is always certain: the Hulk is the strongest one there is. Over the years, not only has the Jade Giant himself gone through multiple changes, but there have been various Hulks as well. No one wants to fight a Hulk because their great strength is enough to destroy even the most powerful of enemies. However, not all Hulks are created equal, and some are definitely stronger than others. The Ultimate Universe and the Marvel Universe had a lot of differences. Nearly hero was different in some way, whether it be from personalities or powers. With the Hulk, the biggest difference was power level.

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The problem is there was a cap on this energy level and when he reached a certain temperature, he burned out and reverted back to a human, taking him completely out of the fight. In the Ultimate Universe, the Hulk was still strong, but he couldn't beat the Ultimates. Red Hulk might start off stronger, but he won't keep up with other Hulks as they get madder and stronger. Terrifyingly strong, Doc Green could easily rip apart pure Adamantium. If not for this miscalculation, there is little reason to think Logan stood a chance. Though the Hulk recently manifested immortality of his own thanks to his journey in The Immortal Hulk storyline by writer Al Ewing, this version remains a powerful Hulk. Hulkpool fuses the Hulk's staggering brute force with Deadpool's effective immortality. Summary Bruce Banner's alter ego, the Hulk, is one of the most powerful characters in the MCU, with potentially limitless strength. Updated on September 4, , by C. Though his raging green persona of the Incredible Hulk is most popular, there are actually 12 powerful incarnations of him. The MCU has introduced multiple versions of the Hulk, with seven confirmed so far and a possible eighth on the way.

The Hulk is undoubtedly one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe.

The Maestro Hulk also retains his intelligence in his hulked-out form and gained increased strength and endurance from additional gamma-ray exposure, and his power led him to kill off every other superhero on the planet. With an iconic red-skinned look with yellow eyes, the Red Hulk has cemented himself in the upper tiers of the Hulk since his debut. While Banner was exposed to gamma rays by an experimental explosive in the comics, his MCU counterpart knowingly exposed himself to the rays to test an attempted recreation of the Super Soldier Serum though Banner believed he was creating a means to protect soldiers against radiation poisoning. Coming about after the destruction of Sakaar, this version of Hulk's rage gave him amazing strength, but it didn't overwhelm his faculties for reason. The Maestro hails from one of the darkest future timelines of Marvel Comics, debuting in the Future Imperfect mini-series back in After this, he eventually had the Extremis virus removed and turned back into the regular green Hulk again. However, he overthrew the tyrannical Red King and married Caiera to have his son, Skaar. He became a literal Hulk bomb and could destroy entire cities by releasing the Gamma energy. With the Hulk, the biggest difference was power level. Later comics brought him into the present day and he likely appears in the MCU at some point given his importance.

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