msa my story animated

Msa my story animated

My Story Animated Cover Picture. However, it's widely suspected that many, if not most, msa my story animated, of the stories are actually fictional, often due to the videos having extremely implausible or nonsensical things happen within them. The idea of the channel is to tell outlandish stories that occur to teenage characters.

MSA, also known as My Story Animated , is an Philippines animated storytime channel owned by the Filipinos developer Zvoid which is based on stories from the viewers. MSA previously My Story Animated has been criticised by people as containing stories that are exaggerated, outlandish, unrealistic, and even fake, due to the absurdity of the stories. Despite this, their channel continues to grow and they insist that the stories submitted are from real people. Have you also noticed, they fail to be inclusive and lack of diversity of race. They claimed he did not give them any credit and as such his videos containing any of their content would be taken down.

Msa my story animated


She tries to tell one of her worshippers that she's not a goddess in private, but he insists she is. And yes, the fact that it stands for "STD" is completely intentional in-universe.


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Msa my story animated

My Story Animated Cover Picture. However, it's widely suspected that many, if not most, of the stories are actually fictional, often due to the videos having extremely implausible or nonsensical things happen within them. The idea of the channel is to tell outlandish stories that occur to teenage characters. They involve school, family secrets, and other real world topics, however they usually have an unusual twist to them. My Story Animated provides examples of:.

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The second is that it implies her getting distracted while driving was a direct cause of something horrible, but the car crash wasn't caused by any error on her part, but by another driver running a red light. It can be inferred she survived, since Nathan says Aria "saved" her, but there's no explanation as to why she never shows up again. Mind Screw : In "i had no idea they could do that", just about everything presented is Laser-Guided Karma : After her blackmail scheme is exposed, Mrs. Declaration of Protection : Hunter from "i found her after 20 years" solemnly promises to protect Lisa. Hostile Weather : "the window broke and than i saw blood" is about a girl whose area gets hit by a severe storm. Laurie's mother deliberately causes her to have some very serious health problems for money and attention. Tiny Guy, Huge Girl : "I am a bodybuilder and my boyfriend is a tiny little guy" is about a female bodybuilder named Jacquelyn who dates a considerably smaller man name George. Lovable Alpha Bitch : Loren from "we hid in my crush closet when they entered" seems like your typical "mean girl cheerleader" at first, but turns out to have a very kind and caring side that she starts expressing more. The teenage protagonist ends up trapped in an elevator with an old man who tries to force her to marry him through blackmail Swirlie : "my bff locked me in the bath with my crush" has Kara and Alicia getting revenge on Blake for spreading malicious rumors about the former by doing this to him. It turned out the man was actually her manager " 1 Man" was short for 1 Manager , but it's not hard to understand why she thought so.

As it suggests, they mainly post videos that consists of animated stories narrated by voice actors mostly young teenage characters.

This was because she believed that Lizzie had 'stolen her life'. While Helen's teacher Ms. While this causes problems with her love life, she's able to solve them by joining a Facebook group for cheap people looking for partners and finding a fellow miser named Tom. Faux Affably Evil : Marcus from "I Became Rich From Being A Psychopath" certainly knows how to charm people like many sociopaths, but he doesn't actually care about anybody else and is a habitual user and abuser of others. This means he's also his son's uncle, and that any children he has with Cassie would be his son's cousins and half-siblings at the same time. One of the Kids : Amara from "After 30 Years I Am Still 16" is in her mids, but still has the mentality of a teenager due to spending decades in a coma. After her name's meaning becomes more known in her neighborhood due to a family of French immigrants moving in, everyone questions why her parents named her that. She was swapped at birth, like the title suggests. Ambiguous Situation : The video "i had no idea his trick could work" sees its narrator, Dana, get jealous and suspicious when her boyfriend Damien spends a lot of time at her friend Jackie's house and refuses to let her see their text conversations. Her husband and daughter being rather judgmental about her attempts to find new ways of occupying herself didn't help. But after Brian's wife dies, he starts seeing another man named John who helps him come to terms with his sexuality. Animesque : Several videos are varying degrees of animesque and use anime-inspired expressions. While he's certainly good-looking and can be charming when it suits him, he turns out to be a complete scumbag in the bedroom focusing solely on his own pleasure, doing things that hurt his bedmates, etc. Unfortunately for her, Jake turns out to be gay. They're still considered trans, but not binary trans.

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